In the interview, I arrived much earlier. Walked into a cafe and was going to order something sublime, but then from behind the glass display cases I blatantly winked unclear as there appeared a piece of chocolate cake. Furtively looking around, I quickly told him "Yes! "completely forgot about the sandwich of whole wheat bread with Turkey and green salad. "Time...", I thought with melancholy.
I disgracefully ate the cake, when a passage seemed to rapid light figurine. It came to Kate.
- Kate, thank you for taking the time to meet. While we're buns indulge...
- To your health!
- How so? Do buns too?..
- It is possible! It is important to know when.
- Preparing for the interview I, honestly, was set up quite skeptical: the next diet, truths that have long been known to all. But when I looked at your website and saw there two very different women - one weight, sorry, over quintals, and the other slim, fit, self-confident and incredibly charming all doubts about the necessity of this interview instantly vanished. The question arose: how could she do it? Dieting many results not enough...
"Exactly, the "how" question is the most important. There are many diets and many theories. But long-term and obvious result is always more important than any of the theories. I can assure readers in one: I lose weight without nutritionists, plastic surgeons, psychotherapists, magic pills and other miracle products.
- How many of the books about diets would have to read the woman to understand that their it is time to stop reading and finally, we need to do something?
"You know, I'm actually not so many such books were read. Probably the first thing that came into my hands, this book Fields Braga "Miracle of fasting". Then I, of course, sometimes you interested in this topic from time to time, but I can say: to start to do something and do something to change, not necessarily to study a ton of literature on the subject. As much more important to understand what you really want. And the next step is to define the sequence of steps to achieve the goal.
And then begins the most difficult thing when you need to follow the chosen course. At this stage, many are broken, fallen by the wayside. Why, what do You think?
- From a lack of awareness and motivation. Still need to get rid of fear. We subconsciously afraid of change. And often in advance - not even having to doom ourselves to failure. But as you know, the road by walking. As for motivation, I say their own health is not motivation? The courage, the energy, the feeling of joy and fullness of life, a sense of pride because this charming woman you filepile itself, - is not that enough?
- What was it like for You? Can you remember the moment when I understood that so can not continue? You weighed 120 kg, and You had to part with half their weight...
- I did not take any decisions, do not give yourself any oaths. I am not a supporter of the mono-diet, because I don't think they can benefit the body. All changes in my eating habits was as if gradually, not by force. Day after day I changed them - slowly but surely. But that was then. At first I even thought about the fact that I was, to put it mildly, a complete. Well, Yes - exceeds the limit pressure, Yes, not good to health. But I looked at it calmly.
And then happened the First Moscow Biennale of contemporary art, where I worked as a translator. There are a lot of parties, a lot of interesting people. And then I sadly realized that they look at me as a professional, you may pay attention to my human qualities... but as the woman are interested in me in the last turn. Then I realized that I do not like that.
- Hooked?
"Yes, very. It so happens that people from youth full, and he was not accustomed to neither compliments nor admiring the views. But when you remember what was different that on the street you turn out to be after, you begin to understand what is really something lost. For women - for her attitude is especially important. Wherever we arrived, the appearance is our business card. To deny this is to stretch the truth. Although this case is true motivation I will not name.
- What is the true motivation?
- Let us ask ourselves the question - for whom are we losing weight? Most of us prettier in order to please someone - for example, husband, friend, the people around them. But it's a dead-end option in which the deceased was the weight will come back. Everything we do, we do for ourselves and in the name itself. And motivate their desire to get rid of unwanted weight need only this. The most important reason, the main reason to change something - you.
But food is such a temptation...
It's all about habits. In food habits. Probably, we will continue to live on the level of genes memory of the fact that food was scarce, and people stood in unimaginable queues to trade the coupons for sugar and oil, for example. About fresh meat and cheese with sour cream and no one wanted. The fruit also remained unheard treat. So the idea of "what sweeter and fatter the more filling and tastier" will live for a long time. If the potatoes - it certainly fried, if a salad that was swimming in mayonnaise.
"Well, with mayonnaise or, for example, the fat is clear. But there is a huge number of Goodies, from which it is difficult to refuse!
