Time for a picnic is not only fun, but also dangerous. Spending time outdoors is to know how to provide first aid for tick bite because sometimes it may depend on the life of the victim, and they can be as you and your friends.
Where ticks live
Ticks tend to live on the edge of the forest, bushes and grass. In the high forest without undergrowth is never, in the meadows without forests and bushes they also usually do not, on the fields they had not.
In a beautiful strong forest mites are usually not. They live in a weak forest, where once all mixed together, curves, bushes, grass, trees, some fallen trees, thickets incomprehensible, something dead somehow grows... and especially on the edge of the forest, on the borders of the forest-field.
As move ticks
They slowly creep, fly and jump don't know how. Come on people usually just drop them from the branches, or zapytanie on legs or other parts of the body while sitting, for example, under a Bush.
They cling best for your hair, so especially careful should be the guys with hairy legs. Worst of all they hold on the slippery synthetics.
Once on clothing or the body they are usually at least a couple of hours crawling, choosing the most delicious place. Therefore, the best means of combating ticks is awareness. Tick felt very good on the body, you just need to pay attention. If you find it for yourself, then shake to the ground, where sitting next to people, because he will zapolnit on someone else, it is better to take him away. And after Hiking in the bushes need to be carefully shake off clothes.
If the tick is still stuck, it felt good too, although he enters through the bite of an anaesthetic substance. The presence of a foreign body especially good sense in movement, as it comes into contact with clothing.
What to do if you are stuck mite
If the suction of the tick has occurred, the primary advice is always available by phone 103.
Removal of the tick is likely you will be directed to the district SES or the emergency room.
If you are unable to ask for help in a medical facility, you mite have to remove yourself.
It should be borne in mind that the probability of tick-borne encephalitis, tick-borne Lyme disease and other infections transmitted by ticks depends on the amount of virus that penetrates through the bite (i.e. the time during which the tick was in a stuck state) - the sooner you remove stuck parasite, the better.
Forceps or clamp.
Ticks convenient to remove the curved forceps or surgical clip, in principle fit any other tweezers. However, you need to grab the tick as close to the proboscis, then gently pull up while turning around its axis in a convenient way. Usually 1-3 turnover tick is removed completely with the proboscis. If the tick to try to pull out, then chances are it is broken.
Special devices. Currently, the industry, particularly Russian, produces a special device for removing ticks, both with people and with animals. Most often it hook, similar to a curved two-pronged fork. Mite is inserted between the teeth, and then gets out.
These devices have the advantage of clamps or tweezers, as the tick's body is not compressed, which somewhat decreases the risk of Contracting tick-borne infections.
The threads.
If you don't have any tweezers or special tools to remove ticks, the tick can be removed with a thread.
Durable thread tied in a knot as close to the proboscis of the tick, then mite extract, tightening it up. Sudden movements when it is invalid.
Remove the tick with caution, not squeezing his body, because it makes possible the extrusion of its contents, together with pathogens into the wound.
It is important not to break the tick when removing remaining in the skin can cause inflammation and suppuration. It should be noted that with the disengagement of the head mite infection process may continue, as in its salivary glands and ducts there is a high concentration of the virus, for example, tick-borne encephalitis.
If removing the tick came off his head, which has the appearance of black point, place the suction wipe it with cotton or a bandage moistened with alcohol, and then removing the head of a sterile needle (pre-calcined on fire) so, how do you remove a regular thorn.
Whether to use oil?
Have no reason some flimsy tips about that for better removal should be applied to the stuck tick ointment dressings or use oil solutions. Oil can clog the breathing hole of the tick and the tick will die left in the skin.
After removing the tick skin at the site of its suction is treated with tincture of iodine or alcohol. The bandage, as a rule, is not required.
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