5 "don'ts" for good potency
Obesity. Negative effect on potency overweight, which have many men. In obese men in addition to unsightly extra pounds accumulated estrogens (female sex hormones, and decreases the level of testosterone - the hormone that regulates sexual behavior, and impaired blood flow in the genital area. In addition, the presence of a large belly leads to cardiovascular disease, increased levels of blood lipids and the development of diabetes. All of these diseases are characterized by the condition known as "metabolic syndrome", which in turn is closely related to problems with erection.
Smoking. The main harmful substance contained in inhaled tobacco smoke is nicotine. This insidious enemy vessels, as it can cause persistent spasm (constriction) of small vessels, including those that krovosnabzhayut penis. Therefore, consuming a large amount of cigarettes a day, you may encounter a "tragedy of the bedroom at night. And in addition, nicotine induces atherosclerosis is a disease, which in itself also leads to increased fragility and blockage of blood vessels, and as a result to impotence.
Alcohol. We all know that a glass of red wine enhances libido. Indeed, contained in the grape juice bioflavonoids and iron improve circulation and thereby have a positive effect on sexual function. But when the dose of alcohol regularly exceeds the acceptable norm of the glass, it becomes a major risk factor in the development of erectile dysfunction. The main reason is the liver and as a consequence, the exchange of male hormones that live there and that affect normal sexual function. In addition, intoxicated blunted sensitivity, and as a result problems arise with the onset of ejaculation. A separate conversation about the "harmless" drink - beer. The fact that it has a negative effect on potency, because it has the counterparts of the female sex hormone estrogen. They accumulate in the "beer belly", oppressing male libido.
Drugs Men after 40 to the problem with potency lead mostly Mature by this time the disease: cardiovascular disease - coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis and hypertension, and diabetes mellitus. And in the period of exacerbation of the disease sexuality is reduced to the maximum. Finish potency and even medications that treat these abnormalities of the body. This destructive effect, as a rule, occurs only during the course of treatment and after cessation of therapy. For example, tools that increase the production of prolactin, which causes decreased production of testosterone, and therefore, reduces the potency. The same substances include neuroleptics, beta-blockers (used to treat cardio-vascular system), antidepressants, antihistamines (anti-Allergy) and antihypertensive drug (decreasing blood pressure) and female hormones. A similar effect on potency have barbiturates (sleeping pills) and bromine products that take a tranquiliser. Reduce libido and potency and medications for weight loss, as well as antitubercular and anticancer drugs.
Conflicts Very often problems with potency can pursue even a perfectly healthy men without bad habits. And the reason for this is stress, fatigue, depression. Then called impotence psychological and instead of going to different doctors, you need to understand yourself, possibly with the help of the therapist, and to establish a relationship with his partner. This kind of dysfunction differs sudden onset of problems (other forms of impotence are developing gradually and preservation of spontaneous morning erections. The most common cause of this dysfunction are problems in pair: serious conflicts with your significant other, a mismatch of sexual habits and requirements of partners and t. d. The destructive effect on the erection has "fear of failure", when the man, for some reason, already had problems in bed. On the ground of this fear can develop sustainable neurosis. A good solution to this problem would be a Frank discussion with your partner and the ability to "turn off the brain during sex - not to concentrate on their problems, and to think about the pleasure women.
Visibly at the root
The most important thing in combating erectile dysfunction is to start. The treatment regimen will depend on the diagnostic results and the identified causes of sexual dysfunction. For specification of the diagnosis you need to see a doctor, andrologist and pass the required examinations. For a start, the doctor will assess visually sex organs and development of secondary sexual characteristics. Then you will be prompted to do an ultrasound of the prostate and urinary system. This survey gives an accurate picture of the internal state bodies, entities and dislocations. Alternative ultrasound * palpation of the prostate gland palpation of the prostate to identify its size and status, and the presence of neoplasms. Of clinical tests will recommend you to take the test with prostaglandin E1, which is called artificial pharmacological erection (this allows to suspect vascular disorders), as well as pharmacotherapy vessels of the penis - study that allows you to get information about the strength, condition and dynamics of blood flow in the penis. In addition, you must pass the blood glucose - it is necessary to exclude diabetes, and blood tests for hormones to exclude endocrine causes of erectile dysfunction.
Pill for courage
The most common method of treatment dysfunction - tablets drugs are inhibitors of the enzyme phosphodiesterase-5. In the absence of contraindications (cardiovascular diseases and allergies to components of the drug) prescribe them literally all patients. The effectiveness of inhibitors of phosphodiesterase-5 with various forms of erectile dysfunction ranges from 60 to 85%. It depends on the "originality" of the drug (more than cheap copies, the so-called "generics", with the same active ingredient can act weaker) and the dose. In Europe there are three original drug. The founder of among them is the drug sildenafil, then appeared pill with the active ingredient-tadalafil and modern - with vardenafil (it is believed that they increase the duration of sexual intercourse). These drugs are used for some time prior to sexual intercourse.
But if this therapy after a long reception of the desired effect does not have to resort to surgery - prosthetic penis (hard plastic or inflatable prosthesis). During surgery, the penis is implanted, the implant, which "desire" is inflated (if expensive inflatable prosthesis) or is constantly in erection (hard denture). But in any case it is important to understand that only a doctor-a specialist in men's health will be able to choose the most suitable method of solving the problem of erectile dysfunction.
Impotence or "breakup" in bed
Myths about impotence
Prikhodko So, Taruc.
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