Of course artificial sun safer closest to our planet stars, but ...
The negative consequences of excessive Hobbies tan a lot. The most dangerous of them is skin cancer.
With-rays included in the range of ultraviolet light, causing the skin cells mutations and can cause skin cancer and melanoma. Fortunately, these rays are trapped by the ozone layer of the Earth. Unfortunately, for residents of Australia, South Africa, the ozone layer over their countries intensively thin, why the incidence of skin cancer and melanoma is rapidly increasing.
However, for cancer almost no matter where you sunbathed: on the beach or in the salon.
In the course of the research group of scientists from Sweden, Norway and Australia came to the conclusion that artificial tanning also may have cancer of the skin, as natural. Statistical analysis of information about the lifestyle and health 106 thousand of Norway and Sweden the average age showed that the habit at least once a month to visit the Solarium doubles the likelihood of melanoma.
In addition to such terrible consequences of abuse Solarium can be called other: activation of the herpes virus and certain skin diseases, the occurrence of hypersensitivity to UV rays. But the main thing to remember is the direct link between solar radiation and skin aging.
However, many still believe that aging affects only the natural sun, and radiation in a tanning bed is absolutely harmless. Alas, but it is not. And if one of the parameters of the artificial tan is really less harmful, while on the other the situation is Vice versa.
So, with frequent visits to the Solarium is a thickening of the Horny layer of the skin. One reason for this is excessively dry air in the room (sea humidity is much higher). Another problem skin after tanning is associated with high doses of UV rays of type A. In the long-term impact they penetrate the skin, reaching the dermis and cause loosening of the connective tissue. As a result, the elasticity of the skin is significantly reduced, which causes premature aging.
Definitely speak about the exclusive use or exclusive the dangers of the sun is not necessary. Everything is good in moderation and this applies to sunlight. The positive effect of ultraviolet radiation is in the synthesis, but rather the transition in the active fraction of vitamin d Is the sun and aesthetic value. Agree that most people have tanned skin associated with good health.
Rays And are superficial. They oxidize the melanin found in the skin cells, which then becomes dark, causing the appearance of a tan. Rays are dangerous to a greater extent, as they can cause mutations in the cells of the skin. They, acting on melanocytes - cells that produce pigment, stimulate the synthesis of melanin.
Tanning is a protective reaction of the body, which protects the top layer of the skin from UV rays. A person's susceptibility to sunburn depends on the thickness of the skin and the amount of skin pigment. Thus, portability of the Solarium each person special.
Do not try to tan in the Solarium at once, massive doses. Procedures Solarium healthy woman can take not more than once or twice a week, and after 5-6 sessions is to do a ten-day or two-week break.
Before going to the Solarium, you must consult with your doctor. The doctor will help you skillfully paint the individual procedures, Solarium, gradually increasing the intensity of the doses and duration. If you are prone to colds, and your immune system does not cope with an abundance of infections poisoned the environment if hurts the joints, and in the evening tired legs, the doctor probably will advise you on the Solarium.
Helps Solarium and when extended, but not brought to chronic varicose vessels of the legs, at the projection mesh visible capillaries on the hands and feet. In all these cases, the Solarium is a great invention of mankind - is becoming an indispensable tool for recovery.
Those people whose body is covered with moles, you should carefully keep track of them. If moles or skin around them begin to itch, blush or increase in volume, should immediately stop Hiking Solarium and consult with experienced dermatologists.
The most active and useful, and in many cases irreplaceable, Solarium in winter and early spring, when many processes in the body slow down, and manifestations of beriberi become more noticeable. The special relationship at the Solarium with cosmetic skin problems. Light tan, as you know, useful. He is to face each woman. Able to make it look more fresh and rejuvenated. Bronze complexion - cherished dream of many beauties - often makes you look older.
The danger of a long stay in a tanning bed is that can break down the collagen bundles of the dermis. The skin gradually begins to lose elasticity and smoothness, covered with wrinkles. If there is a mesh of wrinkles, and the skin has lost elasticity, then you obviously overzealous with Solarium. After all, everyone has their limit of stay in the Solarium.
