Sunday, August 31, 2014

Memory: limitations and possibilities

Memory: limitations and possibilitiesSomeone always loses gloves, someone instantly forgets the content of what you have just read the article, someone does not remember his age. Our memory is selective, no doubt. But does it have boundaries and can they be separated?

Have you ever tried to remember your day yesterday? Just do not rush to answer. Remember not long-awaited issuance of an advance or a compliment from the boss, but to restore to detail your way from bed to bed. It turns out that not everything is so simple... or not so important?

Memory specifies many mysteries, and sometimes plays with us a cruel joke. Otherwise why the poem on the page you learn in half an hour, and English is not moving already spent a year? Or how is it that you remember in the face of each counter, and the number of his mobile still dictate on a piece of paper? Of course, with such quirks can be tolerated, but in other moments too want to feel round excellence. Although with age, asking different questions: why after 30 years of mental abilities begin to fade, and at the end of the tunnel waiting for us hopeless degradation? Luckily, the memory can be improved and preserved.

Then I remember that I did not remember

To the brain neuroscientists got not so long ago, so the white spots are still many. But it is known that memory is short-term and long-term. "Short-term memory can be compared by computer memory, where it is processed only current information, " explains Vladimir Zakharov, Professor of the Department of nervous diseases of the First Moscow medical state University. I. M. Sechenov. - It has a limited volume, which is reduced to the formula "7 plus or minus 2 structural units". This means that the average Earthman may be time to think about any 7 things, his more talented brother - about 9, and the less fortunate is about 5. Long-term memory is more like a hard drive, where it turns out all that was once assimilated by us. From this repository, we periodically vyuzivam necessary information and drag it into memory to solve the task.

The long-term memory limit does not exist, but this does not mean that it fixed everything. "The information we are able to perceive consciously and unconsciously, " says Oksana Lysenko, psychologist, author of training on the development of memory in the Moscow center for NLP. In the first case, we seem to mark the acquired knowledge by birochki and, if necessary, can remove them from the "store" willpower and even remember where they have learned. Unconsciously we learn much more information, but it is available only to our intuition, so can not use it all.

Five channels

The man perceives the world through the five senses. "In neuro-psychology to talk about three kinds of memory: visual, auditory, and motor, which is also called tactile or kinesthetic, but it is theoretically possible to assume the existence of gustatory and olfactory memory", - says Vladimir Zakharov. The easiest way we perceive visual images, because 80% of the information we absorb the eyes.

At the hearing, smell, touch and taste rely much less, and in vain. "Often when learning a foreign language adults use the same strategy remember that they enjoyed studying, - says Oksana Lysenko. For example, many are suspicious of the courses, because they know: if you do not write in the notebook all the new words to remember, nothing will happen. However, the unusual strategy can be more efficient than old - most importantly, allow yourself to go beyond the usual".

From each according to his ability

Scholars have identified five types, and the townsfolk are only two: the memory is either good or leaky. To explain this injustice will have to respond in a more intimate question: why some people are smart and others, to put it mildly, not very? "Our cognitive abilities, including memory, determine first of all the genes, " says Vladimir Zakharov. But a lot depends on how you passed the first years of life." If in early childhood food for thought enough genius will be enough. If this time is missed, flourish talent is unlikely to succeed.

However, there is good news. "With age, the memory mechanism is modified, but the end result is not affected, " explains Vladimir Zakharov. - Of course, the speed of reaction blunted. Decreases and the ability to maintain an active mental activity for a long time. So, if the son for the night before the exam can learn all the lectures, his father with the task cannot compete. Over the years violated the ability to do several things simultaneously, that is, to work with different sources of information at once. But lost the gifts of youth with more than compensates for the experience and worldly wisdom. Adult achieves the same goal, but much less effort, because he can effectively manage your time and prioritize".

There is a more scientific explanation for this phenomenon. "Scientists have proved that, if health fails, the maximum activity of the brain reaches 60 years, - says Oksana Lysenko. Of course, the neurons of which it consists, not restored, but connecting them shoots grow life. When these processes are connected, the result is a synapse. The more synapses, the better developed brain. This means that with age, the tasks are solved more efficiently, and the desired information is retrieved from the store faster".

The synapses we can feel physically: in the moment when we think that the brain begins to boil, we are, if not smarter, wiser for sure. Connections between neurons are formed when we work on the intellectual field: make a discovery solved the problem, play chess, are trying to unravel the puzzle, learn a foreign language, look the cognitive transfer. And in this direction the road is open to everyone.

