In this kind of dedication to Human laughter, it seems, was right. Because all people know how to laugh. Although laughter, too, need to learn. This in the first 5-8 weeks of life teach toddler moms eyes. And already at the age of two to three months the baby starts to smile and laugh. In six years comes the peak of gaiety - child smiles and laughs about 300 times a day!
While an adult (even the most morose smiles or smirks only about 15 times a day. But in vain, because the healing properties of laughter galore.
In all developed countries of the world Hepatology - science investigating the effects on the human body laughter - is developing rapidly, and all because laughter therapy has a tremendous effect in the treatment of various diseases.
The origins
The most developed and applied this science in the United States (although it is now in many European countries actively use used). The fact that it is an American journalist and Professor of psychology Norman cousins put her in the beginning.
In fairness I must say that he got it off the cuff. Or to be more precise, suppose. When after many unsuccessful attempts to cure him from collagenosis (a disease of the bones and connective tissues) - he almost couldn't move, even to open his mouth and chew (all this was accompanied by severe pains) - doctors shrugged and explained that the medicine is powerless, he began to act. How? Then in magazines published articles neurologist William fry, who investigated the beneficial effects of laughter on the body's resistance to disease. And the cousins began treatment: was discharged from the hospital, moved to the hotel, ordered room projector, and a nurse by day Twister him Comedy. For several days he did not laugh. Then he suddenly became very funny: he's an idiot, real lies and stares Comedy, seriously hoping that a pair of comedians save his life. And started to laugh like crazy, and then found that he had less back ache. After a few weeks was observed lasting improvement in the condition. But after a couple years of smehoterapiya Norman cousins, not just gained the ability to move, he went back to work again and even was able to play the piano favorite Bach.
And research in this area, as you know, continued with renewed vigor...
Laughter = immunity
Let's start with the main dignity of His Majesty's Laughter.
At the medical center of University of California scientists have found that under the influence of smehoterapiya increases immunity. Investigated were subjected to forced merriment caused by the same simple way - broadcast comedies. While the first group laughed, the second (control group) was sitting quietly, not hearing the laughter of his comrades.
Doctors have determined (based on blood taken before, after and during the study) that the response to humor causes physiological processes, such as those that occur in athletes. Group laughter was a marked decrease in the levels of hormones of the stress - cortisol and adrenaline, which allows you to work more effectively immune systems of the body. So, the study found an increase in the number of T-lymphocytes with anti-viruses.
In other words, the reaction of the immune system on laughter is the opposite of the stress response.
Lovers laugh and really less likely to get sick. By the way, one study showed that babies funny mothers are much less likely to suffer colds and flu.
And the most interesting data was obtained by Margaret Stuber from the University of Los Angeles. A group of children were invited to hold hands in cold water (about 10ÂșC) for as long as you can. In normal conditions they endured on the strength of 87 seconds, and when viewing a Comedy - 125. Interestingly, the laughing children, the pulse, blood pressure and respiratory rate was almost unchanged. All this allowed to conclude that laughter stimulates the immune system and protects the body against stress.
- As a result of this therapy, the immune system begins to destroy pre-cancerous cells!
Calm the nerves
Already mentioned neurologist U. Frye considers laughter, first and foremost, as a special way of breathing, where the breath is extended and becomes deeper and exhale, on the contrary, is shortened, but the intensity is such that light is totally exempt from air. In the result compared to the relaxed state of the gas is accelerated in three or four times that, in turn, improves blood flow to organs and tissues. In short, laughter for the body - it's like a walk in the woods or oxygen cocktail.
But in everyday life many of us breathe incorrectly: mouth open and without pauses. Such breathing too shallowly (as if scared to breathe), and leads to respiratory alkalosis (increase in the concentration of alkali in the blood and tissues of the body) that causes neuromuscular sverkhvozbuzhdeniyu.
According to the observations of the French doctor Henry Rubinstein, this condition is typical indecisive, timid people plagued by all sorts of fears and phobias. Breathing during laughter, says Rubinstein, good, right, it helps to fight alkalosis, and thus to overcome the feeling of fear.
- As the founder of the doctrine of stress Hans Selye said that stress successfully removed as adequate physical activity, and positive emotions, because in both cases the glands of internal secretion produced substances-antistressor.
The merry heart is not afraid
So. And this is a serious scientific evidence. Director of the center for preventive cardiology at the University of Maryland (USA) Michael Miller has conducted a very interesting study. It was attended by 150 people who had a heart attack or coronary bypass surgery, and 150 healthy people. The participants passed a simple test with the most common questions about how they will behave if, for example: "the waiter will pour you coffee", "come on foot in transport", "break the handle of the briefcase and so on.
