Friday, August 29, 2014

Oleg Pinchuk: "Your success I have built on failures! "

Oleg Pinchuk:

The most famous sculptor of Ukraine told about the formula of their success.

- Oleg, You are called the coolest in Ukraine sculptor. Are there people in the country who could make You competition?

- I'm not afraid of competition - I respect your competitors. They generate in me the incentive to achieve new heights! But it's not a sport, and it is very difficult to measure success in our business with the aid of a stopwatch, length, width and height. The artist is a manipulator, someone who works with air.

- From which nothing makes candy?

- Yes, which is, roughly speaking, sells air! We have a great Academy of arts, and graduates have a very high level of skill, because there is a very good school.

- But do not yet have a name, as you have, for example!

- Yes! Therefore, those who learned to paint and sculpt, I think it ought to be carried. But it is a big mistake. The first failure and complexity make them stop thinking about art and begin to draw very mediocre for the money. They go into Commerce, throwing favorite thing to feed themselves. But a good sculptor must be able not only to draw and sculpt, he still needs to build your brand. This is the key to success! Because we have so much, we all are so talented that it is very difficult to stand out. You need to combine creativity with good marketing. And many don't understand it.

- You remember the moment when I woke up already accomplished and well-known sculptor?

I still have not come to the conclusion that already took place. I chose a profession where you can't be in the shade. Who goes into the shadow goes nowhere. Every day I have a lot of work to go ahead, despite these vertices.

- You have more customers in Ukraine or abroad?

Unfortunately, now the customers are British, the French, the Germans, the Swiss and Russians, of course. Partly Ukrainians.

- Do our less money?

I studied in Switzerland, and there I have very good connections and contacts. There a little bit more money. Even though there are people who, despite a rather high price on my sculptures can afford them.

- Tell us about the most expensive sculpture for You!

- If we talk about the price, I'm pragmatic policy. Better to put a reasonable price, but have their permanent customer.

- You are more likely to make sculpture in the order or for the soul?

- For the soul, of course, satisfy your ambitions. Because each artist considers himself a genius.

- What is the key to Your success?

- Your success I build on failures! A paradox, but it is! It turns out, for five years, Jack London received 665 bounce from various editions. Can you imagine what the person was willpower, if he, after so many failures have not dropped his hands and moved forward, wrote, wrote?

Waivers must temper. And for many people it is wound and a broken psyche. Believe me, those who travel in the subway and is satisfied with the salary of $ 500 per month, they themselves want to live. They are satisfied with this life! Because otherwise they wouldn't sit at the computer from 9 to 18, and was doing something to change your life.

Oleg Pinchuk:

When You have decided that will be the life to do sculpture?

- I've always been a purposeful man. Perhaps, this fearlessness lesions was determined my future. And still I very sociable.

- Why ashamed?

- There is such a feeling that my profession is very small. And all because not enough plasticity in making some decisions. I am alone in the battle field. All that is around me - from the Mat at the entrance to my apartment to books with my work for the reply, I only. I have long wanted to create a structure that would work on my promotion, my promotion at the international level. No hands never reach.

- Creative people quickly get tired of what they are doing. Where do You get energy?

- Recently, I started to treat their work as a craft, not art. This means that I need a break. That's because recently I started making music, producing more precisely. I started to write music, songs. Also started to produce a single singer. And the other day I was debut - sang on Kontraktova square. This, of course, will never become a professional occupation.

- Why music? This influence Your fellow artists?

- No, rather, it is the desire to change something in life. To distract from the main kind of activity gather the energy to my sculptural work has grown even more. Moreover, it is easy. To me it is now interesting.

- Oleg, many creative people resort to all sorts of stuff...

"I don't need! I don't drink, don't smoke. Although many look at some of my work and ask: "When did you sculpted than alcorisa? " My work is good and childlike! My dope is art itself!

- You are not a poor man. What do they spend their money?

I myself does not spoil. But I have one weakness - I love to collect paintings and wooden sculptures. Now I open the Museum in the village Pencuci. There I built the temple. In the future there want to build an art school.

