A few tips that may help your sexual partner to understand that the statement "sex in a condom - like smell the flowers in the mask"... you can deny!
Buying as an element of love foreplay
One of the most enjoyable elements of sexual relations are anticipation and hope. Do not deprive yourself of this pleasure, if you're going to make love with the use of rubber products. On the contrary, make the choice of condom in the element of love foreplay.
Don't send partner for a condom in the first paragraph of their sale, and go "rubber friend" together. Choose preservative in line with your sexual expectations on this night.
Embarrassed that someone from buyers you know? Go a little farther from home.
Believe me, this approach itself opravdaet!
Don't be afraid of novelty!
Pimples, antennae, rings and other stuff-dryuchki on the condom can make a significant contribution to the pursuit of pleasure both partners. Don't be afraid to experiment and buy untested you hitherto condoms - they may surprise you!
For example, sex in total darkness with the use of a luminous condom really excites many lady.
Add taste
Try for a variety of condoms with different flavors: cherry, raspberry, strawberry, chocolate, the taste of watermelon or melon. And remember that Blowjob in condom will eliminate the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.
Before putting on
Axiom: that sex was a success, to put the condom on the male organ of love lady should. "To extract the rubber product and put it on a member such action in many cases lead the man to the anticipation of ecstasy, and, conversely, to decrease the degree of sexual arousal and even to loss of erection.
And therefore... Before preservative will be on his penis, he, the condom must visit in your hands. And preferably in the mouth... But first, of course, in the hands.
Will you pull it or take away from men - not so important. When your fingers touch the coveted upakovki, don't hurry. Show "Contoso" man, but she at this time look in the person's eyes (try not to blink) and oblyzyvaj and pokusivaj own lips. Great psychological and sexual effects + decent erection partner will not keep you waiting.Put his mouth
This technique is considered to be one of the most sexual acts in private life. Will master this technique, and complaints about safe sex from the mouth of your partner will be much less.
Of course, if you're still a beginner, it will take some time to reach the heights of excellence. Have a little practice. For training use condoms with like you taste.
How to put on condom with mouth
Putting on a condom can be an ordeal, and maybe a fun prelude to great sex. If you can please him during this difficult for men of business, he will be less likely to complain about the "difficulties" of safe sex. With our help you will learn one of the most sexual techniques: putting on the condom with your mouth.
Carefully open the packaging and put the condom in her mouth, the teeth, the tip inside. Press the tip of the tongue to the sky.
Take the penis of his partner in his mouth. Thus, the head will come right in the condom. Squeeze her lips and using language rascati the condom down to the end.
Play language with his head and bridle, so that the process brought him pleasure.
Try not to hurt a member of your teeth so as not to scare the man.
Don't be shy to correct condom with your hand, while you haven't reached the top of the skill.
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