From a...
Parkour (from Franz. le parcours - obstacle course) appeared relatively recently. Its founder David Belle was born in 1973 in France. The grandfather and the boy's father served in the fire troops were strong and athletic. Sports became interested in David: he was engaged in acrobatics, climbing, and martial arts. However, the future founder of parkour was not interested in sport for sport, he believed that sports should be primarily useful for life. Inspired by the stories of his father and grandfather, David often imagined how you can overcome whatever the obstacle, in order to save man, how best to navigate, easier and freer to move. From this sense of freedom, sports items and skills to choose the best path and emerged parkour - a sport discipline, incorporating elements of athletics, climbing, acrobatics, martial arts and aimed at non-standard jumping in the city.
At the age of 15 David Belle moved in one of the suburbs of Paris, where he met with a group of guys who shared his passion, and became their leader. The group was called "Yamakasi", it lasted eight years. Just then the bell invented the motto "there are No boundaries, there is only obstacles! ".
Now parkour is becoming more popular, it is used in music videos and computer games, feature films (remember the "Yamakasi" and "13th district"), they are fond of more and more young people. Perhaps the popularity of parkour due to the fact that the "stone jungle" man, on the one hand, I want to feel more free, and to move along the optimal path, even if this path is beyond the scope of standard views of the majority.
Paving the way
People interested in parkour, called traceurs (from Franz. tracer - to pave the way). What gives them their passion, a change of character and attitude towards themselves and the world?
Seventeen-year-old Ilya Ovchinnikov involved in parkour for about three years:
- I have always loved the sport, I had to go to different sections - in particular, tumbling and climbing. And once heard from friends about parkour, I decided to try. Thanks to sport training, immediately became much happen. Now I can do quite complex, interesting tricks. Learned to adequately assess the situation and their own capabilities. This is necessary, otherwise you can get seriously injured if, for example, undertake to perform the trick, which is not yet capable. Gives confidence and a sense that you own your body, in which case it can defend themselves. In addition, learn how to set a specific goal, to overcome obstacles. All this helps a lot in life.
Of course, parents worried about their children, believing that jumping from a height and through various obstacles, flips, and other dangerous elements necessarily lead to injuries. But to make a bruise, sprain, or even, God forbid, dislocation or fracture of restless boys can anywhere - riding on rollers, running in the yard or sitting on the school recess.
And not only boys. And respectable lady, and the old man and the girl still can fall, slipping in the winter on the street. At best they will get a bruise or abrasion, at worst you will get a more serious injury. But the tracers, most likely, will have time to regroup and fall without any unpleasant consequences. Moreover, the ability to fall - this is the first thing mastered in parkour beginners.
- Parkour - it's not extreme, it is very important to represent the execution of the trick in detail, and then everything will be fine, " says Ilya. I for all time practice only once the leg itself skinned, well, there was a couple of scratches, but no major injuries. We even kit not take with them. Of course, it is desirable to have the bandages and hydrogen peroxide, if orderessay. But close, as a rule, always have pharmacies. The only "harm" - can be torn clothes. But to do better in a t-shirt, which is not a pity, because in any case you have to perform roll - fall with a roll over his shoulder, and t-shirt, of course, is stained. And the pants need to choose so that you can make the split. If the clothes are comfortable, if you warm up before you perform the trick, calculate their strength is nothing unpleasant will happen, " says Ilya.
Transitional age children, as a rule, gives parents a lot of trouble. At this time students is repulsed by hand, start to smoke, try alcohol, gather in noisy, frightening passers-by. And jumping over the railing and jumping from a height of teenagers, many adults would react suspiciously and with disapproval: spoil the walls, break the playgrounds, but still probably smoke and drink beer... And will not be right.
The tracers are not vandals. We don't break, it's not in our rules. As for cigarettes and beer... Neither I, nor my friends, we don't drink. And, of course, do not smoke. Smoking interferes to run, to breathe correctly. Smoking will soon be tired, you will not be able to do complex tricks. Alcohol reduces attention, and coordination of movements worsens - it's just dangerous. Of course, additional interested in parkour you can see guys with a cigarette or a beer, but then everyone decides for himself what is more important to him. For most tracers is more important than the ability to make a particularly complex and beautiful trick to achieve his goal, and for that they lead a healthy lifestyle, " says Ilya.
... to B
The optimal age to start training parkour - 14-15 years, when the bones and ligaments are already strong enough. To start training better under the guidance of experienced colleagues who can insure you, tell you how to do this or that element. Otherwise there is a danger of lock failure, which can lead to injury. Good practice elements in the gym, on the soft mats. But if this is not possible and place of training - the street, it is desirable to choose a sandy or grassy area.
Of course, looking at the older guys, and 11-12 year old boys jumping from a height and trying to do flips.
- At this age is not necessary to perform complicated tricks, especially unsportsmanlike guys. The body is not yet ready, and can anything be damaged. It is better to do acrobatics or gymnastics, rock climbing - these sports develop dexterity, allow to achieve a good stretch. You can start to teach the most basic elements. And to 14-15-years teenager will be prepared to practice parkour, - says Ilya.
Parkour involves not only boys but also girls. If guys parkour is often a way of self-affirmation, for girls and even self-defense. Unfortunately, walking the streets alone far from safe, especially in the evenings. And in a situation where the girl pursued, parkour, combining elements of martial arts, the ability to overcome obstacles and to run fast, can help her.
Contraindications to practice parkour almost none.
Clearly, you should consult with your doctor. If the teen heart problems or vestibular apparatus, it is better to avoid fast running and jumping from a height up until health returns to normal. But the psychological fear of heights, like many other fears, parkour helps overcome by gradual complication of tricks and increase height.
Fear can be overcome, " says Ilya. - Help and training to perform the trick, and development of individual elements. And sometimes it's just enough to get angry at yourself - and do it! Parkour useful - used to achieve his goal, and learning needs. Parkour develops agility, coordination, balance, flexibility. I had curvature of the spine, now it's gone thanks to acrobatic elements and stretching. Those who do parkour, can achieve success in other sports.
Tips for beginners
- Choose to practice comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement. It is better to do not sneakers, but sneakers - sneakers feet will be hurt if you jump from a height.
One of the main elements of parkour roll (fall with a roll-over your shoulder). Learn it in the first place and practicing constantly.
- When performing jump land only on the socks, not the entire foot. Legs should be bent. Before you perform this trick, imagine its execution mentally, in the smallest details.
- Count your abilities - don't try to do the items that you have not worked, or to overcome an obstacle that you can't yet afford.
A. Sazonova
The health of the schoolchild
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