Overweight or do not want to part with them, either for a short time leaves its possessor to some time back again. What to do in such cases, says celebrity nutritionist, candidate of medical Sciences, doctor of aesthetic medicine Margarita Queen. Her weight Nadezhda Babkina, Natasha Koroleva, Philip Kirkorov, Niko Lai Basque, Andrey Malakhov, Olesya Sudzilovskaya, Tina Kandelaki and Anita Tsoy. Under the leadership of Margaret finds new forms illustrious coach Tatiana Tarasova.
- Margarita V. what errors are in the process of weight loss are the most frequent?
- First, is the lack of qualified primary information, which allows you to start the process of weight reduction without compromising the health of those people for whom it really useful. Because there are many women who suffer the so-called imaginary overweight, i.e. not have them at all. This applies particularly to young people who do not have extra pounds, but they have millimeter pleated at the waist, from which they want to get rid of. When it comes to me such a person, I tell him that all people are individual and perhaps this is the crease gives him a certain charm. And then, it is necessary from a purely physiological point of view: in the body fat layer must be present, it performs its functions, so get rid of the last folds completely not worth it.
Secondly, people do not understand the physiology of its own body, so start to lose weight irrational. For example, they use mono, which can give the primary outcome of weight loss, and then the body begins to resist and may even regain the lost pounds.
Thirdly, it is a mistake to keep in the program of weight reduction the usual amount of salt. Salt is always fluid, and means blocking program fat burning. So no matter what a man did, fluid retention will inevitably slow down the process.
Another error - insufficient intake of water. Water is a catalyst in many processes such as detoxification. You can absolutely correctly build a nutrition program, but, forgetting about fluid intake, not to achieve the desired results. So drink at least 2, 5 liters a day is a necessary condition for reducing body mass.
- Varies whether the amount of water for each person?
For every 450 grams weight should be not less than 14 grams of water. It's normal physiology. If a person wants to reduce body weight, it must add another 500 ml. for Example, he weighs 80 kilograms Divided by 450 and multiply by 14. We get that he should drink at least 2, 5 liters of water a day. If he sets out to lose weight, you need to increase this number up to 3 liters, provided that there are no contraindications.
- A complete rejection of flour and fat during weight loss is the error?
All very individually. If people before eating mostly fat, unwholesome food, if he loves them, it will be a very strong stress a complete rejection of them. Even worse, if you refuse flour and fat in a short period of time, and then come back to this diet - in this case, the lost weight back with a vengeance. It is better to set a schedule for eating your favorite foods, but, of course, in limited quantities. There is a need in the morning, slowly and carefully, slowly proviva - so you will get such pleasure from this food, as if I had eaten it in large numbers.
Many diets require you to count calories. Is it worth the time and effort?
In my programs I don't always recommend to perform mathematical calculations. This is interesting for those who like structure and is thinking very rationally. For most people to stick to this system very difficult. It is important to focus on the amount of servings and the usefulness of used products. After all, 260 calories may contain chocolate "Mars", and if it will eat people, inclined to corpulence, they will otlojitsa at the waist. These 260 calories contains a piece of meat with vegetables, from which you will get both energy and essential vitamins. The body has much work to do to arrange these products in the ingredients, and they, in turn, be used as a building material. As a result, the body will not only receive the minimum number of calories he will spend their own on the absorption of this product.
- Whether to give up fat?
- Meals should be balanced in fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Proteins are an essential component of the diet, they are the building blocks. Without fat is also impossible for the normal functioning of the body, he uses them to build cell membranes, absorption of fat-soluble vitamins - a, D, E, K. For people suffering from obesity, the diet should also include fats, but in a limited number. You need to eat fats and animal and vegetable origin. For losing weight, a person's best sources of fats is fish, because it is rich in fatty acids omega 3, vitamin E, minerals, vegetable oils, and lean meats and poultry. Of course, these products must be properly prepared: steamed, grilled or boiled. If you are cooking on the grill, make sure that the fat dripping on a special pallet and did not form a crust, which contains harmful carcinogens.
- Is it important meal times? Those who dine after six, also make a mistake?
- It all depends on the metabolic rate of each person. So, from 6 a.m. to 12 days, he is the fastest, but from 18.00 to 6.00 am, his speed is minimal. Therefore, those who are predisposed to weight gain, it is necessary to significantly restrict their food in the evening. Breakfast need in the first hour after waking up, during the day, eat 5 or 6 times, last, and mandatory meal will be held until 19.00.
But there are times when you just don't have time to eat at the right time or had time, but the hunger still starts tantalizing. In these moments I propose to resort to some tricks. You came home you immediately meets someone from home and takes the bottle of water and a jar of honey. Slowly eating a teaspoon of honey, you will feel that the hunger is gone. Honey increases the level of sugar in the blood, but because the feeling of hunger retreats. Then you need to drink a glass of water or a Cup of tea. And in that moment you will realize that you just wanted to drink - we often confuse thirst with hunger. There are other "sticks-virusology". For example, before going to bed, pour yourself a glass of kefir and slowly, a small spoon to eat it. Eating half a Cup, you will understand that satiated. Another option: take grenades, remove the seeds and eat Chinese sticks one at a time. They are sweet and delicious, again increase the level of sugar. Another way to cut the grapefruit into halves and eat the flesh with a spoon. Thus the process of the meal is delayed, the impression that you are eating enough, and the hunger goes away.
- There is such a phenomenon as "the plateau phase": up to a certain point the person loses weight, sticking to the program, but there comes a time when the weight stops away and the weight does not move from the dead point. How to deal with it?
"Yes, indeed, "weight plateau" is a frequent phenomenon. But it is only for the sake of the body. The first meeting with the man who comes to me, I start with what I show him the Atlas of our body in school. Tell what it is, that is why. Often we have no idea about how it works, and constantly wrestling with it. Weight plateau is a period when the body rebuilds all their systems in a new way - endocrine, digestive and other. That is, quite simply, is adapted, when there are not quantitative but qualitative changes, including recruitment and strengthening muscle mass, toning skin and t.d. If you really want to see quantitative expression of the body in the form of dropped pounds, you can resort to unloading days: eat a limited set of products, but to increase the number of meals 6-7 times, and sometimes up to 10. It will be a mini-stress to the body, and the weight again, "crawl" down, and you are content with the dynamics. However, I highly recommend not to use fasting days continuously or sit on a very low calorie diet. When you return to your usual diet that will give an increase in weight, and will be disappointed. And it is impossible to allow.
- How to distinguish the phase of the "plateau" from the point when the body finally ceases to lose weight?
- It's very simple. It is only necessary to calculate the body mass index normal weight, he must be from 18 to 24, and to see what percentage of fat present in the body. Learn to accept yourself, you should not strive for the imposed standards. Perhaps you will never be slim waists is not because you have excess weight, but just because of the specific structure of the skeleton. In this case you need not to reduce the weight, and the correct selection of clothing. Should learn to enjoy not just a matter of how you look, and from what you're doing, then there will be a welcome harmony in the relationship with yourself.
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