According to psychophysiologists each of us perceives color on an intuitive level. What the ancient scholars cocoteraie only guessed, modern medicine has established precisely: one or the other color, working on the iris of the eye, thereby reflex effect on the functioning of all our organs, physiological changes the background of a person, affecting his state of the nervous system and causing hormonal changes in the body.
The colors that we wear
When choosing a color for Wallpaper, tableware or lamp, we work on ourselves, in the case of clothes, accessories or make-up under the magic influence surrounds us shades are still around. So, for example, is so popular black tones in the clothing, not only strengthen our own unconscious feeling of disharmony (which, by the way, especially noticeable in the morning), increase blood pressure, cause fatigue and apathy, but just the same will work on others. And quite unconsciously these unpleasant sensations, they will associate it with you because the color of the clothes will be automatically transferred to you. Draw your own conclusions!
This does not mean that black and other "negative" colors should be totally abandoned. But deep in thought standing in front of your own wardrobe with the age-old question about "nothing to wear", is not only better to listen to your own feelings, but also to consider how the chosen color will affect ourselves and others.
But there is another phenomenon: for action on the subconscious sometimes we don't need to see a particular color. Just need to know that you are. Our brain has a great capacity to visualize the colors, and hence, for example, hidden under clothing red underwear will still affect you very exciting and intensify your sexual energy. Although not yourself, not others will not see him.
Tell me that you love...
A particular color appears in our wardrobe is not accidental. On the one hand, his choice is determined by our temperament, that is, psychophysiology each of us represents a specific color. So choleric and sanguine prefer mostly red and yellow, melancholic blue and black, and phlegmatic - green and white.
But quite often we use color to correct its own mood and behavior, subconsciously trying to add to his character what it lacks. For example, a shy girl, lacking activity or sexuality, can wear a bright red dress, and too impulsive, on the contrary, will try to "redeem" the storm of emotions something in blue tones. That is, addiction to the color can be as permanent, "programmed" and stretching from childhood and dependent variables of age, situation or mood.
So, how with the help of clothes, cosmetics and accessories in different colors you can adjust your own personality? For this purpose it is necessary to know which hues are consistent with the main character. If you lack any of these qualities - feel free to choose the appropriate color. And if, on the contrary, there was a bust - minimize his presence in your wardrobe.
Character color
optimism, openness, friendliness, denial formalities, restrictions and stamps, creativity.
Beige: earthiness nature, attraction to material things, self-discipline and hlodnokrovnost.
Red: energy, sociability, aggressiveness, desire to dominate, suppress companion, always to be a leader, painful to his status in the eyes of others.
Pink: the need for love and understanding, a strong shoulder next, the sensitivity to the mood of other people, vulnerability and emotional vulnerability.
the thoroughness, perseverance, attention to the welfare of loved ones, rejection of everything that is new and of any change (even change the location of surrounding objects), the loyalty, the grudge.
Black: the complexity and contradictory nature, self-sufficiency, a rich inner life, the priority of its own assessment of any actions by the opinions of others, closed, fenced off, sometimes the presence of intrapersonal conflict, hidden depression caused by dissatisfaction.
White: on the one hand, of purity and innocence, and on the other, lack of volitional self-control, a significant detachment from reality, the inability to reasonably estimate their capabilities.
the ability to remain calm and composure in extreme cases, the inability to surrender to the emotions, the belief that your opinion is always the only correct one.
Blue: problems with setting realistic goals, a desire which, in principle, impossible to reach, eternal frustration and fantastic dreams about the future, inability to communicate and maintain contact for a long time.
Green: a strong instinctive beginning and acute intuition.
Color therapy in action
This science is dedicated to the thousands of books and to list in one article all its principles is impossible. So we will focus on the most "female" specialization of the basic colors around us.
Red, yellow, orange, brown and all shades are, as you know, warm colors. They are creating those looks or wears them, a feeling of comfort, relaxation, peace, a sense of intimacy, emotional attraction. But it should be remembered that all color warm palette visually enlarge figure!
But cool colors, including shades of blue, blue, green, purple, grey, on the contrary, visually make the figure more slender. In addition, they force us to be collected and more. But at the same time can cause the people around you a sense of distance, closeness, detachment.
As for specific colors, each of them, according to psychophysiologists has quite a particular action.
- stimulates the nervous system releases adrenaline, helps with fatigue, depression, fear, self-doubt and loss of strength, gives a sense of security, confidence in the future
- stimulates brain activity and relieves drowsiness (they are not an alternative to coffee with chocolate! )
- in large quantities increases the anxiety, worry, tension
- activates sexuality and helps with infertility
- dilates blood vessels, stimulates blood circulation, helps with anemia
- increases blood pressure, speeds up heart rate and breathing
kills viruses, neutralizes some inflammatory processes (although there are some nuances, for example, the red color is contraindicated for acne)
- stimulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates metabolism and increases appetite (forget about red ware during the diet! )
- has a warming effect, helps with colds and runny
- reduces pain and stress at various women's diseases (it is believed that especially in this case helps red underwear)
- provokes change and serious steps in life
- free from negativity, helps with depression, low self-esteem and pessimism
- promotes better self-organization and concentration of thought, helps to quickly assimilate information, improves memory
- has a positive effect on the entire digestive tract, helps with diseases of the liver, constipation
- cleanses the body of toxins, control weight, helps with diabetes
treatment of some skin diseases
Blue and blue
- reduces fatigue and stress, calms and reduces agitation, cures insomnia (here will help and the interior of the respective colors, and the lamps, and bedding)
- helps with shyness and fear of speaking
- promotes meditation and creative ideas, sharpens intuition
- in large quantities may cause drowsiness and sadness
- constricts the blood vessels, lowers body temperature and blood pressure, slows the heartbeat
- has analgesic and antiseptic properties, helps with laryngitis, sore throat, rheumatism and migraine, has a beneficial effect on the spine
- helps with vomiting and diarrhea
- reduces the mobility of menstruation and PMS will neutralize
- helps with various skin diseases, cuts, insect bites and burns
- reduces appetite (desire to lose weight is urgently get the dishes in the blue-violet colours! ), however, psychologically soothing full of people and to encourage you to stay the way they are
- helps to be closer to each other, creates a sense of harmony within a person, and in his relations with others
- maintains balance of the physical and psychological state of the person
- mobilizes the muscles and increases efficiency
- helps with imbalance, anger, rudeness, emotional excitation
- eliminates the claustrophobic, visually expanding the space
anti-inflammatory and antiallergic action
- relieves headache and stabilizes pressure
- very beneficial to pregnant women, making them more relaxed
- helps with heart disease, lung disease and flu
The sky in the box, friends striped
However, influence our subconscious and in the end, and on the mood and health of not only pure color, but also their combination in the form of some pictures. For example, something striped able to increase body temperature and blood pressure, but the picture in a small polka dot, on the contrary, is considered to be soothing. However, it is rather the exception to the rule. In fact, almost any regularly repeating pattern (in clothing or on any surrounding objects) affect the person negatively, increasing the pressure, causing irritation and even aggression.
Chernyshev, E.
Beauty Time
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