It turned out that the "cores" mostly reacted sullen or hostile, and healthy - often with humor.
The scientist concluded that anger, stress causing disruption of endothelium - protective inner lining of blood vessels. This leads to the accumulation of cholesterol on the walls of the coronary arteries and leads to heart attacks and cerebral.
The specialists of the same University found that laughter has a very beneficial effect on blood vessels: the volunteers who watched "serious" film, the blood flow was inhibited by 35 %, and when viewing a Comedy, on the contrary, blood, 22 % were dispersed.
William Frye explains it this way: when a person laughs, it employs about 80 groups of muscles moving the shoulders, shaking chest, vibrating the diaphragm, the heart beats faster, the oxygen content in the blood increases due to the fact that he is gaining a deep breath.
According to Michael Miller, laughter can add to the list of contributing to the preservation of a healthy heart factors: "doctors ' Recommendations should sound like this: charging, low-fat food and laughter several times a day".
- Gay people 40 % less than the sullen, run the risk of getting cardiovascular disease. This serious difference was discovered accidentally in the course of a single study.
Medicine for belly
Laughter is still the best natural cleansing system of the body. When we laugh, tense up the abdominal muscles, followed by tightening of muscles smooth muscles of the intestine, which improves its performance and facilitating the exit of toxins. In other words, laughter is conducting so-called intestinal exercises. A couple thousand years ago, the famous scientist and physician Hippocrates wrote about the benefits of laughter as a therapeutic tool: he argued that smiling and lively conversation during lunch good for digestion. And laughter serves as a stimulant for the liver.
Here is a very pertinent famous phrase spoken by the hero of the book of the great philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche's Zarathustra: "Ten times have you laughing throughout the day and to be merry: otherwise it will be you in the night to disturb the stomach, it is the father of sorrow".
Laugh for beauty
And more often. After all, we adults use the facial muscles is much less than any other. If children's expression changed to 20 times a day, people over thirty, only three. How have all those same American scientists, there is a correlation between the activity of facial muscles and blood flow to the brain. When you laugh or at least smile, the blood flow to the brain increases, it gets more oxygen, which positively affects emotional state. In the course of the research it is proved that the person who laughs easily solves all problems, is generosity and willingness to help, as well as the rare ability to love.
By the way, for fear of wrinkles on the face, some women try to hold back laughter. But the mask of seriousness deprive a person living emotions. But the laughter from the heart tones facial muscles, and blood flow pretty nourishes the skin, which is necessary to maintain its tone. Moreover, when you feel sad, all the muscles of your face hang down and become flabby. But when you laugh and smile, his facial muscles are lifted and are set in motion. Scientists recommend instead of 40 minutes relaxing 5 minute healthy laughter. What is happening in the body when you laugh real "biochemical storm eliminates fatigue, and skin makes it elastic.
- Remember the saying of the beloved Baron Munchausen? "Serious face is not a sign of intelligence. And the biggest stupidity on Earth was done with this expression.
Humor is one of the figures
Back to the main researcher on the benefits of laughter William fry. He found another nice fact: laughter affects the body, and movement exercises. According to his statements, laughter length of 27 seconds on the effects on the cardiovascular system is 3 minutes rowing - that is, performs the same function as cardio training. And the minute sincere laughter brings the same health benefits as a 40-minute jog!
Laughter actually contributes to the effectiveness of the training. As was established by the American psychologist Henry Schwartz, sports depressed pointless - a large effect still will not. But if you are in a good mood and often laugh (of course, not during a workout, and before or during breaks), the same load will significantly improve the health and shape. Yes, and those who seek to postroynet, sitting on a diet, is to make the motto the phrase: "more Often and louder laugh from the soul." Because laughter produces energy, and can help to lose weight.
By the way, the message about the benefits of laughter seriously listened to 2000 delegates from 80 countries at the European Congress on obesity. If you believe the author of the report, the mothers Bachowski, 10-15 minutes sincere laughter can burn calories equivalent to a chocolate bar medium size.
Yoga Haase is the practice of group laughter exercises which are based on the methods of yoga. Important is the breath and diversity of species stimulate laughter. But: none of the achievements of scientific-technical progress cannot replace the laughter arising in the process of communication. First realized this Indian doctor Madan, Kataria, developed a "laughter yoga", whose main goal is to teach people how to move from laughter unnatural to the natural laughter. According to him, "laughter is contagious, so people easily goes from laughter to artificial laughter natural". And really, it's hard to stay serious, looking like members of a psychotherapy session I try to portray laughing sneakers, merry door lock, laughing a mouse or a lion. One session lasts for an entire week!
