Thursday, December 4, 2014

Fulfill the desires themselves!

Fulfill the desires themselves! "They say the New year whatever you wish, everything always happens, everything will come to pass! "says the famous children's author Sergey Mikhalkov. Miracles that happen in this fabulous night, probably familiar to many of us. Maybe we just really looking forward to and believe in them. And maybe it really is some special time, when you open the door to another world - the world of magic, where we hear and help of a higher power. But why desire some people are executed as if by magic, and others guessing-guessing from year to year is the same, but nothing comes out?

Today we will tell readers effective technique desires, proven on their own experience. It is called "success Map", "Map of dreams" or "Map of dreams". Mention this amazing tool can be found in many sources. It describes the world-famous Shakti Gawain in the bestselling book "Creative visualization", Robert stone in the book "Heaven 911", by Louise hay and Natalia Pravdina pay attention to this issue, like many other psychologists, coaches, masters of Feng Shui. Authoritative authors say about the importance of creating a "Map of dreams". Because with its help, you can reach almost everything! And this is confirmed by numerous examples from life.

How to make a classic "map of dreams"

For this we will need a stack of magazines, scissors, glue and a few photos where you love yourself the most. Select the interior, the car, the country house, the scenery, the beauty or handsome, which, in your opinion, are the embodiment of your dreams. Select the positive phrases that resonate in your soul (for example, "I am happy and satisfied with my life" or "I earn money easily and spend it with pleasure"), and stick it all on a sheet of drawing paper.

In the center of this shop be sure to put your picture! Important! Please note that the picture was not gloomy, threatening objects, armed men, and any negative scenes. Only joy, beauty, abundance, love, health, success! If you have children, bring them to this exciting venture - may also make their own Maps of success". The joint work will not only improve your relationship and bring a lot of joy, you will better understand their heirs.

If you have a loved one, husband (wife), make a "family" card dreams. This process will surely give you a lot of interesting discoveries! But the realization and achievement of shared goals - the birth of a child, build a house or your business strengthens relationships, lays a strong Foundation for future achievements.

Where to put your "map of dreams"?

There are several options.

First: in your bedroom on this level, so you can see her in the morning when you Wake up and at night before bedtime. It is very important that the embodiment of your dreams has always been the "eyes".

Fulfill the desires themselves!

Second option: in the upper left corner of the room (if you look from the door) - sector Wealth according to the teachings of Feng Shui.
If your actions cause a negative reaction from others, you can hang up your "Map of dreams" inside the Cabinet with clothes. This is your case, and you have the right to hang in there whatever you want.

Malevolent or idle views and issues can interfere with your plans. Therefore, before the arrival of the guests, it is desirable to remove your "Map" in a secluded place. You should not talk about it to random people. % Envy and misunderstanding can break the thin silver thread, by which, as by wire, running our desires into infinity... take care of your dream!

Modern technologies help to us
Can improve your work. If you are familiar with the program

Photoshopyou can make a very reliable computer collage. Carefully "cut out" their digital photos with the help of this program and paste in the desired photographic interior. The effect is amazing! The absolute accuracy! You can admire yourself in the luxurious interior of a country house or driving a beautiful car.

Another important detail is not necessary to question the reality of the fulfillment of your desires. Do not visualize themselves in the Palace interior, if you really are not going to live in the Palace. It would be nice to write somewhere in the area "Map": "All my wishes come true easily and effortlessly" for the common good", and read the label every time you look at the collage.

Our steps towards happiness
For some reason some people think that after they all faithfully painted and glued, you can stretch out on the sofa and graciously accept the gifts from the Universe on a silver platter. Yes, you tell the Universe about their desires, but on your part will take steps to implement them.

How does "Map of dreams"? You have sent the Universe its application to a happy destiny," and she, in turn, will send you the right opportunity, the right people, amazing coincidences. Your task is to recognize these signs of support, to use these features, not to reject outstretched hand.

Remember illustrative anecdote. One person strongly dreamed of winning the lottery. He prayed to God every day for several years: "Well, help me to win at least once in life! " No result... People were offended and says, "So, still, no you, Lord! Well, really hard to do this tiny desire?! " And suddenly the heavens were opened, and they heard a thunderous voice: "you Stupid man! Buy at least one lottery ticket! "

"Promised three years of waiting"
A very critical point for many people is the time of fulfillment of desires. Now, wishes come true at least through the week, a maximum of three years. Remember? "Promised three years of waiting". From my personal experience - at the end of the year marks about 50% of what is shown on "Map of dreams". A strange event occurred in the life of the daughter. She really likes creativity "Scriabin", so your "Map," she put the picture Kuzma. And just a month later he came to our city! Daughter went to the concert, but got his autograph and took a picture with the star.

Remember - we have relaxed to wait, without straining, not tied very strongly to the result. Set a goal, wrote, drew in his imagination, and "Map of dreams", and go forward, take the invisible assistance, give thanks to the Universe and take it to another level of life, getting in the way a lot of knowledge, priceless friends and precious experience. So, believe me, and you will be stunned by the results!


Valentine Melenevsky, trainer, personal coach: - I use this technique myself, use it and many of my colleagues, we suggest "Map of dreams" on the training objectives. Transfer to paper their desires in the form of a visual image is one of the powerful psychological techniques. Is self-programming, people is configured on luck, and directs your subconscious mind to the task.

Using this method it is possible absolutely everything and always! The only wish is all formulations desires should be only in a positive way. It is wrong to write: "I don't want to be sick", "I am healthy/healthy". Wrong: "I don't want to be one," right - "Next to me is a worthy (and a number of qualities that you would expect from a partner) man". "Map of dreams" - it is a picture of the desired reality. It allows you to form a clear and distinct way that enhances the achievement of the goal. But in any case: will you do the visualization or not, always remember that you are the main Author of my life.



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