And even the best of us, no, no, and will feel a slight prick under the edge: "of course, her parents help, and the husband earns decent, and the lottery lucky and grandmother inheritance left, why did it all with sky, and I sweat and blood earn? "
Envy is enshrined in our brain neurophysiological reaction as the ability to feel pain, to feel love and to be aware of fear. So to get rid of it is not so easy.
By itself the envy to catch the tail and throw it in the pipe will not work.
Because it is only the visible part of a huge three-headed and mnogovsego monsters, grown in the depths of our souls with the multitude of different reasons.
And the first cause of envy - self-esteem. As inflated (wow, she's such a fool, and earns much more than me), and low (of course, I'm such a fool, I'm not lucky that we do).
To start to get rid of envy, they need to shift their self-esteem from other people on yourself, and to not compare yourself with others, and with yourself - yesterday, the day before yesterday or tomorrow.
The second reason of envy inadequate assessment of others, is built upon the same comparison with them.
For some reason it seems to us that everything in the world starts from our own person: and other advantages, and other benefits.
Actually, of course, the world does not spin around you, so it would be worthwhile to learn to judge people by comparing them only with them the same: yesterday, the day before yesterday or the future.
And then it will be evident that the people around you make a lot of respectable effort every day was better than the previous one.
And you can do it too out of the way.
The third reason, giving rise to envy, dissatisfaction with their own lives. In this approach, all that is happening to their neighbours, will seem better than what is happening near you.
Learn to be happy with what you have - it's, of course, difficult, but very productive: it will be possible to stay in the race for someone else's happiness and to enjoy that everyone has.
Fourth - the inability to enjoy the success. Neither her, nor the stranger. But when you dig deeper, in any victory you can find the taste of defeat, and if you podnatuzhitsya little, if any, to make success in shame.
The envious are usually well developed imagination.
So in order to deal with their own envy, just enough to shift the center of their own universe.
And to give the opportunity to be the universes of others.
It would be absurd, if the Earth were jealous of the Sun. Or Vice versa.
Belarusian women's portal
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