Friday, August 1, 2014

Healthy diet for pregnant women

Healthy diet for pregnant womenWhat conflicting recommendations on the subject of nutrition for pregnant will not read in the literature and the Internet! What legends and myths will not I'll listen from the neighbors in turn in the antenatal clinic. Let's try to understand what and when to eat and what is not allowed under any circumstances.

The first trimester

Oh, this first trimester! Most women remembers him as a nightmare: someone sick in the mornings, some evenings, some day, and no one wants to live. To give advice on nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy is not an easy task, because many in this period nauseous just thinking about food.

Therefore, if a doctor is not recommended a special diet, you need to listen to your body, even though often he wants strange. If our body lacks any important vitamins or minerals, he will hint at it. And let the whole family turns up when you daily eat 200 grams of seaweed, which before pregnancy the spirit is not carried - eat for health, your body lacks iodine. You never ate cottage cheese, and now bursting it always? Remarkably, the body replenishes supplies of calcium.

After a month of agonizing nausea each of us have our own proven methods of dealing with toxemia. Someone helps a glass of orange juice, someone lays on black salted crackers - homemade, of course - you want to suck like candy. Anything, just not sick. But it must be remembered that in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy is the formation of all internal organs of the unborn baby. Boiled meat and fish will provide the child with necessary amino acids. If problems with your kidneys no, drink plenty of fluids, at least 1, 5 litres a day: fruit drinks, fruit drinks, mineral water, fresh juices. This will help to reduce nausea and avoid constipation. And, of course, should not be neglected multivitamins for pregnant women. In General, you can eat anything you want, not forgetting the principles of proper nutrition. When nausea is better to eat little but often, 6-7 times a day.

In addition, certain foods during pregnancy and breastfeeding have to give up, even if you have health astronaut. First of all, from smoked meat and marinades. Kidney and liver of the pregnant woman and work for two, so these products are not good. For the same reasons it is better to avoid fatty and heavily fried foods. However, if the expectant mother in a moment of acute longing for marinovannogo the cucumber will eat a couple of things a week, the harm it certainly doesn't hurt.

You also need to be careful to use different herbs: for example, the parsley in the early stages of pregnancy can cause miscarriage. And from coffee, Cola, energy drinks and alcoholic drinks will have to be abandoned for the long haul, without any tolerances. Recent studies have shown that between the consumption of caffeine and the risk of abnormalities in the fetus there is a direct relationship, so temporarily parted with Cola, coffee, strong black tea and "energy".

Second trimester

Even the most severe toxicity to 3 and 5 months of pregnancy, as a rule, ends and begins the same time, when the mother can completely enjoy the new state and to, finally, their own health without interference in the form of nausea and drowsiness. Mindful of the fact that the kid has a lot of calcium to build their own bone system, a pregnant woman must include in your diet are milk and dairy products. If this be neglected, the child will "pick up" calcium directly from the parent body, and then mom can easily get big problems with hair, teeth and nails. So milk, cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt, mild cheeses - this must be present in the daily diet of a pregnant woman.

Iron deficiency and, consequently, lowering the level of hemoglobin in the blood, can be avoided by eating beef or pork liver, green apples, pomegranates, eggs, buckwheat, eggs and greens. Fish-salted, roasted, boiled as a source of various amino acids must also take its rightful place in the diet. The baby is growing, so care must be taken to transport animal fats and reducing caloric intake, because to give birth recormnended pancakes and pies "heroes" have for you. The bread is best eaten with bran or flour, be sure to eat fruits and vegetables will help your intestines, which now hurt. Do not forget about the kidney: 1, 5 liters of fluid per day, including juices, fruit drinks, milkshakes.

Some people believe that a pregnant woman should eliminate from your diet all foods that most commonly cause allergies: chocolate, strawberries, citrus fruits, because if the mother is abusing, say, tangerines, your baby will be allergic to citrus. Actually it is not so. Before pregnancy to find out if anyone suffers from any of your close relatives and relatives of the father of the unborn child food allergies. If such relatives there, then you really should restrict all possible allergens. If not - feel free to eat. Of course, one kilogram of oranges a day is too much, but few can afford.

And yet - if you are in the second or third trimester of pregnancy desperately wanted to eat something initially inedible: chalk, ash or soap, it does not mean that you are crazy. Just tell us about your desires doctor and he will advise you on the necessary complex of vitamins, which is clearly not enough your body.

Third trimester

The closer to delivery, the more restrictions. First, the doctor will require to restrict fluid and salt. The load on the kidneys increases, is already pretty grown-up baby puts pressure on the internal organs, resulting in urinary system is very difficult to work in such conditions.

In the future there might be toxicosis second half of pregnancy, as doctors courtly called pyelonephritis. Therefore, all pickles, marinades excluded, fluid is permitted to use not more than 1, 5 liters per day, taking into account fruits and soups. The doctor puts this diagnosis in the presence of at least two of three characteristics: protein in the urine, severe weight gain and swelling of the legs. By the way, there is one little trick: the appearance of protein in the urine cause not only pickles, but also ordinary fresh tomatoes, so before testing do not eat tomatoes, and then the analysis will give an accurate picture of what is happening.

And yet keep in mind, if you excessively put on weight, in no event it is impossible to catch all sorts of trendy diets: all dietary restrictions are only possible on the advice of a doctor. Most pregnant in a situation of excessive gain immediately rush to remove from the diet of carbohydrates. When it comes to sweets and pastries - all right, but unrefined complex carbohydrates such as wholegrain bread, vegetables, beans, peas, fruits are sources of vitamin b and fiber that are necessary for you and your baby.

Fats also need to monitor: let the meat is low-fat, dairy - free of grease and baked dishes prefer fried. And don't forget about the movement: you now need to go out, this will help to avoid fetal hypoxia and will help you prepare your body for childbirth.

And the last recommendation is to find a good gynecologist, who will monitor your pregnancy and will gladly help create a diet suitable for you.



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