According to statistics, stretch marks spoil much smaller number of females in the population compared with cellulite.
But still they do not cause much joy. To get rid of them yet! Only, it will make it much harder for the long term of their appearance. In such cases, it may only help the technique of plastic surgery. Therefore, pay attention to some Moody effective removal of stretch marks.
All procedures can be divided into home and salon. And you should only opt for you need.For salon treatments include ozone therapy, mesotherapy, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, laser removal of stretch marks and microcurrent therapy.
At home with stretch marks can be treated with special massages, scrubs against stretch marks, cellulite creams. Also, it is less efficient way is diet against stretch marks. But, do not be afraid of this terrible word. The word diet refers to a special regulation of the daily diet for a meal, rich in trace elements and vitamins.
There are also effective folk remedies for stretch marks during pregnancy and in all other cases, when you are still unable to avoid the appearance of unsightly scars.
Folk remedies for stretch marks is very easy to use and have a clear advantage before a special medical procedures: they are available to all and make it possible to get rid of stretch marks at home. So, how to get rid of stretch marks natural remedies?
How to get rid of stretch marks on the skin using a special homemade scrubs? They can be done on the basis of salt, sugar, ground coffee or weak coffee grounds with olive or other vegetable oil or sour cream. You can add essential oil and RUB the mixture into the problem areas for 10-15 minutes while taking a shower. Then rinse using a contrast douches and grease the nourishing cream. Homemade scrubs are very effective folk remedy for stretch marks when you use them several times a week.
How to get rid of stretch marks on the body by rubbing special blends? Mix 10 drops of extracts of rosemary, lavender, Jasmine, lemon juice, orange oil, add 100 ml of jojoba oil. Leave on the day in the dark in closed containers. Rubbed into problem areas or to use during a massage.
Mixture on the basis of Shilajit. Dissolve 1 g mumie 1 spoon of boiled water, add baby cream (80 g), stir. RUB 1 per day at the problem. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator.
How to get rid of stretch marks on the hips with the help of massage? Regular massage of problem areas using a variety of oils - a great folk remedy for stretch marks. Massage will suit almond or orange oil, rosemary oil, hazelnut oil, wheat germ oil. All these oils are rich in vitamin E - it makes the skin supple and elastic. Massage should be done gently without stretching the skin, without a strong pressing.
Is there a remedy against stretch marks and methods of dealing with striae? In contrast to the methods of getting rid of stretch marks at home the following methods to restore the skin can only be applied in medical clinics and medical spas.
Treatments in the salon
So, how to get rid of stretch marks after birth using specialized procedures? Here are key methods:
- Aromatherapy with the use of refined vegetable oils
- The course of cold or hot compresses using algae, essential oils and medicinal herbs
- Balneotherapy and thalassotherapy and SPA
- Mesotherapy: biologically active substances lead injection (or under pressure in the case of injection-free mesotherapy), under the skin it breaks up large fat molecules into small, cleansing from cholesterol and toxins, increasing microcirculation
- Oxygen-ozone therapy: the scars become lighter due to the acceleration of the metabolism in the skin
- At a rough stretch marks helps chemical peeling - skin noticeably younger and noticeably feels refreshed, the result lasts a long time
- Effective laser resurfacing stretch marks: the skin becomes smooth
Some women, however, does not strive to learn how to get rid of the stretch marks or scars caused by sudden fluctuations in weight, and resort to radical methods such as surgical correction of skin with skin transplantation sites.
Well, now you know how to get rid of stretch marks on the body, which is an effective anti-stretch marks how to get rid of stretch marks natural remedies which you can use for stretch marks during pregnancy and how to prevent their occurrence. However, there are General rules that should be followed to get the result as soon as possible.
Remember that stretch marks on the body - it is a serious skin damage, and to restore, can require significant time. To get rid of stretch marks can not at once: it will take months or even years of hard work. The first result can be visible after a few weeks.
The main secret of success in getting rid of stretch marks - regularity and constancy. Any methods do not yield results, if you remember them from time to time".
It is best to use a complex effect: a folk remedy for stretch marks, the use of special beauty and water treatments, herbal medicine, exercise, acupuncture, special diet and massage.
And remember: the fight against stretch marks will be more successful if you firmly believe in success and know what they want to achieve!
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