Tweezing and eyebrows for most of us is quite frequent ritual. The market today offers unusual novelties in this area. As the most easy and simple to adjust eyebrows, says beautician salon "beauty" from Kiev Lyudmila Fokine.
Conventionally all forms of eyebrows can be divided into four types: round, straight, bent and broken. If you look closely to the eyebrows movie stars and pop divas, it immediately becomes clear that the majority of them prefer the so-called polygonal shape of the eyebrows, i.e. with a large bending angle. To go far for examples is not necessary, it is enough to recall the sharp bend eyebrows Marilyn Monroe, Ashley dead or Christina Aguilera. But the model, conversely, prefer a more natural straight or curved eyebrows, probably in order not to be tied to one specific way.
Eyebrows at home
You will need: white eyeliner applicator, eyebrow tweezers for plucking, dark gray or brown shadow or pencil and a thin stiff brow brush. What is the applicator for eyebrows?
Most recently, in specialized shops of Europe and the United States appeared one useful innovation, it is called a template or applicator eyebrow. This item is a small thin piece of flexible plastic with cut out shape of the eyebrows in the middle. Usually a set of such templates include several options eyebrow, mimicking the shape of the eyebrows known models and movie stars.
Attention! Before picking, be sure that all your tools perfectly clean, and the skin around your eyebrows degreased.
If your eyebrows are too light or rare
Attach the same applicator and apply by brush. This method is quite simple and ideal for the lazy. If you don't have an applicator, you can do without it. Shadows much easier to use than a pencil. They lie more smoothly and naturally. If you still chose the pencil, carefully draw them missing hairs in the direction of their growth. Never podkrashivanie eyebrow mascara. It looks very sloppy.
So eyebrows were straight, put a drop of normal hair gel on a round brush from an old mascara and brush your eyebrows in the direction of their growth. The result will pleasantly surprise you.
The color that you to face
Many women mistakenly believe that the perfect eyebrow must be black in color. But in this case most of us might be similar to Maruszeczka-the darling of the famous fairy tale, which brought his eyebrows furnace soot. Therefore, choosing the most natural and expressive color to groom your brows, be sure to consider the color of their hair and skin.
For fair-skinned blondes are best suited eyebrows light brown or medium brown shade. For "honey" or Golden blondes perfect will be the same medium brown shade. Brunettes should opt for a dark brown or dark gray, dark-haired, you can use the same shades and black. For redheaded most harmonious color is Golden-brown and terracotta. Gray-haired ladies who prefer to be natural, it may be advisable to tint eyebrow medium brown shade and also dark-gray.
Eyebrows - decals
This brand new way of doing eyebrows already someone had called the makeup of the XXI century. Its great advantage over other is speed. The disadvantage is translated into the skin of the eyebrows don't look quite natural.
The technology is quite simple: you place a tattoo-sticker on the eyebrow and pressed her wet towel at 70-90 seconds, then remove the strip of paper. Your new eyebrow done.
Typically, this tattoo lasts a few days. However, if you are unhappy with the result, it is quite easy to remove with ordinary vegetable oil. Transferable eyebrows available in several colors from beige to black - and various forms. Each set contains approximately 7-14 identical pairs of eyebrows and is from 4 to 6$. Forward for new eyebrows.
How to pluck eyebrows
1. White pencil, mark the point at which to begin and end your eyebrow. In order to choose the correct proportion, attach a pencil vertically to the wing of the nose. Where the pencil crosses the brow, is the ideal point of its beginning. The outer end of the eyebrow is best to leave natural. However, if your eyebrows are too short, you can have a little visually lengthen them, but again not pereborshila.
2. Now you can start plucking. If you are the lucky winner of the applicator, attach it to the inner corner of the beginning of the eyebrows and draw the shape of a white pencil, this will facilitate further plucking. Comb eyebrow brush in the direction of their growth. Never visibilite the top edge of the eyebrow. This activity is quite risky, because it can greatly change the expression on your face. And then fix anything will be difficult.
3. Begin to pluck the eyebrow along the bottom edge, slightly pulling the skin. To start with, just visually align the line, removing incorrectly growing hairs. Do not immediately turn their eyebrows in threads. Your task is simply to adjust their shape.
4. After plucking process eyebrows antiseptic. This will help the redness go much faster.
Evdokimova N.
Women's health
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