Ultraviolet rays tanning help those who suffer from blackheads, acne and enlarged pores. Significantly narrows pores. Great help Solarium psoriasis. But when the dermatitis is not necessary to visit a Solarium, as dehydrated disease skin even more dry. One of the surest indicators of the use of the Solarium - your health. Listen to him.
For all the undoubted advantages of indoor tanning is no less serious disadvantages and contraindications. That is why, even if you consider yourself an absolutely healthy person, before going to the Solarium, you must consult with your doctor.
Here is a small list of diseases in which tan contraindications: hypertension, diabetes, disorders of the thyroid gland, breast, inflammation of the female genital organs (even minor), and exacerbation of many chronic diseases.
Going to the Solarium, remember what medications you have recently received. The fact that there is a group of medications that cause increased sensitivity to sunlight. Such photosensitizers include, for example, many antibiotics.
In order to avoid the appearance of age spots should not sunbathe in the Solarium and during pregnancy.
What else you need to know, going to a tanning salon?
Sunbathe in swimsuits or without him. Of course, it is tempting to have a completely even tan without the usual bright stripes. However, most doctors believe that this significantly increases the risk of possible negative consequences.
First, the skin on these traditionally closed areas more subtle and delicate, and therefore the sun can cause much more trouble. In addition, doctors advise women how to treat with due care of his own chest and not to expose her to such additional stress. The final answer to this question, of course, is yours. However, remember that health is not the victim, you want to sacrifice beauty.
Can I use the Solarium cosmetics? The fact that most women comes in the Solarium after work, which imply the presence of makeup. To protect yourself from possible allergies, the skin must be clean. In addition, if during the day you used toilet water or perfume, their debris should be removed from the skin. However, taking a shower, try not to use the withering skin detergents. In General, the ideal option is a visit to the Solarium to work (if schedule allows) or on weekends.
Another important question: do I need to use special glasses for tanning? The answer here can only be one: of course! Lack of eye protection from UV radiation can cause retinal burns, cataracts and even blindness.
10 rules that must be followed when visiting the Solarium
1. Don't forget cotton hat or scarf to protect your hair. Dried Solarium hair to lose its Shine, fade and become brittle.
2. Bring dark sunglasses. Do not expect that you will turn a blind eye. Closed eyelids too unreliable protection against strong UV rays.
3. Before the tanning process of the skin using a special oil or sunscreen. Indeed, in the Solarium area can burn as at noon on the ocean coast. Dark-skinned women with dense structure of the skin, you can put the cream in a thin layer, pale-skinned and those whose skin is thin, you should lubricate the body more abundantly. Sun creams weaken the irradiation, and the sun becomes softer and smoother. Creams should be applied immediately before the procedure.
4. Do not leave without attention the person, especially if the skin is prone to "burning". Face clean alcohol-free moisturizing lotion. Absolutely can not eat for sunbathing in the Solarium nourishing cream and more cream, which consists of hormones.
5. Before tanning, it is advisable not to wash with soap, as soap destroys the acid layer, removes the skin oils grease. This increases the risk of burn injury. Ideally, you should thoroughly wash with soap and water for a couple of hours before the procedure or, if you wash immediately before the procedure, to replace the soap to a more gentle liquid foam.
6. Before visiting the Solarium cannot apply on face makeup. Eliminate even lipstick. You should not use perfume, deodorants, essential oils.
7. Take care to select the type of tanning. Solarium, like the sun, all carry differently. Many stay in the Solarium pleasure. Someone feels weak and dizzy. First, it is preferable to use turbellarian, where the procedure is performed standing and flux rays simultaneously falls on the entire surface of the body, the sun "hugs" you from all sides. Physically weaker women it is better to take ultraviolet tubs lying in a horizontal position, when you can relax and unwind.
8. Carefully take medicines in front of the Solarium. It is best to consult your doctor. Because certain medications increase the sensitivity of the skin and can cause sun allergies.
9. Women who have crossed the threshold of thirty, should be in the Solarium in the bra and panties. To expose the delicate zone of the direct irradiation is not necessary.
10. Solarium, of course, the holiday, but it is active in many body functions, so after the procedure, you should sit and relax. You can enjoy a Cup of herbal fortified tea or juice, rich in vitamin C. Immediately after tanning should not stand under a cold shower.
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