A healthy lifestyle it is usually associated with diet. For some people it fast, for others, rejection of sweet and starchy foods. In any case, the meaning is reduced to various limitations and prohibitions. This approach intimidates many stomachs, who decided to give himself to the power of a healthy diet. Actually diet (dÃaita) in Greek means a special way of life, which boils down to a simple truth: "it is not what we eat, but how and at what time". Exhausting for the body gastronomic feats was not required.
Myth # 1. Sugar is injurious to health and contributes to extra pounds
Dishes based on sugar - those cakes, biscuits and cakes - so full of calories, that even looking at them is considered a willful violation of any diet.
Actually, besides the fact that sugar is a useful provider of glucose (which is very beneficial to brain cells, helping them to think quickly and make decisions), he still gives us a good mood and gives you energy.
As for the intake of sugar in food, it should be borne in mind that different watches the body can absorb different amounts of calories. Morning all received food the stomach converts into energy, thereby empowering us for the whole day. A small piece of cake or some chocolate, eaten at this time, it is appropriate and even beneficial. In the afternoon sugar is already too much, and for dinner it is a completely unnecessary product. Because by evening the body, as it should be, is configured to dream, and to work he does not want. And all the calories he just lays on tomorrow. However, tomorrow to spend them, he too will fail, because there will come a new day and a new food...
Replace harmful sweets useful
The essence of the diet is not in rejection of the product in General, but a reduction in its use. For example, to reduce the amount of sugar can replace milk chocolate to bitter. Gradually you will get used to its taste and even start to get pleasure from not too sweet food.
Myth # 2. For the sake of health have to give up bread, potatoes, corn and other foods containing starch
Many of the products assigned to the category of "forbidden" because of the high calorie and nesochetaemoy with other products.
Actually: food starch-containing becomes fatty and high in calories due to improper preparation. Generously seasoned with mayonnaise, fried in butter potatoes really not useful. But rye bread paired with a light soup (without potatoes) for dinner - quite decent food to maintain health. Such simple combinations in the diet is not only permissible, but necessary. Because starch is a complex carbohydrate, which is a supplier of energy in the body.
Starches are well combined with each other and badly blended with other products. Pasta, potatoes, yams and beans, do not put on the table, if there already exist meat or fish.
Myth # 3. To lose weight, you should drink at least two liters of fluid per day
It is believed that water cleanses the body from toxins, and prevents the feeling of hunger.
Actually: certainly, the liquid is necessary for normal functioning of the body. But replacing meals with plenty of water or tea to boost metabolism and will not destroy the excess fat. Moreover, sodas and packaged juices contain sugar and large amount of preservatives, their use during the day only hurt the process of weight loss and health in General. But clean drinking water, if you drink it between meals, will help remove toxins from the body. A great alternative to drinking at night can become saturated with moisture fruit. Mixed with cream cheese, they can become and replacement of dense dinner.
Drink as much as you want
The average dose of fluid per day ranges from 1, 5 to 3 liters. This water, fresh juices, tea, soups and other liquid food. All this contributes not only to weight loss, fluid is an excellent tool for the prevention of constipation. But the lack of water affects appearance: dried skin, sagging, wrinkles.
But there are people whose excess weight is associated with fluid retention in the body. In this case, the receiving water do not get carried away. It is best to consult with a specialist who will help to determine the individual rate of water for the day.
Myth # 4. Grapefruit juice burn fat and promote weight loss
It is believed that regular consumption of grapefruit helps to lose weight.
Actually: this is one of the most persistent diet misconceptions. Products "burn" fats in nature do not exist. In moderation grapefruit helps digestion. Organic acids, pectins, cellulose, lignin hard partitions, plant protease - all this accelerates the promotion of food, helps cleanse the intestines, stimulates the activity of the liver and indirectly improves fat metabolism. That's just no physical activity and reducing the total number of calories to lose weight is unlikely.
Grejpfrut and drugs
Citrus incompatible with a wide range of medicines. It is proved that women taking birth control pills and drinking grapefruit juice, one day may find themselves a little bit pregnant, while taking antidepressants is absolutely depressing. So while the medication is better to abandon freshly squeezed juice of this representative of the citrus family.
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