The idea right combination of products for a very long time. In Ancient Rome, the physician Celsus was allocated adverse food combinations, poorly absorbed by the stomach, and called for caution in relation to salt, stew, very sweet and fatty foods. The issue of combination products have received scientific confirmation in the works of academician Pavlov, who with the help of different methods, it was established that every kind of food there are different according to the quantity and quality of digestive juices. Moreover, this separation begins in the mouth and continues throughout the digestive tract ( saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic juice, bile, digestive juices of the colon and small intestine, as well as microflora ). The processing and digestion of each food flows in the respective digestive tract and has a definite, unique time. And most fully the problem of the correct food combinations analyzed and justified American physician and educator Herbert Shelton. His work formed the basis of the modern system of food combining.
Today, Trennkost (separation food diet is one of the most popular concepts associated with maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
The basic principles of combination products
According to this theory we eat no snacks, hot or desserts, and products of different nature. For the convenience of all possible products are divided into groups: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is assumed that this classification helps to Orient not only in the diversity of their effects on the human body.
In the process of digesting the elements contained in the consumption of our products, behave differently. In fact, for the breakdown of proteins require an acidic environment, and for the breakdown of carbohydrates - alkaline. Therefore, the main purpose of separate nutrition to help the body to tune in to each element. If in the stomach at the same time the products of different nature, their digestion is hampered, and if swallowed, recombinant products, the body fails, which can be worn short or long term in nature. Poorly digested foods stored as fat and toxins that can lead to weight gain and disease.
Rules of combination products
To maintain a friendly environment in the digestive tract, the concept of a separate power supply not only provides system combination of ingredients, and tips for use of products of the same group.
1.Not advised to eat carbohydrate and sour food at once
Bread, potatoes, peas, beans, bananas, dates, and other carbohydrate foods you can't eat with lemon, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, cranberry, tomato and other acidic fruits.
2.It is not recommended to consume proteins and carbohydrates in one meal
Nuts, meat, eggs, cheese and other concentrated protein foods should not be combined with concentrated carbohydrates: breads, cereals, cakes, sweet fruit.
3.It is not recommended to consume two of concentrated protein in one meal
Two proteins of different species and of different composition require different digestive juices and different concentrations. These juices secreted in the stomach at the same time. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the rule: one protein in one meal. This rule is known by the people, who want to keep their weight normal - many ballerinas, for example, do not eat together fish and meat, meat, and nuts, etc.
4.It is not recommended to consume fats, along with proteins at once
Cream, butter, sour cream, vegetable oil do not eat meat, eggs, cheese, nuts and other proteins. Fat inhibits the action of glands and inhibits the secretion of gastric juices by eating meat, eggs, nuts.
5.It is not recommended to combine the sour fruits with proteins
Oranges, lemons, tomatoes, pineapples, cherries, sour plum, sour apples do not eat meat, nuts, eggs. Less complex food mixtures, the simpler the dish, the more effective digestion.
6.It is not recommended to consume starches to sugar in one meal
Consumption in one jelly or jam porridge, mix sugar cereal ( e.g. bread, drizzled with syrup ) may cause fermentation, and even lead to poisoning.
7.It is not recommended to consume one concentrated starch in one meal
If two types of starch ( potatoes or porridge with bread ) are consumed at the same time, one of them is absorbed, while the other remains untouched and is in the stomach, as the goods will not pass into the intestine and interferes with absorption of other foods, causing her to fermentation, increased gastric acidity, belching, etc.
8.It is not recommended to consume watermelon and melon in one go with any other food
Watermelon, honey, musk and other types of melons should be eaten separately.
9.It is not recommended to consume milk together with other products
The milk fat inhibits the secretion of gastric juice. And since milk is not absorbed in the stomach and in the duodenum, the presence of milk in the stomach does not react secretion, which prevents the absorption of other foods.
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