Often the cause of complexes become counsel adults about what should be modest. You just have to forgive them astray and try to prove that you have the right to behave one way or another. Just to prove it should not be assumed courage - the artificiality always noticeable to others. Gradually, by working on yourself, you can find a balance between a certain degree of humility and determination. Start, for example, to communicate with young people on forums. In real life you often because of embarrassment't find the right words? On the forum you can think, write, edit, and you can do to remain silent.
After all, how often girls, who are concerned about how to stop shy guys, you can hear: "Alone I dokruchivayu dialogues in my head, but once you start to communicate with guys all forgotten and lost! " That train "cats". Only not to play! Look at life realistically. In the virtual world, as in real, can never be too careful, so for "training" and select the forums with a good reputation, preferably those that are relevant and / or you are familiar or interesting.
Surely you remember those hurts that were inflicted on you in childhood silly boys. Forget about them. You will say, it is not easy. Very simply. Do you have a friend of a boy of ten or twelve? Imagine if this particular Bob said something not very nice about your appearance you present. How would you react? In the best case would not pay attention to his childish trick, at worst, give him a slap! But the classmate was the same child. He said and forgotten, and you still think his opinion is worthwhile, isn't that silly? Besides, you have grown from awkward teenager turned into an attractive girl. You are not sure that attractive? Book a photo shoot with a good photographer, look at ourselves, and see for yourself how good you are. Perhaps the heightened self-esteem will forever put an end to the question of how to stop shy guys - they could well be ashamed of you!
Become your own stylist and makeup artist. Not us noticed that the girl feels confident when she is stylishly dressed and groomed. Note - stylish and not expensive! A girl who looks perfect, will never wonder how to stop shy guys" even if nature did not pay enough attention to her appearance. If you do not love yourself, you will not be able to demand it from others. Everyone knows about this reception, as a "conversation mirror", but not all use it. Try because you have nothing to lose. Tell your reflection that you are beautiful and unique. At the same time and otrepetiruyte gestures and facial expressions. You probably have noticed that the actress who does not have perfect facial features seem beauties?! The expression of the eyes, turning the head, smile, make them fascinating. And even confidence.
Encyclopedia of women's life
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