The opportunity to acquire offspring is influenced by many factors, including nutrition. It is important that the diet of expectant parents attended a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, primarily folic acid, iron, iodine and calcium. Usually talk about what you need for day to eat 5 servings of vegetables and fruit (usually refers to 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit, based on 1 fruit =1 serving, 1 serving of vegetables = as many vegetables as you can fit in your palm).
But if you want to increase your chances, listen to the advice of the Dutch researcher - analyst Mariana Vukovich, author Dietary Patterns and Human Reproduktion (factual material for this work was collected in the IVF clinic at the University of Erasmus).
Attention, the following suggestions may not take into account your state of health in General and reproductive system in particular, before they follow, be sure to talk with your doctor!
For it
General principles:
The basis of the diet of the future Pope should be:
- Meat (cooked on the grill and in the steamer, it is better to choose populnea),
- Potatoes (cooked in the oven or boiled, not fried),
- Vegetables (fresh, steamed or boiled),
- Fresh fruits,
- Wholegrain products.
All of the above contributes to the quality of sperm. Judge for yourself: those men that prefer such a menu, in 1 milliliter of semen contains 62 million sperm cells is two times more than men who eat otherwise.
You must include in your diet foods rich in vitamin C, as this vitamin reduces the risk of damaged production of sperm. 60 mg a day is enough, if the man smokes, it is necessary to increase the dose up to 100 mg (but it is better to quit Smoking).
Special attention should be paid to the zinc - need about 12-15 mg per day. Even short-term zinc deficiency can reduce the number of produced sperm and testosterone levels. A lot of this trace element found in lean beef, white beans and dark chicken meat.
The best option is to avoid alcohol completely or significantly reduce its use. Any alcohol lowers testosterone levels and the number of produced sperm, but it also increases the number of abnormal sperm cells.
For it
General principles:
By and large, the concept of "diet" and "conception" is not compatible. Usually, doctors recommend women first as close to your ideal weight and then to get pregnant. Deviations from the norm in both the overweight and its shortage can adversely affect pregnancy. That for simplicity's sake, called "Mediterranean diet" is actually nothing more than a healthy, balanced diet.
Scientists have found that women who give birth to sons, before conception eat enough calorie intake and consume, on average, 180 QC more than those who give birth to girls.
So, the diet of the mother is great so-called Mediterranean diet is "a diet of Aphrodite". Its main products are:
- fish and seafood (preferably steamed or boiled),
- vegetables (fresh, steamed or boiled),
- vegetable oils (especially olive)
- legumes.
Pets are also a small amount of lean meat and low-fat dairy products, whole wheat bread for Breakfast.
Strict adherence to this diet can increase the chances of getting pregnant by 40%.
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