Carrying out waxing as possible in terms of beauty salon and at home, which is another advantage of the technique. In addition, the mix for this procedure, you can prepare yourself, significantly saving.
Cosmetics, waxing from a shop or pharmacy are quite expensive, however they are in great demand due to the significant benefits over other hair removal methods. After the procedure, the hair does not grow back 2-3 weeks (in some cases longer), the skin becomes soft and supple, with the simultaneous removal of the keratinized cells of the epidermis growing hairs become thinner and permanent depilation become considerably less.
Of course, waxing has its drawbacks. The hair is removed not forever, but only for a while. The procedure is quite painful (the problem is solved by application of local anesthetics for a few minutes before waxing). In addition, there are medical contraindications to its carrying out, for example, the notorious varicose veins of the legs. Not recommended for this type of hair removal for women with sensitive skin (you can get persistent, slow-healing irritation and allergies.
However, please note a few recipes for homemade hair removal, one of them based on natural waxes is an example of a mixture for waxing. Recipes you can adopt in some cases, when it is absolutely necessary to preserve the smoothness of the legs relatively long period of time. Don't forget that this procedure should not be made immediately before any important event, when you want to show the beauty of legs. Better to do it the day before, and then a couple of days before the "day X".
Compositions for home use are prepared on the basis of natural ingredients: sugar, honey, lemon, water, beeswax, Carnauba wax, castor oil, lanolin, etc. Some of the products can hardly be called a true wax (the wax connection specific chemical structure of animal and vegetable origin), but they all have the texture and plasticity, suitable for effective hair removal.
True depilatory wax, for example, can be called composition, Dating from the time of ancient Egyptian civilization, consisting of beeswax and lanolin (derived from the wash water sheep's wool).
The recipe is based on natural waxes
- 130 g white beeswax.
- 360 g of Carnauba wax (from the leaves of the Brazilian wax palm or Carnauba).
to 7 ml of glycerol.
A few drops of essential oil of neroli or lavender.
Bee and Carnauba wax to melt in a water bath until a homogeneous mixture. Then cool down and add the glycerin and essential oil. The mixture is ready to use. It can also be stored in the refrigerator, stirring before use on a water bath (or in the microwave).
Note: the ingredients for this mix can be purchased in stores that sell products for cosmetologists, or on the Internet.
"Egyptian mix"
- 340 g honey
- 200 ml of hot water
- juice of half a lemon
Mix the juice of half a lemon with honey, add a little water. Stirring continuously, cook in a saucepan over medium heat. When the honey is completely melted and the components are evenly mixed, add the remaining water. Cook the mixture over low heat until the status of thick syrup. The resulting depilatory can be stored in the refrigerator. Before use, the need to heat the mixture on a water bath, before applying on the skin to check the temperature so as not to burn yourself.
Eastern recipe"
(mixture shugaring)
- 500 g of sugar
3 ml of honey
- the juice of one lemon
- 1 tablespoon water
- glass containers
Mix sugar and water, cook until the formation of a thick syrup on low heat (about 10 minutes), then add the honey, then the lemon juice and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. When the mixture becomes Golden brown, you need to remove it from the heat and cool down. Can be used only after checking the temperature to avoid burns. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator, bringing it in "working" condition on a water bath.
It is likely that the first attempts to apply the wax will fail. For a good result it is necessary to find the optimum temperature, otherwise you can get skin burns. Also important is the texture of the obtained mixture, because otherwise the hair may remain in place (in case of insufficient viscosity of the mixture), moreover, possible even the effect of the stimulation of their growth (because some components have nourishing properties). That is why you should first try the effectiveness of the wax on a small area of skin.
If the mixture is properly prepared, the procedure according to all canons of depilation (applied in the direction of hair growth, removing the composition against the hair growth, using for convenience, fabric or paper strips, etc.) should lead to a good result. In addition, using homemade methods of hair removal, you can significantly save time and money.
Hair removal: to be or not to be?
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