The first salads learned to make the ancient Romans - they cut the endive, parsley, onion and add them with honey, pepper and salt. Then to improve food joined the French and added lettuce, cabbage, cucumbers, celery, artichokes. To the XVII-XIX centuries to fresh vegetables joined boiled root vegetables (carrots, beets, potatoes), eggs, salinity and lots of new stations. As a result, the salad turned into a dish that allows you to put in it everything: meat, fish, vegetables, herbs, preserves, pickles. That's just not all these ingredients are safe.
Who lives in the arugula?
It would seem that it may be more useful in a salad than lettuce, arugula, iceberg lettuce, Romano, dill, parsley and Basil! However, these green creation became the leaders of the rating "the Most dangerous products" made by science centre, controlling the quality of food in the U.S.. In America it was registered 13 568 poisoning norovirus, Salmonella and E. coli that people got from leaf salads. How is this possible? It's very simple: a person buys greens, spolaskivayut her chops and salad, not thinking about the fact that the plant can remain in the soil particles and insects. So do not be lazy and thoroughly clean all leaves. And then soak them in cold water to cells came nitrates. Incidentally, herbs and leafy salads perfectly accumulate these harmful compounds. So do not buy a giant rocket salad or iceberg, do not take the hard dark green leaves and cut their stems (they have more chemistry).
After green in second place on the ability to accumulate nitrates are the roots. Beets for salads usually cook, so it's safe, but with carrots and radishes have to be careful. Buying orange beauty, do not take the copies with green tops - this is a sure sign of nitrate vegetable - and in any case, cut the tip of 1-1, 5 cm. Another distinctive feature-rich chemicals root - giant size. Quality carrots should be no more than 20 cm, and radishes - 4 cm in diameter. Fruits that grow above the ground, usually less nitrates, but they may also attend. For example, full of chemistry cucumbers you can find out by dark green color (pure fruit - relaxing herbal tincture). Buying cabbage, do not take a vegetable with large, protruding veins, and the loaf, it is better not to use it since it is in these parts accumulate nitrates. And try to choose domestic vegetables - they are the most environmentally friendly. If the country field is 30 kg fertilizer, the Netherlands - 500-600 kg. And regulations in Russia stricter. For example, in America the maximum allowable concentration of nitrates in beets is 3600 mg/kg, and our rejected if it contains more than 1400 mg/kg.
Sticks without crab
Today, almost everyone knows about that crab sticks - product-blende, in which crab meat replaced by a fillet of Pollock, haddock, hake or whiting. However, many Housewives this fact does not bother. "Fish - this is great! - I think they are. - It is useful and dietary". That's only in the crab sticks it contains at best 25%. The bulk of the product is starch, egg powder, salt, sugar, vegetable oil and stabilizers. Taste create flavors and MSG, and red stripes - Carmine, carrageenan and other dyes. Released, making crab salad, we did not prepare the protein and starch dish akin to potato or pasta. Moreover, it is very sakimichan, therefore, violates the metabolism and leads to excess weight.
What a terrible sausage?
All nutritionists say that from sausages in salads should be abandoned. They should be replaced with chicken breast, Turkey or beef. Because the quality of meat in modern sausage cat laugh. Instead, put starch, bone meal, offal, veins, brine with carrageenan. Especially sin chemistry cooked sausages, production technology which allows you to do it. With Carbondale, ham and other solid pieces of meat also not going smoothly is to increase the mass of their spritual brines: expensive delicacies can add 10% of carrageenan, cheap 100%. More or less "meat" remain the only dry smoked and cured sausages and ham, but they have other disadvantages - a large number of spices, flavorings and salt.
What is the color of olives
Canned peas and corn, olives, cucumbers and mushrooms... When such delicacies are in the salad, it can't be called useful. In canned foods high in salt and vinegar, which leads to the violation of water exchange and acidification of the body. If you put them in your salad, refer to peas and corn were rolled up under the lid in the summer immediately after harvest. If there is a winter date of manufacture, means, salted dried beans. If you love olives, you better choose the first. The fact that the producers don't want to wait for the full ripening of the olives and achieve the desired color using chemistry. Olives processed with alkali, is passed through the oxygen and add gluconate iron (E), which helps the product is not discolour. All sold in us cheap olives made it so. Natural are expensive and are heterogeneous color and different shades of black - purple, reddish.
Balsamic and other
Some Housewives are added to salads vinegar - balsamic, wine, cider. And in vain. Acetic acid is not necessary for those who want to lose weight. The breakdown of fat is better in an alkaline environment, and the vinegar makes it acidic and interferes with the process. In addition, arugula sprinkled or iceberg lettuce with balsamic or sherry dressing, you will not only be satisfied in this salad, but even more will provoke your appetite.
Expert opinion
Alex Dobrowolski, the dietitian:
If you follow health, you should not be a product such as mayonnaise. This high-calorie dressing consists of starch, artificial additives and flavor enhancers, addictive (in a light mayonnaise them more). Try to abandon the multicomponent mayonnaise salads type of Mimosa and Olivier. Soy sauce is also not abuse - it's too salty. Combine vegetables with meat, fish or cheese and tuck them natural sour cream or vegetable oil
Bogdanova T.
Arguments and facts
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