- Sense of my approach just is that you can not give anything not necessary. I put the emphasis on
as and when you need to eat and not you need to eat. You want, for example, sweet - health. But up to 12 hours of the day and not at night. And there are some dietary restrictions - for example, sugar, white bread, pasta. Of alcohol in favour of dry red wine. Simply put - noon this is a kind of the rush hour. 12 day you all that your heart desires in a reasonable, of course, limits. After noon - introduces some limitations. Details about all this and many other things I wrote about in my first book "System of Minus 60, or my magic weight loss".
You know, I sometimes in supermarkets with curiosity throw glances at truck buyers and I think that this whole huge range of products goes back to bite us. In other words, there is an abundance, but there is no culture of consumption. Why, for instance, this fat lady five packs of mayonnaise, the same number of boxes of Pringles chips and smoked pork ribs? "Freedom of choice", " I say to myself.
-.. Or serious dependence on irregular eating habits. It has long been known that the supermarkets can't go on an empty stomach and without a pre-written shopping list. Therefore, people who seriously want to change your tastes, I suggest a dual control system. So, you make up beforehand your shopping list and make there anything you want. Then, after about an hour, come back to this list, but see it from a different perspective, asking the question and what I could do? Do not deprive yourself of a little joy - buy what I want to eat. But be honest with yourself - treat is a treat, and it will not replace full power.
But the list in the store, when temptations literally collapsing with each shelf, to cope with difficult.
- You can't cope - throw in the cart all over, not flinching, pulled the hand. But do not rush to the checkout. Stop aside and you will view your purchases. And go the opposite route - putting on the shelves unnecessary and summarizing in mind the money saved. Ease off the hook "new improved taste" very, very difficult. But gradually, your habits will change.
- Why Your method is called exactly?
Because it's not a diet, followed by a couple of weeks. It is a way of life and, accordingly, a range of measures, continuous work on yourself. It, first of all, talking about changing one's thinking and, as a consequence, people begin a new lifestyle. This systematic approach to the issue of weight loss.
As I said, motivation is essential. But there's another important point is to learn to accept yourself for who you are, regardless of how much you weigh. Forgive myself all my extra pounds. It is important to avoid criticism. And then, accepting yourself, you can start to gradually change - again, without any criticism. It's amazing how quickly the body responds to such kindness to myself! Perhaps the main principle of my system is the principle of nonviolence.
And physical activity?
- Mandatory. But, again, gradually. Start literally with a couple of movements. You then want to increase the load. And let you do only five or ten minutes, the main thing is to do it daily. What to do? A word for you. Someone like yoga, some aerobics or step - give a chance to your body to feel this muscle joy. Plus, special skin care, in order not to leave marks. And soon you'll surprisingly find that happy to work with your body. Believe me, good results won't be long.
- Modern woman, which, moreover, has a husband and children, probably not so easy to find time for themselves.
And here I would disagree with You. This question properly prioritized, and nothing more. Have time to watch soap operas or reality shows? Have time to hang on the phone? So, you can find time for themselves. Everything else is excuses. After all, it is a matter of 15-20 minutes a day that you will pay yourself.
I know that the recently released Your new book "Life after loss." Many diets sin that weight, flushed with their help, triumphant return, often doubling. What can You say about this?
- The weight comes back then if you internally have not changed. But those who were able to appreciate and understand what it means to get even 60 pounds, as I, and even five, they will remain in the system, with new eating habits. They will be healthy, beautiful, successful and confident. When people gradually, without tears and strict prohibitions gets used to a new way of life, it's not a burden and as a consequence does not create stressful situations that "need" to seize.
I must say that is a good example - Your photography is just awesome!
- I, which weighed 120 kg, understand women trying to lose weight, especially those who are already desperate to change anything. It is important for them to believe that this is possible. And this is true because I was able to walk this path. And are willing to share their experiences. You just need to believe in miracles and believe in yourself. When people come to my forum and see pictures - not only mine, but other women, it gives them strength and confidence. It inspires.
"And another thing I want to say - this is absolutely not fundamentally the way in the end will lose weight a woman who looked to our website or read my book. The main thing is that it has good results and remain healthy. "System of Minus 60" is it not the ultimate truth - every method has its strengths and weaknesses. But it really works. To me only it is important that people believed in himself, so he understood that there are no hopeless situations. I passed this way, and I did. So, you can do it.
Kate, thank You very much!
Sharov, A.
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