But, unfortunately, life is not a movie, and it does not provides the installation. And if you want to lose weight, you have to combine it with work. However, you have all chances not to deviate from planned and yet to impress colleagues.
Collective decision
By the way, about colleagues. Most women will postpone the start of the diet from day to day because of them. It just so happened that in our society, those extra pounds are perceived as a sign of weakness and lack of discipline. Often relatives blame the woman that she lost form and will not undertake themselves. In diet-sections of the Internet full of derogatory comments in an address full of people. It is quite natural that you don't want to even and colleagues involved in the discussion of your body, what you eat, how much we move. Simply put, you are afraid to embarrass myself. Especially if the weight loss won't work.
The truth is that problems your body are important only for you and not for anyone else. Your loved ones, colleagues and even strangers from the world wide web discuss them only because you make this topic. People are selfish, and their own problems take much more of your pounds. Try to remember who and what of your colleagues ate last week. It is unlikely you will succeed. So if you're not going to focus on losing weight, no one will give importance to the fact that you changed habits and instead of cakes for morning tea now eat fruit.
However, if you look closely, you will probably find among the like-minded colleagues, who is also trying to lose weight, but as you are ashamed to reveal their problem. The two of you will be much easier to deal with pounds - you will be each other's support, and in a moment of weakness will not give up. Well, there will be people who will truly appreciate your results.
The levée
However, in order for these results to achieve, there is much to change. For example, first you have to learn to eat. If your whole life you in the morning, drank a Cup of coffee and ate her morning news, then, of course, arriving at work you first grab a pie or a packet of crisps from the vending machine with fast food. In order to survive until lunch without hunger pangs or conscience, eat Breakfast, and tight enough.
Many complain that they are a piece in the morning doesn't fit in the throat. Most likely, these people are followers of the late dinners and generally owls. Change the system gradually. To eat early in the morning, yogurt and a piece of cheese toast, and dinner gradually move to an earlier time. The sooner your dinner, the stronger you'll be hungry by morning, and the greater will become your Breakfast. Ideally in the morning you should eat so much that before lunch you only wanted a small snack in the form of fruit or Cup of yogurt.
About the bite, by the way, you need to think ahead in your table must always have enough apples, pears, whole wheat loaves, almonds.
Lunch break
Your diet assumes a certain diet? Have to overcome yourself and start to cook in the evening. If cooking is neither the time nor the energy, you can choose a diet involving a minimum of culinary delights and even food, for example a mono-diet for buckwheat or chicken and apples. However, if you, like me, won't move trips to work with trays and meaningless in its cruelty Express diet, you can get food from a nearby local cafe or dining. First of all, refrain from business Lunches. The goal of café owners - as cheap to feed a large number of people and not losing profit. So Lunches include fatty, most hearty type of fried potatoes, meat in French and "mayonnaise" salads. You do not want this. Certainly, in any cafe you will find a salad of fresh vegetables, boiled rice or buckwheat, roasted meats or grilled fish. In this place didn't have it? The courage and talk with the Manager. One of my friends did, when the dispute is decided to lose 12 pounds. With its filing in the office launched a campaign for healthy food employees. The girl has long been lost, and the Department of the diet in the dining room, still enjoys great popularity among the female half of the team.
Dinner time
If your work day ends at 6-7pm, dinner will also have at work. Many believe that it is inconvenient and generally busy. In the end, with his dinner, they meet in the best case, about eight o'clock, and if it still needs to cook, and 10 PM. With such a schedule will not lose weight. Throw away the shyness and bring dinner with you. A piece of boiled chicken, cottage cheese with fruit, a couple of natural yogurt with a handful of granola. Can't take a break at six bite to eat? Dine at seven, when the working day is over. Will be late for work for 15 minutes and dine, not to do it at home at a later hour. At the same time thus you will free up a night for fitness and other useful and pampering treatments that will help you to become eye-popping as soon as possible.
A. Strelnikova
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