To clear the weather did not become a torment, you need to follow some simple rules, available to everyone.
In hot days the best food is vegetables, fruits and light soups.
Best drink - ordinary mineral water. To quench your thirst you can also green tea without sugar, carbonated mineral water, black tea, kvass and unsweetened juices. But during pregnancy, hypertension, heart failure, impaired renal function in the drink itself, it is recommended to limit.
In hot weather, please refrain from the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
- Prefer above all, comfortable and loose clothes of bright colors. Tight clothes hampers the process of heat transfer.
- Best material in hot weather, cotton or flax.
- Always wear a hat and sunglasses. And the best option in this day will be a wide-brimmed hat or bright cap with a visor that protects your eyes and head from the sun.
- It is undesirable to use cosmetics - especially powders and Foundation, as they significantly complicate skin to breathe.
- Try not to appear on the street from 12:00 to 16:00. At this time solar activity reaches its peak.
- If you work in the office, periodically spray the room with cold water from a sprinkler, and while working regularly change the position of the body, so as not to be in the same position more than 10-15 minutes.
However, if precautions are not helped and you still overheats, then, without waiting for the arrival of the doctors try to revive themselves:
you need to provide fresh air;
- the head should be in the shade;
- on the forehead, in the patient's groin and popliteal fossa put ice or cold packs;
- Oblates cold water. If you have a condition that is very useful a cool shower;
- if the person has lost consciousness, he should be allowed to sniff a cotton swab moistened with a solution of ammonia;
- during the day, try to stay in bed.
No matter how hot the summer in our latitudes takes place extremely quickly, so don't be afraid of the bright rays of the sun - we just need them to be ready. As the saying goes, "nature has no bad weather, all weather - grace... ".
Lobanov A.
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