In the heat of summer it is so nice to enjoy the fresh taste of flavored beer. And it's not about the beer, and drink, which is typical for Slavic tradition - about kvass. This drink has an ancient history and has captivated many generations of our compatriots.
He not only will refresh and you will be able to quench an insatiable desire, but will saturate the body with nutrients and vitamins, and its sour taste, with no less than confuse.
Recipes for making kvass myriad, though now rarely taken to prepare this drink at home. In shops you can buy bottled kvas good quality or concentrates of different brands for its preparation. In cooking kvass can be used as the basis of cold soups, as a marinade for meat, one of the ingredients, baking, etc.
The use of kvass
- improves metabolism;
- has beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system;
- thirst quencher because it contains lactic and acetic acid;
- has high energy value;
- AIDS in digestion due contained in the carbon dioxide;
- increases appetite;
- raises vitality;
- can be used as a mild diuretic and laxative.
The brew contains:
- vitamins and vitamin E: it is very useful for those who have problems with their eyes, liver, and brain circulation;
- available amino acids that positively affect various organs;
- sugar, which make kvass valuable energy source;
- trace elements: magnesium, zinc, selenium and others;
valuable enzymes that increase the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.
Kvass is contraindicated in cirrhosis of the liver, gastritis, hypertension, colitis and gout, and because of the alcohol content (very low, from 0, 7 to 2, 6 %) it is better not to give his children up to 3 years.
Kinds of kvass
In fact, to prepare the brew from various products of plant origin, which can be subjected to the fermentation process. Officially there are two main types of kvass:
Brew on a grain basis (flour etc) - bread. Raw materials for the manufacture of such kvass serve rye flour, sugar, malt (rye or barley), yeast, leavened bread, lactic acid bacteria and water.
Kvass based on vegetables or fruits
(also berries and roots, and herbs) - fruit, vegetable, and berry. Brew this kind is or ordinary bread kvass, flavored with juice or jam of the mentioned fruits and berries, or is prepared directly from the juice, fruit, herbal infusion, without the addition of bread or flour.
In a separate category it is possible to allocate
tea kvass then there is a drink made with Kombucha. Tea, otherwise Japanese, Manchurian mushroom is a jelly-like formation, consisting of a special kind of bacteria and yeasts. In the result of the activity of these microorganisms in the infusion of the fungus are formed organic acids: acetic, lactic, gluconic, etc. In kvass contains a small amount of vitamin C.
The malt. A traditional ingredient for making kvass. Without it, in fact you can do or buy already prepared kvass malt shop. Malt is usually used rye and barley or wheat, roasted or unroasted (depends on the sweetness and color of the brew). To prepare the malt at home is as follows: grain cereal choice should be washed and soaked in water until germination (about 1-2 days). Continue to germinate in cool place until noticeable seedlings and roots, turning occasionally grain. The finished malt is a big part of the roots will reach about half an inch long. The malt is dried in warm in the oven or in the sun). Separate the seedlings. Also fried, if necessary. Before use, the malt should be ground into flour.
The yeast. This ingredient helps kvas get ready faster and makes it taste more bread. It is better to take live fresh yeast - and then the taste of the drink will be more enjoyable. But yeast, previously added to water, can be used to prepare this drink.
Water. Water for making kvass is better to take boiled, high quality, without impurities, warm or room temperature.
Bread (flour, cereals basis) basis. For the preparation of wort use rye, barley, wheat, buckwheat and oatmeal, rice; bread choose rye, and wheat, before use, it must be dried well, then the color of the brew will be more intense and more intense fermentation.
Forbs basis. As an alternative bases of flour and bread for making kvass can take almost any fruits and berries, juices (fruit and vegetables), fruit drinks and herbal infusions and teas, pickles. It all depends on your imagination and taste.
Sugar and other sweeteners. Sugar is added to the brew before fermentation rate of 1 kg per 10 litres of sugar If you put less brew faster cease to wander, if greater, and the fermentation lasts longer, and brew the result is more dramatic and intense. Also instead of sugar in the brew, you can add molasses and honey, which will change the taste of the drink, and sweet dried fruits: dates, raisins and apricots.
Other ingredients. In order to give the brew different flavors in it add a variety of fruits, dried fruits, spices, herbs, leaves, roots, etc.
Ware. For making kvass is better to choose an enamel or glass cookware with a wide throat for fermentation, like barrels, vats, large pots and pans. Before preparing the drink vessel should be thoroughly cleaned and steamed to stop the growth of pathogenic bacteria and perekisnoe the finished product. Ready brew can be stored in ceramic jars, jugs, various, including plastic bottles and glass jars are tightly sealed to brew longer retain their useful properties and did not precisel.
The process of home cooking
Bread kvass. A mixture of malt, rye, wheat or other flour or crumbs fall asleep in a special bowl and brew boiling water. When welding usually take about 1/10 part of the total amount of water to all portions of kvass. The result is to form a thick pasty mass, which should drain and leave for souring. In flour, bread or cereal based add sugar and yeast (or yeast starter: yeast should be diluted in warm water and leave until the first bubbles), and the rest of the ingredients. And leave on time for digestion. Then pour the drink into a kitchenware store. And leave on time in a cool place to ripen. Usually the process of making kvass takes about 4-5 days, rarely 2-3 days.
Fruit kvass (vegetable, berry). This brew to cook a little easier. For this fruit to pour water on it, a little boil (this is not required), add sugar, yeast and ingredients to taste and leave for fermentation for 1-2 days in a warm place and then for 2-3 days for maturation.
If the brew is left in an open container, the drink will be soft, not too spicy and slightly fizzy.
If the dishes with kvass clogging, in this case formed during fermentation carbon dioxide will not find out and dissolved in the drink, and the brew will be more fizzy and sharp.
During fermentation kvass foams and therefore it is bottled. To fermentation after bottling stopped, put them in a cool place in a horizontal position.
Kvass in open dishes better not be stored in the refrigerator more than 2-5 days. So it is not peroxide, same goes for bottled kvas industrial production.
Women's Magazine
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