Beauty can be different - the French say, and so, we can recognize a beautiful two completely different women. But today I would like to tell you about things that can spoil all the beauty. Remember them, so nothing prevents you to be beautiful always and everywhere.
Messy hair. In this state, even the most gorgeous hair look awful. And it is unlikely in the near future we are facing fashion unwashed head, so pay attention to maintaining the cleanliness of your hair. And force majeure as an excuse will not be accepted! In the end, now there are hygiene products like dry shampoo, which you can use to freshen up your hair for five minutes, even in the deep woods. It is enough to distribute special powder from a tube on the surface of the head, and then well comb hair, removing them from the shampoo together with grease and dirt.
Groomed eyebrows
also still considered bad manners. Unfortunately, many women forget to give due attention to shaping your eyebrows, but lean on cosmetics for the eyes. And it was well-maintained, properly shaped eyebrows can make the eyes look more expressive without any makeup! On the other hand, bright eye makeup will only exacerbate the negative impression from ugly eyebrows. See how to choose the shape of the eyebrows.
Bad breath
able to kill the charm of any woman. However, fighting for fresh breath, don't get involved in chewing gum: you don't want to cause Association with ruminants? Better use other means, for example, special sprays to freshen breath, which is not only very effective but also easy to use. And contact the dentist - is possible, bad breath causes problems with teeth and bad teeth and beauty are incompatible in principle.
Pay attention to your manicure! Nails should always be accurate, regardless of the color you have them or not. Well, if you are painting, then do not forget to update your manicure, especially in the case of using bright paints. Manicure must be either perfect, or absent, in principle, the other is not given.Irregular hair. You want a man instead of the smooth legs suddenly found resistant bristles? By all the canons of beauty is shaped mess, especially now that any woman can choose for themselves a convenient form of hair removal. Wax, electric epilator, special creams, razors - what a bunch of tools to care for our feet, which should always be worthy of admiration!
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