Sunday, June 29, 2014

"Cold" women very little!

If a woman feels attracted to, but does not reach the peak of pleasure in sex, it is anorgasmia. It occurs often in contrast to frigidity, when there is no desire. How can we change the situation?

The fragility of female sexuality

Sexy women are physiologically and psychologically more difficult for men.

"It depends not only on bodily reactions, but primarily from her emotional States that are influenced by the events of the day, the relationship with the partner, the phase of the menstrual cycle," says gynecologist Elena Egorova.

"A woman's life is enclosed in a single mental space, so most everyday situations affect her libido, confirms sexologist Irina was. To unsettle can even slight misunderstanding, such as insulting remark colleagues, not to mention a child's illness or dismissal".

The power of female desire is regulated by the operation of the limbic brain, which controls emotions, our instinctive behavior. In a moment of intimacy area of the brain that controls behavior, turn off, and sexual desire increases.

The situation when the erotic attraction is not there at all, is extremely rare, only in this case, sexologists say about the true frigidity. Usually the woman feels the urge and gets pleasure from sex, but orgasm is not always (or never reaches). In the latter case we speak of anorgasmia. Note that if a woman reaches the peak of pleasure only through Masturbation, then anorgasmia it is not.

Periodic lack of orgasm is perfectly normal. Most of the young women at the beginning of sexual life in General rarely have vaginal orgasm. "They are in search of their sexual scripts and erogenous zones, receive sensory experience and gradually get to know yourself," says sexologist Eugene Kashchenko.

The body as evidence

Anorgasmia lasts longer if it was a result of the cheating partner. The woman ceases to trust him, and therefore cannot appear in moments of physical intimacy with him. Constant anorgasmia no apparent reason shows a deep unresolved internal problems. It may reflect an unconscious desire to take revenge on the man for his deception, to resemble the ideal (only daughter belongs to the mother or to keep a child's loyalty to the father.

Some, feeling the growing excitement, can not reach the peak of pleasure - they just "pass".

"As a rule, these women grew up in a Puritan family, " explains Irina was. Parents were punished for innocent experiments with his own body, and games in which children get acquainted with the anatomical features of each other".

Sometimes women unconsciously forbid themselves to experience sensual feelings, blame yourself for any manifestation of their sexuality. Others consciously refuse to play in sexual relations role prescribed by tradition, to be a "vessel" for men, receptacle, host it yourself.

"The process of excitation and discharge occurs in women more diverse and more individual than men, " says Eugene Kashchenko. They are capable of multiple orgasms. And at the same time can get satisfaction from sex without orgasm even years (in contrast to men, the disappearance of orgasm among them often leads to loss of sexual desire and erections)".

In addition, pleasure women can be "provoked" waiting for the love of the meeting, the impulse of passion, even more than by sexual intercourse. It is impossible to localize the female orgasm at some point in the body or genitals. It is conceived in her brain felt all the creature

and can be called an imagination.

The use of pleasure

"The female orgasm is a recent "invention" of humanity: it is known that female apes not feel, " says Eugene Kashchenko. - From the point of view of the evolution of experiencing this woman the highest point of pleasure is useless, because without it, she can conceive and bear children".

However, the "reproductive intentions", as it turned out, can affect the achievement of orgasm. American psychologist Devendra Singh has proved that women planning pregnancy, are more likely to experience orgasm after ejaculation partner, thus they have a longer hold in the body the sperm. Orgasm, in turn, helps the woman to build a relationship with your partner. At the peak of pleasure in her body produces oxytocin, the so-called love hormone, due to which there is a sense of privjazannostei. He seems to be confirming the relationship, "pushing" partners in the arms of each other.

Orgasm can be learned

In most cases, the woman is just not enough sexual experience.

"It is therefore important to explore your own body, for example by means of Masturbation," adds Eugene Kashchenko.

With the experience of a woman is freed from internal prohibitions, the influence of Puritan standards and excessive modesty. Orgasm can learn how to learn to sing, developing the voice.

"But to believe that every physical intimacy should end with orgasm is the best way to disable their sensuality," says Janine revel. If lack of orgasm causes suffering, it is necessary to understand what is wrong with it. But do not think that the orgasm comes automatically: you are not likely to experience standing at the Ironing Board!


N. Gridneva


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