Research scientists have already proven that drinking the required amount of water can to minimize such chronic diseases as back pain, migraine, rheumatic pain, and to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, normalize blood pressure and reduce weight. Because water does not contain salt, fat, cholesterol and caffeine, the excess, without problems eliminated from the body.
The loss of body 10% water and more negative impact on his life and is manifested by disorders of metabolism and functions of the Central nervous system from the light shifts of the mental state to hyperreflexia, seizures, coma and death.
How much fluid to drink and how to drink?
Water is the simplest solution to meet the needs of our body in the liquid. The main thing to watch mineral composition of the water. For drinking and cooking is better to use fresh water with a total salinity of 0.5 - 1 g/L. you should Not drink mineral water with high content of mineral salts. This can lead to an imbalance of minerals in the body. Usually this water is used for medicinal purposes.
You cannot replace the water juices, milk or broth. But perfect selection of teas - herbal, fruity, green.
- Drink the first glass of liquid immediately after sleep
- Always drink when thirsty
- Drink a glass of water after each trip to the toilet
- Drink a glass of water half an hour before and after eating
- Avoid using highly carbonated water: it stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, and thus provokes the feeling of hunger.
- Drink water before, during and after physical exercise
Water and health
For normal functioning of the kidneys need plenty of water. If we drink a little, water is deteriorating kidney function and increases the load on the liver. One of the main functions of the liver is to process fat into energy used by the body. But if the liver has to do part of the work of the kidneys, it can't do its main job at full capacity. As a result, it uses less fat, the fat stored in the body and stops weight loss.
The lack of liquid toxins and other deposits slowed down, they begin to move through the body and poison it. This leads to a decrease in the rate of metabolic processes. Therefore, when the weight reduction is very important to drink enough fluids during the day for effective removal of metabolic products.
Constant lack of fluids can cause constipation. When the body gets too little water, then he takes her from all sources, including from the contents of the intestine and mainly the large intestine. The result? The constipation. But when a person drinks enough water, resumes normal function of the intestine. Some people have sufficient fluid intake leads to the solution of problems with constipation.
Usually lack of fluids is more conducive to swelling than her and excess. When we drink enough water, the body sees it as a threat to survival and begins to hold on to every drop and in the hands and feet become swollen. Diuretics-this is a temporary solution. They, unfortunately, together with the wash water and the desired body.
The body gets a signal about the threat and tries at the first opportunity to recoup your losses. And again all repeats. If you want to break out of this circle, give the body what it needs - a sufficient amount of water. In this case, the body starts effectively gets rid of excess fluid. Like I have seen a large number of our clients.
When the body lacks water, we often begin to feel hunger, and are more likely to eat sweets that give you extra energy. Actually, the body will only need enough water. Do not confuse hunger and thirst.
Headaches and dizziness can be the first symptoms of dehydration, since the brain is composed of 75% water. Dehydration can increase body temperature, loss of muscle negatively affect endurance and coordination and even increase the risk of stroke.
When it's hot, we sweat a lot and lose in sweat quite a lot of liquid, and you need to recover these losses. In winter during the heating season by reducing humidity we also need fluids.
Our grandparents are more susceptible to dehydration. Kidney function deteriorates, thirst signals become weaker, because of this in the body lowers the liquid level. The elderly often use medicines, which can also dehydrate the body.
How much you need to drink water?
The average person every day lost about 2, 5 liters of water during breathing, sweating, internal physiological needs of the body and in the urine and feces of toxins from the body. It is estimated that in order to compensate the loss of fluid people, weight 56kg, should consume in an average of 8 glasses of fluid a day.
Is it possible to drink too much fluid?
In principle, it is possible, but it is unlikely someone will be able. Healthy kidneys can handle up to 20 liters of fluid per day. Do you drink per day 80 glasses of water? Only if you have serious kidney disease, heart may be restrictions on fluid intake. In this case it is better to consult with your doctor.
Napreenko And.
Lose Weight Together
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