Before the refusal of food you need to take a laxative. This is done so that the body can quickly go to full internal power mode. After cleaning quickly removed craving for food. With this purpose, first a large dose of laxative (at least 60 grams of magnesium or salt "Barbara") dissolved in 300-400 ml of water and consumed in one meal.
If the intestine was cleaned up enough, another 2-3 days may be hunger. Some patients in the intestine are the so-called fecal film in the form of a thin dense formations. During starvation they can go through direct kasco in the form of crystals of different shapes. In this case, the craving for food can be stored longer than usual.
Material resources before fasting was used in Ancient Egypt. Bowl with gag in the time of Herodotus was a symbol of health. In his writings he noted that due to systematic courses of fasting Egyptians at that time were the most healthy of mortals. For bowel cleansing of Indian yoga can special techniques and exercises to strengthen the slow And fast peristalsis and remove faeces.
G. A. Voitovich recommends mandatory before starvation take a laxative. And only in rare cases, a laxative may be used again after 2-3 days of fasting, if the stool is noticed a large number of fecal crystals. But to use a laxative unless you really need is not desirable.
During the day you should drink at least two liters of water. This can be done after the commencement of the laxative. If the patient has swelling - water intake during the first two days should be limited to one litre. During treatment the swelling disappear. In starvation, increased body temperature, you should also eat smaller amounts of water. At normal body temperature water regime promotes better fat breakdown. Fluid in the body is not delayed even when taking 5-6 liters of water, and the patient often urinating and the urine becomes more bright. In the practice of medical starvation Dr. G. A. Voitovich use water from the water source in raw form. He writes that some use of boiled, distilled or melt water.
Need to move within a 15-20 km a day in the fresh air. Walking it is advisable to take out of town: in the forest, in the mountains, near water basins. In urban conditions, it is necessary to find a more peaceful uncontaminated nature: parks, squares, etc. In the summer time to do walking or Jogging should be In the clothes, the maximum opening of the body for access of air. In the cold season, you need to dress a little warmer than usual. With heavy walk preferably at least once a day sweating. It is not always possible, as in starvation, skin and mucous coverings become more dry. The surface of the lips can be mitigated vegetable oil, chemical lipstick in this period should not be used.
Water treatment also occupy an important place in the process of purification. It is recommended at least once a day to take a shower or bath. Beneficial effect is also a douche, when the alternation of warm and cold water. The good effect gives in and shower, simultaneously massaging the whole body. It is especially recommended to obese people. At least once in 5-7 days is recommended to steam in the sauna or steam bath. All this water treatment complex improves processes"rassledovanie" through the skin, strengthens the skin barrier. All water treatments are carried out mostly without soap. You can just washcloth to massage the body red. Using soap is recommended once every 7-10 days.
Daily enemas. The first enema, put in a day after laxative action. With it removed water with a yellow color for the coming choleretic effect, as well as faeces. During this period, the most fully cleared from bile bile ducts and gall bladder, often accompanied by the release of out small gall stones and sand. If the patient has gallstones, additionally it is recommended to conduct daily tubage (within hours to lie on his side with the heater). For enema use mug Esmarha, she filled one and a half liters of boiling water. The water temperature is not above
36 degrees. To water add a few crystals of potassium permanganate, bringing its color to pink. While in Koleso-lecheva position, the patient himself enters the tip into the rectum I opens the tap. If cleaning was not fully formed fecal tube, it is necessary to repeat the enema with a large amount of water. For various diseases of the intestine and rectum, it is advisable enema to do with herbal extracts: romance, St. John's wort, peppermint, etc.
The massage. It is recommended in the morning and in the evening for 0, 5 hours to spend vascular massage. To do this, alternately rubbing various body parts: upper and lower limbs, alternating with Shin shoulder thigh with a forearm. Behind them, a circular massage of the abdomen. Chest massage the back between the shoulder blades I below for 10-15 minutes.
Before each reception of water, at least 6-7 times a day, you should rinse the mouth with cold water, decoction of herbs and soda solution (alternate). Patients in the fasting period, as a rule, the tongue is coated. Appear raids in the oral cavity, they can begin a free outflow of pus through the mouth of the maxillary or frontal sinuses, teeth affected by periodontal disease.
Do not wear synthetic clothing. It is necessary for the best recovery of the skin barrier.
Not to come into contact with food. Practice has shown that a violation of this rule reduces the therapeutic effect of almost half. 3-4 a day of fasting in the water "menu", it is desirable to add 0, 5 liters of mineral water.
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