Sunday, August 31, 2014

How to trick your brain

How to trick your brain

Our mind, which we are proud and trust, deceives us, saying that what is right is wrong, and what we hate, we love, etc. Recognition and debunking these traps of the mind is very important for the implementation of our right to happiness.

Check out this list of how often you are deceived by their own mind.

I would have been happier if I had less to work.

Our mind often resorted to this argument, claiming that we would be happier if it didn't have to work. We imagine a life full of amusement, and are deceived into thinking that we would be happier. However, the reality is that idleness is often the main cause of boredom and depression. We are hardworking, creative creation. We need to solve problems and improve, to be happy. Get up and put his whole soul into something meaningful for yourself and you will see how rose is your degree of happiness!

It's not me, it was them.

Our mind tries to make us believe that the cause of our unhappiness for the people around us, our spouses, parents, etc. We are ready to throw accusations left and right, as the kid throws toys in kindergarten. Of course, for "tango it takes two" - as we condemn others as much, if not more, we feel guilty for the unhappiness of others. We must take responsibility for our life situation, and to do everything possible to improve it. The moment we take responsibility for his life, will serve as the Foundation of our true happiness.

In order to be happy, I just need to open the secret of happiness.

I am sure that there are no secrets to happiness or success. No matter how convinced us books, authors and our own mind, any secret keys from doors Simple human happiness there. You create a picture of your desired future, shape your strategy and then persistently and diligently working on its implementation. There are no short cuts to cherished goal, and no secrets. Acceptance of this fact will bring you much further on the path of happiness than anything else.

If I had...

Our brain tries to convince us that we would be happier if we had the right job, the right house, the right car or something like that. There is nothing wrong in wanting the best of things and circumstances, but that doesn't make us automatically happy. They may temporarily to cheer us up, but it passes quickly. Those who want lasting happiness, must realize that the barrel desires bottomless, and it never fills dovera.

I love what I have and don't want changes.

Allowing yourself to think this way, we create all the preconditions for the drop down. Life is a journey in constant change. Some of them we control, some can't. Resistance to change or attempt to take everything under their control are doomed to failure. Change is inevitable. You have to accept it and learn to sail in a continuous stream of changes. The ability to adapt is very important for happiness.

If something did not happen for me, it never will be.

Our mind often despair and be disappointed a few steps away from success. Perseverance is very important to achieve happiness. Never let your mind trick you and accept your defeat. You don't know what will bring you tomorrow. Only one day - it may be all you need to achieve your dreams.

I'm just going to avoid those things that I don't like to do.

Generally, it refers to the complex task, when our mind tries to convince us this way. Unfortunately, it's often something that can bring the greatest reward for us. What kind of business you have set aside? Why? Procrastination and evasion from doing important things, nagging, only delay the onset of happiness. Attack these goals, and you will throw a powerful fuel to the fire of your happiness.

The world is dangerous and could happen to me something terrible.

Our mind tells us that there are many things beyond our control. For example, natural disasters, crime, economic crisis. Fear is a powerful emotion which the mind tries to control us. We must look for new facts and trust them to break free and be happy.

I will decide when exactly will know what to do.

The more you think, the sooner you get nowhere. Weighing the risks, potential analysis and the adoption of the plan are important factors, but nothing happens until there has been no decision and action. We very rarely have complete information for decision making. Stop the doubt! Failure is not the end of the world. Do not allow your mind to take you into the trap of total analysis of anything else.

I know I shouldn't, but...

Our mind tries to trick us, denying the consequences of our bad habits. This is especially true health issues. "I know I should not smoke, but it helps me to lose weight". Or how about this: "I don't have this feature, but if I can't enjoy life, then why bother to live." Health problems - of course, it is a challenge to your happiness. Do not let your mind catch you in a trap of self-justification and condescension to their weakness.

Dreams come true for those who are lucky.

Mind telling us tales about the fact that we are toys in the hands of fate. This leads to the idea that anything good in this life can not happen. What our mind sees as luck from others is often the result of invisible long and laborious work. Believe in your dream with all your heart, and you will be surprised how often on this path you are waiting for the luck.

I could never.

Our mind deceives us, saying that we can't. "I never really happened". "Not at my age". "Not with my talents. Don't fall for this trick. Your mind can be very creative and can easily cheat you, if you let it. You are full of potential, and although your circumstances may add complexity to the task, a little perseverance and ingenuity will help you overcome anything. If you think you can - you are right, if you think you can't - you are right too.

If you notice that your mind is playing these games, looking through his tricks where lies the road to your real happiness!

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