Is now You are famous and accomplished man. And what were You like as a child?

He was a boy who was always smiling. My Mama told me: "You are the sun! " Because my brother has always been the "cloud": always was serious, I wanted to be since childhood big boss. And I always was doing something and smiled. And when I became older, my smile, people were surprised, they say, why is he always smiling? Yes, because the day is good! Because the sun is shining. You can imagine: it was when I went to the subway. And at me with a puzzled looked tired people. Yes I just know how to enjoy the little things in life!

- This ability has saved so far?

I still love people, and I'm still an optimist! In the best sense of the word. I know how to enjoy the butterfly, ant that accidentally got me on the hand.

For what the parents have scolded?

- Almost scolded. Although we had! In school, I never tried to study well. Because after school my parents sent me to study in trade school. They say, never will! But at one point I realized that if I don't rebuild and will make every effort, all my life I'll carry boards! With this all started! So I started to attend the school of fine arts.

- Remember your first job?

- Were the first fish, even during the collapse of the Soviet Union. And also birds, like crows.

The architecture of each city in the world is unique. And what is closer to You?

- Probably, Ukraine. Feels to me more like Slavic territory. Of course, if you go to London, Paris, Barcelona or Tokyo, you will find many interesting things. But I, for example, more warm some street on the hem and Andriyivskyy descent with razdavlennoi dear!

Oleg Pinchuk:

- How do you like to relax?
I realized that lying on the beach somewhere in Egypt, and eat their food - not for me. I can go by itself, say, in London or in Paris, walk around the area. Vacation for me is the change from one occupation to another. Although sometimes I need to close all and just lay one!

What You need for comfort in your personal life?

- I am a man who does not put their interests above someone else. I want to be able to work. The rest are content to small! Rise up in the morning, cook porridge. In the evening I can eat the same soup, and at night to drink a glass of kefir. And so for years! First, I am inclined to corpulence, secondly, I have some disease of the gastrointestinal tract that does not allow me to eat fried pork leg.

"Oh boy could you tell. How much time they pay?

- I have two kids: a boy and a girl. And for me they are the best. They are interesting, funny! Love, delight, sometimes upset!

- You are more strict father or spoil them?

"Well, I don't often see them, make them hard to communicate. They are so quickly grow morally and intellectually, that I don't have time! But even such a small train to work. They go to grandma's, for example, to help the flowers to water, caring for the animals. In General, the children engaged my wife. And I, as they say, just have access to them!

Coming soon Ukraine will host Euro 2012. Do You have a favorite football team or favorite players?

"Oh, of course! My favorite team is Dynamo Kyiv! I am a patriot! I know well Artem Milevsky, Andrei Shevchenko. Football is a spectacle!

But for our country - it's cool?

Well, cool is when you go after Euro 2012 last foreign tourist. Then we can sit down, take out the abacus and count what was in this period is good and what is bad. Of course, there will be new roads. Something "podmarofetili" in the country, will clean stalls with streets that have long been useless. But on the other hand, you need to understand that these kiosks someone's work. We are a poor country...

- Do You think that our, as You say, a poor country is ready for such a major project?

"Our country will benefit, regardless of, it will be ready by the start of Euro 2012 or not. This is good PR for Ukraine, plus a good investment.

- Would You like to have your kids put a player's hand on the field?

- I would be only "for" if my son Bogdan arrived on the scene. Of course! But I think the chances of that are more children in public people - for example, the son of Irina Bilyk.

- You successful in the profession, and personal life: certainly, many people envy You. How to deal with this jealousy?

And I envy those who did not place in life! For me someone else's success is the incentive to himself trying to reach the same heights. I will be glad: what is it good that I could do. And then try to achieve the same! To do something better! Those who envy, what a pity! Another success for them is an irritant.

Tell us what you want to get from life?

First of all, to think more about their health. I want to think not only about themselves but also about their loved ones who do not have such opportunities as I have. I want to create a structure that would work for me without me. That is more professional and organized approach to their work.

Oleg Pinchuk:


Bokovnja So


Women's Magazine

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