Friday, June 27, 2014

How to raise a happy child?

How to raise a happy child? The child is the net book and it depends on you, how he'll grow up man, because the first entry in this book do just parents.

Parent link

When a child is born, the only native person is the mother. And thanks to her he discovers the world around him. On my mother's facial expressions, emotions and intonations child understands what he did right and what is wrong.

Each kid just need to feel expensive, desirable and in the best. No wonder they say "like a ship call, so it will float". And if you without the slightest pretext call the kid is not the most flattering words, we should not expect that he will become a Prince on a white horse".

Conventionally children can be divided into three groups:

- those who do not hear criticism, only praise

- those who hear and criticism, and praise

those that hear criticism, but not hear the praise

Unfortunately, the majority of children is critical attitude (which took care of the surrounding "pink" world), so they need parental support, care and understanding.

Life success the little man

Man is born to be happy, but "passion" fortunately have to be educated from an early age. The desire for success should be inculcated from infancy. The basis of the "happy life" script correct the child's self-esteem. Depends on how he will interact with their peers, how he will be confident and find your soul mate.

A happy person really appreciates your strength, know about their advantages and disadvantages, and rejoice in victory and accept defeat. From the right of self-esteem depends on the future and the present person. If people strongly determined to win he will win. Therefore, it is better to consider himself perfect, than to sit in the corner like a mouse, and wait for good weather.

How to improve self-esteem

See more often with the child in the mirror. And when you look, say positive words in his address. If the child does not like for some reason his appearance, focus on his appearance.

Not a single victory should not be seen. Even if the essence of the victory is that he has moved down from the hill on which he was afraid to ride.

Smile, smile can lift your mood and self-esteem of so many people, and what to say about the kid, who in the first years of life only with the help of her and can determine your response to his actions.


Women's Magazine

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