In moments of immersion in an intermediate state between sleep and waking, the body itself restores and rejuvenates. Those lucky ones who have learned to achieve this physiological Nirvana, no drugs are needed!
The transistor in the head
Our brain emits electromagnetic waves that can be recorded using a special instrument, the electroencephalograph. When you sleep, dominated by low-frequency currents - they are designated by letters of the Greek alphabet "Delta" and "theta". When you are awake, arise high frequency beta waves, and when immersed in dreams, you receive the alpha rhythm, which modern scholars see the key to the psychological state and health. Healthy usually encephalogram't do it, but in vain! Her picture can tell many interesting things.
Dominated by beta waves? So, you are cheerful, energetic, full of ideas and ready to move mountains. But everything is good in moderation: excess beta activity, passing in sorcerery gamma range, indicates severe stress, fear or anxiety, bordering on panic, but enough about fatigue, depression, memory impairment and attention.
Worst of all, when suffering from enormous stress the brain is entirely switched to beta mode, and alpha and theta waves, which are responsible for relaxation, hardly produces. Holders of such encephalo grams do not know how to relax. To relieve stress, they need powerful drugs. Someone enough to smoke a cigarette or drink a glass of wine, and someone starts the novel with the work, collecting sexual partners, his money, putting their lives at risk, diving, or even sits on drugs.
Such citizens have heightened sensitivity, as if born without a skin, therefore, respond to trouble sharper than those of alpha - and beta-rhythms balanced. The most important thing for them is to disconnect the external stimuli in critical moments, for example to close my eyes and dive in yourself. They should be overexcited as the brain begins to produce calming alpha waves.
Test for alpha-activity
- Feel it does not matter?
- Fall asleep with difficulty?
You maximalist?
- Bring it all to perfection?
Work overtime?
- Lack of fresh ideas?
- Live in the city?
- Smoke?
- Make reckless spending?
- Addicted to computer games?
- Distracted and forgetful?
- Function mode chronic time pressure?
Head heavy, hard to focus?
- Often lose your temper?
- Feel anxiety and/or depression?
- Suffer topographical cretinism (not familiar on the ground)?
Evaluation of the results. The more Yes answers, the less the brain produces the healing of alpha waves, the higher the level of stress and wear on the body. Learn to relax, reaching alpha status! The simplest technique: closing the eyelids, imagine drawing with chalk on the Board horizontally disposed eight - the sign of infinity. Turned out? Try to draw another character in mind. Until you train the imagination, the nervous system is configured to alpha mode.
The waves health
Alpha (8 to 14 Hz). The brain works in this range, building bridges between the conscious and the subconscious, when you dream or quietly thinking about something at the intersection of dreams and reality. Alpha rhythm heals and brings to your attention the tips of the subconscious helps to remember dreams, and images and thoughts coming during meditation. If you your dreams don't remember, then alpha activity is low, and the stress level increased!
Beta (14 to 30 Hz). The classical rhythm of wakefulness is accompanied by intense intellectual activity or physical activity.
Gamma (above 30 Hz). The appearance of these waves indicates the stress!
Theta (5 to 7 Hz). This is a coded message from the depths of the subconscious, positivamente on EEG meditating and sleeping man. Theta waves awaken memories (long-term memory and emotions. Between their intensity and creativity is a direct correlation!
Delta (from 0, 5 to 4 Hz). This rhythm occurs in sleep, trance, or under hypnosis. Such waves are associated with the voice of intuition. The higher the amplitude, the more acute than people!
Anti-aging-level Zen
In the East is considered: the time devoted to prayer and meditation, is deducted from your age - because in such moments, the body does not age. How is this possible? To this question he tried to answer in 1957 Japanese psychiatrist, Kasamatsu. He lifted the electroencephalogram (EEG) from a Buddhist monk, practicing Zen meditation, and found a sharp increase in alpha activity.
