Walnut is known for its beneficial properties for the intellectual activities of human beings since ancient times. Studies this statement is not confirmed, but the benefits of eating walnuts do not deny.
Particularly useful are the qualities of walnut oil. It includes a number of useful components - retinol, linoleic acid, vitamins of groups B and C, iodine, iron and so on.
This leads to the use of peanut oil in cooking, cosmetics and traditional methods of medicine.
Consistent use of this oil helps to rejuvenate the body, significantly reduces the level of cholesterol, generates a high level of protection of the body, and increases vitality.
Use walnut oil in cosmetology quite extensively, but this aspect is necessary to emphasize the importance of oil to strengthen the hair. This process occurs with the use of oils in food and in the case of its use for a variety of masks for hair.
Traditional recipes using walnut oil
Mask using walnut oil for hair
Great result to hair gives a mask of such oil with honey and eggs. This recipe is vzbitye one egg, add 30 ml walnut oil and 10 g of honey. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed. The resulting mixture is evenly distributed through the hair, well rubbed, cover your head with a towel and leave for half an hour. After soaking the head thoroughly washed.
This mask is good because it helps to increase blood circulation, in consequence of which receive additional hair makeup and are strong and healthy.
Very useful to strengthen the hair is Moroccan oil - which is used not only in medicine and in the food industry and in the cosmetic industry. The company MoroccanOil one of the first who produces the means for hair care on the basis of this precious elixir.
It is important to understand what to expect of the actual effect of the use of walnut oil is only possible when purchasing oil from a reputable manufacturer and pharmacies. This is because the cooking oil, for example, from rotten nuts makes it not only useless but harmful. So make your choice in favor of a trusted source in order to avoid possible negative consequences.
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