Advise the doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, surgeon Yuri Mikhailovich Firmly.
Causes gravity
The weight of the legs is a condition that is most often harass early in the second half of pregnancy. But it almost always disappears after childbirth. Cause this state of swelling that can occur for different reasons. For example, due to metabolic disorders, renal function, and problems that are associated with heart or liver disease.
But most of the discomfort sometimes associated with those processes that occur in the body during fetal development. Due to the fact that every week the uterus grows, its bottom is partially compress a large vein through which blood is flowing from the feet to the heart. Vessels that pass in the pelvis, begin to experience stress.
Because of the hormonal changes the body's vascular wall of the vein becomes less elastic. Hampered blood flow. As a result, the blood stagnates in the veins and cause swelling in the legs. This swelling can cause varicose veins.
Forewarned is forearmed
In early pregnancy it is very important engage in the prevention of this condition. Special attention to their feet should be paid to women, who are mostly sedentary lifestyle, give birth to their first child after the age of 40 and those who have chronic diseases. For example, diabetes, heart problems, kidney problems, varicose veins.
First of all you must carefully examine your feet. Often swelling, and further aggravated varicose veins flatfoot. Because it is an additional load on the legs. To reduce this burden and relieve the discomfort, pick a good orthotics and airy shoes. It is desirable that the heel was not higher than 1-2 cm of the House, if not cold, go barefoot or in socks.
Do not forget about the rest. Resting lying on your side, not on the back. Lying down 2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes put your feet on the rise. This will improve the flow of blood.
During this period very important to prevent constipation. Therefore, pay special attention to diet. Avoid salty, spicy. Try not to drink large amounts of fluid.
Will be very useful lessons in the pool, because the water reduces the load on the spine and joints.
What the doctor ordered
In the treatment of edemas do not abuse treatment ointments. When the ointment is rubbed into the skin pores cease to breathe. This in turn can aggravate swelling and increase the tension in the legs. Plus, pick up this ointment, which is completely lift the weight, it is almost impossible. In this case I would recommend a special gel - assawan gel, Fastum gel or tested folk remedies. For example, will be useful hot baths. But remember that the water should be room temperature. As an additive in the bath you can use a special tincture of horse chestnut. It can be bought at the pharmacy.
Gymnastics at the "heavy" legs
Regularly performing these simple exercises will help to improve blood circulation, relieve swelling, to avoid stagnation of blood in the pelvis, reduce the pressure of the fetus on the bottom of the uterus and prevent varicose veins.
1. I. p. - become straight. Lean on any subject, for example a chair or a seat at the waist. Transfer the body weight on the right leg and stretch. Repeat the same with the other leg. Do exercise 3-5 times on each leg
2. I. p. - sitting. Straighten your legs. Alternately pull forward first socks, then your heels. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
3. I. p. - lying on the back. Buttocks on the cushion, feet rest on the wall. Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.
Note: this exercise is not recommended after the fifth month of pregnancy. And if after a meal you have heartburn.
Women's health
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