It all started with the fact that in 1995 Madan, Kataria decided to write an article about the healing properties of laughter, based on his numerous studies. But the material has not been published. Then the doctor walked in the garden city of Mumbai and spoke about the benefits of laughter in front of a couple of dozens of onlookers. This day can be considered as the date of Foundation of the Club of laughter" - now an international organization with branches all over the world.
- First, through the efforts of Kataria all major cities of India there is a special "laughter clubs", in which people come to have fun from the heart and get rid of stress and to prevent heart attack." Now only in Mumbai (the former Bombay) more than 500 of them.
But what about them?
In many American, Swedish, French and Austrian clinics are open rooms smehoterapiya where are delivered videotapes from a strictly metered portions of laughter; the whole TV channels given for therapeutic recreation programs that are broadcast in hospitals through cables. So much more successful in the struggle with chronic diseases. In baby clinics are directed costumes clowns, funny noses, glasses - they clothe doctors and nurses, dealing with young patients.
In the case of therapeutic clowns" was also the first American in the early 80-ies of the last century, the Director of the famous American circus Michael Christensen organized the "first aid clowns", which was attended by children with cancer.
Doctors amazement stated that after the visit of a clown the treatment efficiency was greatly increased. Since that time, therapeutic clowns began its triumphal March around the world.
In Germany there is a whole Association of medical clowns that make the game treatment of seriously ill children.
Large hospitals in Austria and the Netherlands in schedule appeared rates of therapeutic clowns.
In 2001, the efforts of the American Harry Edwards of the civil Association "Medical clown" appeared in the Czech Republic. Member volunteers regularly organize clowning in Czech hospitals.
Currently, their movement was joined by Poland and Hungary.
And then all went to Israel in one of the hospitals were organized six training courses for doctors, nurses and physiotherapists specialty "medical clown". Their graduates are working in all the major medical centers of the country.
In Austria published a book by Sigmund Feyerabend "Laughter cures cancer", in which he writes: "Laughter must be born in the depths of the soul, he does not recognize the hypocrisy. Laughter is a worldview. The disease too. But one person cannot have two worldviews. One must prevail. Try to win the laughter... "
By the way:
There are three areas of smehoterapiya:
1. Classic. Smarterest conducts individual or group sessions where people laugh (they tell jokes, funny stories, they listen to the laughter, watching Comedy).
2. Medical clowning. Medical clowns arrange performances for hospital patients, that is patients benefit.
3. Laughter yoga. It was developed by the Indian doctors, they teach people to laugh easily, naturally and often.
Interesting facts about laughter
The air which escapes from the lungs at a speed of 100 km/h, frees the bronchi from accumulated there mucus and facilitates breathing in inflammatory processes, such as bronchitis or asthma.
Laughter increases creativity and ability to solve various problems. He activates the limbic system of the brain, connecting the left and right hemisphere.
- Comparing the life expectancy of the famous theater actors over the past 270 years, the Swedish doctors have revealed an unexpected pattern: comedians live much longer tragedians.
At one of the congresses of the International society for the study of laughter cited data on cancer: patients who regularly laugh, higher cure rates and better health indicators compared with the control group.
In the SEVENTEENTH century doctors said: "the Arrival of the clown in the city means for the health of more than ten loaded drug mules! "
Doctor yew claimed that he cured zolotushnyh children tickling, forcing them to laugh.
In the West was conducted this experiment examined a group of sellers. It turns out that the most smiling over time not only the character has changed for the better, but began to disappear diseases caused by psychological stress.
English philosopher and physician William Osler called laughter is the music of life and counseled sure to laugh every day for at least 10 minutes. It is estimated that if a person laughs at least 17 minutes per day, it prolongs his life for one year.
Doctors do not refuse from such primitive effects, as the tickling helps!
And scientists from Harvard University believe that a cheerful disposition reduces the chance of symptoms of various diseases by 50 %.
- In Japan with great success sessions are conducted by smehoterapiya in TB hospitals.
- Laughter and will not prevent those who are perfectly healthy. In Malaysia on the eve of the session, students learn special breathing exercises that mimic laughter. Experience has shown that all the participants in the experiment successfully and easily, absolutely not worried, pass the test.
In the USA, for example, in the selection of candidates for the astronauts specially check, does the candidate to joke and does he have a sense of humor. And workshops on humor for over 10 years in mandatory to send the high command of the military of the U.S. armed forces, as well as senior executives of large corporations. Conducts classes, a famous actor and screenwriter Charles Metcalf and calls them Omarovich.
Endorphins. It is interesting to know!
Smereka M
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