How to seduce a woman - male receptions
Many men for the treatment of attention use
method zabaltyvanie. Almost every second woman has experienced it for yourself. This is a kind of neuro-linguistic programming, which is that man always says, and uses the monotonous speech. It is known that women love with their ears, and this is used by the representatives of the stronger sex. However, this technique does not operate at all, because only the truly erudite and intelligent women are able to listen to flowery speech of men, others such behavior will seem boring.
The second trick men called
"Precense another". Because of their natural desire to please the man, woman tend to believe that between the opposite sexes, there is friendship. Men that make use of. It is proven that the representatives of the stronger sex "friends" only with beautiful women. Many of them secretly hope to win one and take a wait and see position. Women often believe that kind of "friendship", but accidentally arisen from the "other" sex is obvious. The next morning many of these "friends" leave enemies, or transform your relationship into a love-intimate.
Another method of seduction is called
"Press on tears". If a man has set a goal to conquer a woman, he will patiently wait for the moment when there will be opportunity at the right moment to place his strong shoulder. For example, women have trouble at work or disagreement with a partner, and a familiar man ready to comfort her words, and, of course, the action.
The fourth reception somewhat similar to the previous one, only the man and the woman are swapped. It can be called
"Vest". The lady acts as a protector, a man she complain of fate on their problems. The representative of the stronger sex does not forget to mention a lot of positive traits of women, said that he had never before met such a sensitive nature. Thus, it is the inherent nature of maternal instinct when the woman from last forces rushes to help a drowning man". Fortunately, the last time the fairer sex are less amenable to such a trick, because truly wise lady can understand that such a man in any situation you may find a lot of problems and will look for a new consolation.
Subtle romantic nature often experience the power reception
"Romantic". Men devote beloved songs, poems, sing a Serenade under the window, and all this in order to revive the woman a sense of beauty and let her feel like a Queen. Nowadays this method is not every man, however, he acts unconditionally.
On the sixth place among the most popular techniques of seduction is
"Natural sexuality". Of course, external neatness, good hair, expensive perfume, stylish clothes - all this is the norm of etiquette, but what woman does not "bite" sexy tight trousers, emphasizing strong torso clothes, well-groomed skin and body men? However, it is important not to overplay to sexy not to turn into a vulgar man.
The following method is not available to every man and requires some acting skills. It's called -
"The soul of the company". The psychology of any person is that we all need that interests many. The woman is no exception. Therefore, women often pay attention to public men, who are the center of the company, are able to find common language with everyone. The main thing here is to know when to stop, because at some point, the man can turn into a clown company, which no one will take seriously.
"Master of life" basically unconditionally valid for every woman, because for ladies it is very important to provide for themselves and their children cloudless future, to be confident in the future. The psychological basis of this method is that all women are by nature females, for them, the important thing is to be confident in the future of their children. Therefore, they easily lend themselves to demonstrate the stability and prosperity that men with great pleasure brag. A lot of women "peck" on strange men who position themselves original. Such person from the first days of exploring prove women who strive for originality in all that this kind of attitude is very close to them, and that offends them, that society does not share such interests. Typically, such a trick amenable pretty young ladies who aspire to the best, proving that his individuality.
Another method of seduction is
playing on the contrast. Bad girls like good boys and Vice versa. It is important to understand the true nature of women to at some point do not crush "good" with their negativity, and "bad" is positive.
To conquer the world of intrigue, the unknown ideal reception
"Mr. X". The gist of it is that the man positions himself some mysterious person says omissions, is magical pendants, believe in predictions and horoscopes. This trick caught beginners. Here it is important that the true nature men are not pronatalist his friends.
Another popular method of seduction is
blowing about yourself hearing. We all know that com has got people talking will not. It should be quite bright personality, well known in certain circles. While women have an interest to ensure that the information received or to refute it.
Peace in the family
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