Getting rid of the unwanted hair has long excited women. On what tricks they gave no: was decolorized hair and pulled them, burned and taken out using poisons. In ancient Egypt had hair removed using a mass consisting of sugar, water and lemon.
In our time the battle cosmetologists with this problem until the end won. But there are methods that give good and long lasting results, unless of course you have a little time, patience and desire to be irresistible.
For a long time procedure removing unwanted hair on the legs, arms, underarms and bikini was considered summer. However, modern lifestyle and aesthetic norms make women to return to it throughout the year. It is much better looks beautiful lingerie, seductive body, fashion swimsuit, if the skin is clean and smooth.
In the beauty salon can offer a few methods of hair removal: electrolysis is usually, epilation and depilation. At home usually used razors, electric epilator, creams epilator and kits for waxing.
Electrolysis is usually
It is quite painful and expensive procedure. During one session is processed only a small area of skin. Besides it is not excluded minor burns and scars, and the result is often not worth the money and time.
Laser hair removal
This procedure is less painful than electrolysis is usually. But the laser is not effective on blonde hair and inefficient with dark skin, often after the procedure, there are minor burns, which are the result of improper procedure.
Razor and electroepilation
Depilation shaving machines and electric epilator, as a rule, many women cause severe irritation and associated unpleasant consequences. Although this method is by far the cheapest and fastest. But even using the most modern shaving machine, you run the risk of injury, and new hair grows back in just a day, and most men still prefer smooth female skin, not scratchy stubble.
Homemade electric epilator fundamentally from razor are no different. The hair is not removed from the root, often break off, and then grow more and more. In addition, very often after using home epilator there is such a nasty thing as ingrown hair.
By far the most popular, reliable and economical way to remove unwanted hair remains depilation, i.e., hair removal using wax and resins. Waxing is a procedure classic, and means at all times. No other method of hair removal can not meet all the requirements of clients to this delicate procedure. First, depilation provides complete and immediate removal of hair from the root on any part of the face and body. And you can forget about nasty hairs for at least 3-4 weeks. Secondly, depilation has no contraindications except for the individual intolerance. Thirdly, the skin after the procedure is perfectly smooth, and the slightest irritation goes away quickly. And, finally, the procedure in the salon is not expensive, and at home any woman can handle it itself.
What wax should I choose?
The choice of wax depends on hair, skin type and body parts that will be subjected to hair removal, and, in addition, from the time of year when the procedure is carried out. In the good salon always use several types of waxes.
First of all, the wax should be of good quality. A recognized leader in the production of means for bioepilyatsii is a Spanish company SEM S. A., represents on the Russian market for more than 9 years Beauty brand Image. The products of this brand has gained love not only cosmetologists, but women who appreciate the time, money and quality. Collection Beauty Image presents wax with additives for various types of skin, preparations for the treatment of skin before and after epilation, special heaters and paper, sets of bioepilyatsii at home, natural color cream for bikini design.
Waxes are different: hot, warm and cold.
A quick and easy way to remove hair at home, on vacation, on business trip - cold wax. This is more ready to use a strip of paper coated with wax operates on the principle of the patch. Plate with wax available in several sizes: narrow face, wide - body.
Hot wax is typically used in a beauty salon for holding the bioepilyatsii especially in the bikini area, face and armpits, and legs and arms, when the client is very thick and hard hair. Hot wax Beauty brand Image is very plastic, has a thick consistency and is especially useful when performing bikini design. Hot wax is heated in a special volplane to a liquid state, then trowel applied to the skin. Cooling down, it forms a film, which is removed along with the unwanted hair. For applying hot wax is used a wooden spatula, and removal does not require paper. Contraindication for the application of hot wax on the feet is the disturbance of peripheral circulation (varicose veins).
Warm wax or a wax of low temperature is heated to a liquid state, and when applied to the skin with a very thin layer immediately cools to body temperature without thermal effects on the skin, not injured any nearby vessels or veins. Then the wax is removed using a special paper. Thanks to the peculiarities of consistency, the wax is easily bonded even with small hairs. Not intended for reuse, this wax has been successfully used in salons and at home, as the most hygienic remedy for hair removal on all areas of the face and body. Warm wax Beauty brand Image is available for different skin types with various aromatic additives in tape systems roll-on and metal cans. Cartridges or cans with wax heated to the desired temperature in a special heater with built in thermostat that allows you to avoid burn.
The warm wax is water-soluble wax on the basis of cane sugar and glucose, the so-called sugaring. The advantage of this wax is that it is easily warmed up in hot water and residues are removed with the help of water. It does not cause allergies and irritation to even the most sensitive skin. Suitable for hair removal on any parts of the face and body, as well as for delicate removal of lanugo hair after photo-, phyto - and electrolysis.
Hair removal at home
Depilation with hot and warm wax is better to trust the experienced cosmetologist, but if you have decided to cope with the extra hair at home, be sure to read the instructions to the means by which you decide to use.
For those who have little experience and not very hard hair, best special wax plate. The composition of the wax deposited on the plate, are substances of plant origin, which do not irritate the skin and slow down the growth of hair.
Very convenient method of hair removal is a mini-sets, which includes the cartridge with wax paper to remove wax and oil wipes for skin care after waxing. You should remember that any wax, except shugaring, do not rinse with water and remove its remains can only use oils or lotions containing oils. For those who don't like to use wax suitable depilatory cream with oat extract, which not only quickly and painlessly removes hair, but has a softening and moisturizing effect, skin after the procedure remains gentle and soft. The cream includes substances that slow the growth of hair.
Skin care before and after bio epilation
The success of bioepilyatsii depends on the correct skin care before and after the procedure. Before bio epilation using tonic skin must be clean and dry, because the wax can be used only on clean and dry skin.
After any type of hair removal is necessary to apply a soothing, anti-irritant and emollient funds. The choice depends on your skin type. If you want new hair does not grow as long as possible, grew less, were more thin and bright, immediately after the procedure, apply skin lotion that slows the growth of hair.
Ingrown hairs
This problem, unfortunately, excites many. After epilation, hair weaken, become more subtle, some of them grow correctly, grow into the skin, damaging it. On the site of the ingrown formed painful inflamed bump (this condition is called pseudofolliculitis).
For the correct solution of this problem, you should consult with a beautician. Here you can make the following recommendations:
After the procedure, you must use the tools that restore the skin after epilation, and then means that slow growth and prevent ingrown hairs.
It is necessary regularly to soften and exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin particles of the epidermis to the hair during its growth was not trapped, preventing, thus, this problem occurs.
Many cosmetic companies produce special tools. For example, the French company Ericson Laboratoire offers a line Epilex2 (serum lotion), specifically designed for skin care after waxing. Due complextm ARP 100 from extracts of pink fireweed, Sereno creeping and pumpkin seeds, these drugs inhibit hair growth, weaken the hair follicle reducing the hair's ability to recovery and growth. Regular exfoliation and the application of these tools in between depilation ensures that the loose ends of the hair will not grow under the skin. The lotion helps moisturise and soften the skin, makes it more soft and supple. If these measures do not help, your skin is very sensitive and prone to ingrown hairs, it is better to choose a photoepilation procedure.
Waxing at home
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