The French have a joke: "Who invented heels? The woman constantly kissed on the forehead." But the real story of heels are not so interesting, in a word, old. Another thing - studs, they are created as recently as the 1950's in France, the famous Shoe designer Roger Vivier (Roger Vivier). It began a new milestone in the history of beauty, fashion and... health.
The science of the stiletto
Since then, women stood on the studs, doctors all over the world concerned with the impact of such footwear to health. And most of them came to a disturbing conclusion: according to their estimates, about one third of all women in the world suffer from the unpleasant consequences of wearing heels. The problems are diverse - from athlete foot" to arthritis and other incurable diseases of the joints caused by excessive load on the toe side of the foot. Doctors have even calculated that every two inch heel increases the pressure on toes by about 25%. This increases the risk of "bones" on my feet.
So, heels suffer female toes, knees and back. Although about the last some doctors have a different opinion. It is believed that high heels have a positive effect on posture. That is literally forced us to walk with a straight back. Sounds plausible. In addition, when walking in high heels reduced gluteal, thigh and calf muscles, which allows you to keep your figure in shape. Actress Eva Longoria for the sake of the house for half an hour a day walking on tiptoe.
Studs and sex? Compatible!
Another strong evidence in favor of studs presented Italian scientists led by Mary Cerrato from Verona University.
In their study involved 66 young women were asked to stand on high heels. Meanwhile, while the ladies were walking around, the scientists measured the currents arising in the so-called the pelvis - where are the reproductive organs and their surrounding muscles pleasure". Periodically, the heels have changed, and carried out new measurements. Eventually it was revealed that the optimum height of the heel is 4% of growth (7 cm to 170 cm for women).
What happens: while walking on the heels of the optimal height of the maximum decreases background electrical activity in the most intimate of pelvic floor muscles (close to the vagina). Thus, they can shrink stronger, ready for the emergence of sexual excitation, amplification and subsequent satisfaction.
"I wear studs, " said Maria Cerruto. "I'm tired of listening to those who ascribe to them the harm to health scares curvature of the legs and osteoarthritis. Wanted to protect hairpins making women so seductive".
Height matter?
According to Christian Labutin (Christian Louboutin), which makes the most comfortable shoes in the world, the perfect height studs - 11 see agree With him and favorite designer Carrie Bradshaw from the TV series "Sex and the city Manolo Blahnik (Manolo Blahnik): "do Not go to extremes. Heel above 11, 5 cm bothers to walk nicely and looks neelakanta", warns the designer.
The most gentle option are heels no higher than 4-5 inches. Well, quite suitable for everyday walking to work or shopping. Shoes with those heels look quite elegant, and the load on the foot is much less.
That says statistics?
It turns out that every tenth woman wears studs more than three days a week.
Most men love to see a woman in heels, they had been 75%. And agree with them 50% of the fair sex.
More than half of the women in the world wear heels higher than 10 centimeters.
Well, the beauty of wins, obviously. The main thing that it was appropriate. High heels and walking in the Park is decorated with the leg mistress, but questioned the presence of her common sense. After all, it is important not only what to wear, but where and how.
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