After 9 years of Kasamatsu spent extended the experiment by plugging in a colleague by the name of Hirai. Together they go through EEG 48 monks and their disciples, and recorded the EEG before, during and after meditation. Although all participants were plunged into it with open eyes (usually alpha rhythm does not appear until the vision works), splash relaxing waves arose at 50 seconds after entering into a meditative state. Their amplitude is first increased, then decreased, turning in background activity, and at first the plan was made by the theta rhythm, indicating a deep inner concentration.
Only in the alpha state, coming in contact with subcortical centers that control internal organs and metabolic processes, people truly becomes the "king of nature". It can cause the heart to beat slower or faster, to reduce the increased temperature and increased pressure, to force the body to burn fat, turning it into muscle, ordering the skin to rasputitsa and catch up, and headache to vanish without a trace.
Your actions
Plunging in themselves, do not lose the thread of connecting with the outside world! Keep a minimum level of perception, as required by meditation Zen practice in Japan and China. Each of us, he unwittingly falls into the alpha state, when dormant, balancing on the edge between dream and reality - alpha and beta waves. Indian yogis, of course, fail much deeper (in the theta and Delta rhythm), breaking the link with reality. Neither the Gong, no flash light is not able to bring them back to reality. But we've so far to go don't!
7 ways to relax
Use whichever you receive immersion in alpha waves when you need to relieve fatigue and nervous tension, to relax and to cheer up, to get rid of anxiety, discomfort and pain (regardless of its source), focus and disconnect from them.
1. Ideal conditions. Lower eyelids, covered his eyes with his hands for a few minutes, and imagine some solar landscape. Warmth and darkness - ideal conditions to induce an alpha condition.
2. Relaxation
. Connect the fingers in front of chest - large to large, and so on, without touching hands. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and think about something pleasant.
3.The transition in alpha-mode. Stare at the shiny object - watch, metal, or crystal ball, gemstone ring, until his eyes start to close, the brain will automatically go into alpha mode.
4. Rhythm dictates heart. Eyes closed, try to impose nerve cells calming alpha rhythm, putting the index and middle fingers to his temple at the site of attachment of the upper edge of the ear and feeling there throbbing of the temporal artery. Feeling the rhythmic beats, think of them in a rhythm that dictates heart.
5. Linguistic gymnastics. Close your eyes, relax, breathe slowly and deeply. On the inhale lift the tip of the tongue to the sky, exhale lower. Repeat for 2-3 minutes. Monks practicing meditation Zen, immersed in an alpha state quickly, but for us there is no hurry!
6. Alpha-effect. Sitting in a chair, sueste head, round your back, place your hands on your knees and lean on them. The neck muscles and shoulder girdle to relax, clarify thoughts, the mood will improve.
7. Work stomach. Lower your head, close your eyes, focus your attention on your navel (chest). Will Apatite belly - breath, tighten exhale. All ingenious is simple!
Road off
Why we are so tired, although a large part of every sitting? It's all in the forced immobility and stress caused by the presence of foreign citizens, invading our personal space. To remove the nervous and muscular tension in the road at every opportunity to dive into the alpha state. To achieve his help wise - exercises for fingers.
Turtle. Twist four fingers of both hands, and large connect "house". Wise invigorates, relieves fatigue, increases vitality.
Shell. Four fingers of the right hand grasp the left thumb, and then connect the pads of the thumb and middle finger of the left hand. Neck muscles and the vocal cords are relaxed, my throat will stop persity will cough. These symptoms often occur in a confined space of a railroad car and the cabin of the aircraft.
Wise earth. At the same time on both hands connect the pads are large and ring fingers, while the other set wider. Feel releases the tension? (Photo 3)
Personal alpha minimum
Spend in the alpha state at least 20 minutes a day - then triggered a cumulative effect, that is, positive results accumulate, and feel much better with each immersion in meditation. Head clears up, improves memory, insomnia passes, the reactions are accelerated, you become energetic as ever, discover a new creative abilities and even... begin freer to navigate in space.
Kovalev I.
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