The boundary lies

Everyone at least once in my life complained about their memory, and even our loved ones are ready even now to nominate her a thousand and one charge. But what are the criteria to judge whether or not all with us? Memory impairment can be true and false. Imaginary associated with luteola put forward by Plato and flourished until the last century. He thought that the memory is dimensionless wax tablet on which all saw and heard forever imprinted. "For all cognitive activity required three conditions: proper organization of work, motivation and effort, " explains Vladimir Zakharov. Memory always involves active work, as well as the solution of mathematical problems. You will not be able to read the conditions and then give the answer. It is necessary to think, to concentrate, to apply knowledge - in other words, to make intellectual work". While scientists do not learn to sew us chips with Wikipedia, you will need to strain to have something to remember, and that knowledge has continued to Shine, have to follow the ancient commandment: "Repetition is the mother of learning". Verified by science: every time we read a familiar text, connections between neurons are strengthened, nerve impulses pass through them faster, so the information we remember firmer.

Diseases that cause true memory impairment usually begin after 70 years. "The most frequent cause of these disorders is Alzheimer's disease, " says Vladimir Zakharov. In contrast to disorders of motor functions impaired memory deprive the patient of the human form, he loses the ability to higher brain functions". Among the risk factors in the first place is old age, the second genetic predisposition, the third - cardiovascular disease and traumatic brain injury. Visibly diminishes the chances of blessed memory Smoking, alcohol and sedentary way of life.

Up to 70 years to be wary just in case if you have problems with memory for recent events. If you don't remember that yesterday went to visit best friend, it is better to consult a doctor. But if you forgot to do what I planned, because tired at work, was a little alarmed or played Cinderella, this emergency situation. "Memory can be occupied not only by thoughts about pressing matters, but also our experiences, as it happens in stressful moments, - says Oksana Lysenko. When emotions, we can forget to turn off the iron or to congratulate her husband happy birthday".

Fear and prejudice

Interference in our memory cause not only stress and fatigue. Sometimes unconsciously or consciously we understand that this information we really don't need, and themselves supremum to overload the brain. But there are also psychological reasons. When the desire or motivation is there, but to learn the genealogy of the Romanov dynasty are still struggling, we prevent our fears and prejudices. "Man gives himself the installation: "I won't be able to remember it", - says Oksana Lysenko. Or because it's "too hard" or because "so much of the brain will not fit the". Often "fear not remember" and "the shame of something not to know" we get "thanks" school. Continued focus on errors and punitive red pen erect psychological barriers, which we continue to fight and in adult life. "Many teachers take responsibility for the training, and the responsibility for motivation fully pass on to the student, while everything should be Vice versa, " adds psychologist. - If you are faced with this problem, it is important to myself is to know and to draw conclusions".

Sometimes hinder us "syndrome of excellence", that is, desire for perfectionism. "This feature can also develop through the fault of the school, where the staff enjoy indecent, continues Oksana Lysenko. Habit chastise ourselves for the fact that the maximum is not reached, beats any motivation whatsoever. Any goal at the end of the road promises us pleasure, but if we know that we are waiting for the sadness, the taste of life lost". It is important to allow yourself the right to make mistakes and not be afraid to make the first step. There are things that can only be realized on personal experience. When we realize that only they understood the movie in English without reading subtitles, it becomes clear that in this world everything is possible.

Helpful hints

1) One of the most simple ways to improve memory is to develop synesthesia. This ability to use multiple systems store information in the responsibility of the five senses, allows you to "stitch" the images of a different order. As an exercise, imagine what colour your city where you were, or what the taste of the 33 letters of the Russian alphabet.

2) Exercise "instant photo" you can do while walking. Stop, turn head to right, close your eyes and describe myself seen the picture. Open your eyes and check that it was not in focus. Now turn your head to the left and take the second snapshot. Perception and attention aggravated already after 2 weeks.

3) Remembering the formula "7 plus or minus 2", start playing with matches better with five pieces. Squeeze them into a fist, throw it on the table and try for 3-5 seconds to memorize the pattern. Cover the picture with a sheet of paper and close reproduce it from memory. If you do not remember, where there was a match, trust intuition. When you increase the number of matches to the maximum, i.e. up to 9 pieces, paint them in different colors, complicating their task.

If you teach a foreign language, set yourself a specific goal. To explain at the reception, it is enough to sit in tutorial 3 months to work abroad for 2 years, and to become a translator, you will have to enroll in a language school.

4) In the works of Mozart are many sounds in the range of 5000-8000 Hz, which are beneficial to the brain. Disks can be set during practice, and after them to recover. If classical music is not to the court, listen to the beat of a metronome, giving it a rate of 1 beat per second. Already after 4 minutes you will sink into a state of alpha-rhythm and can remember 25% more information than usual.

5) Over the age of genes and we have no control, but about the health of the cardiovascular system can take care of himself. To seek salvation in the sport and a healthy lifestyle. In cardiovascular diseases, impaired circulation, which can lead to ischemic stroke (cerebral infarction), after which the parts of the brain die off due to lack of oxygen. These strokes and cause memory impairment.


A. Kobozev


Happy parents

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