The liver takes over the production of blood cells. But the brain controls movement of the muscles and the heart. 5-6 weeks between mother and baby is contacted through the umbilical cord. It was at this time the women see the first signs of pregnancy.
7 weeks pregnant
Eyelids start coming out again on the child's eyes and slowly close them, thus protecting the developing structure of the eye from light and dry (from 28 weeks on desire baby's eyes can start to open). At the same time the pregnancy is the inner ear of the baby developing the external ear, issued jaw, teeth buds. But most importantly, the baby starts to move! And since he is too young, the mother does not feel his movements.
8 weeks pregnant
Baby has grown up to 2, 5cm! He's quite similar to the adult. Heart beats. The stomach produces gastric juice, start functioning kidney. Muscles are contracted under the influence of impulses coming from the brain. Blood child can determine its Rh-belonging. Formed fingers and joints. The baby's face gets its own features. Mimicry begins to reflect what is happening in the environment. The child's body responds to touch.
10 weeks of pregnancy
The growth of the child reaches 4 cm, weight - about 2, In this period the baby begin to form external and internal genitals. Your baby, light as a feather, very vulnerable. Take care of his health, be sure to avoid alcohol and nicotine. Do not take medicines without prescription. It is known that some medications and herbs can cause birth defects in the child or abort the pregnancy.
12 weeks of pregnancy
The baby is growing. From time to time it can take for an unusual lesson - sucking thumb! During wakefulness (which is often followed by rest, sleep) baby vigorously "trains" your muscles: turning the head, bends his fingers on the arms and legs, opens and closes his mouth.
If the external world begins to harass harass sharp sounds, the child tries to close her ears (he hears! and out of the city trying to palm from the beam of light directed into the eye (he sees! ). If to touch his hands, it will shrink in the Cam. All these movements are due to the fact that the baby had formed the vestibular system, which helps him to navigate in space.
16 weeks pregnant
The baby weighs about 150 g, its height reaches 16-18 see On the head of hair appear, on the face of the eyelashes and eyebrows. The baby opens the mouth, swallowing, sucking, smiling! In this period becomes operational placenta, which connects it with mom.
20 weeks of pregnancy
The growth of the baby reaches 30 cm, there are nails on fingers and toes. Now the mother of good it feels stirrings, as from time to time he begins to engage in "exercise": proceeds from one wall of the uterus and dolivet to another. In addition, the child may respond to a sharp outer sound or the excitement of the mother of the jump, which the mother takes during active movement.
If the baby starts to hiccup, a woman will feel weak rhythmic tremors coming from nutria. At 20 weeks the doctors already hear your baby's heartbeat using a special listening tube (stethoscope).
24 weeks of pregnancy
The kid might get mad! This proves photographed angry eyes, the muscles around the eyes, puckering of the lips and crying child expresses his dissatisfaction. By the way, to rest at night, baby "to go" to sleep ... dreams!
In this age, the child weighs 500 grams is quite a bit, but he only began to gain weight! His skin is red and wrinkled like the skin of an old man. To protect it from the amniotic fluid, there should be a special lubricant.
To the 24th week of pregnancy begins to operate oil and sweat glands, Mature the lungs of the child and forms a film, which does not allow them to stick together during respiration. If the child is born at this time and it will be surrounded by care, he will be able to survive.
28 weeks pregnant
The baby weighs about 1000 grams, its height reaches 35 see it is Now a whole set of senses: sight, hearing, taste, feel (these data are confirmed by the study of the currents of the brain (EEG) the unborn child). At this age the child begins to learn my mother's voice. The kid carries out the first elementary respiratory movements, but his lungs ripen only to the 34th week. His skin is condensed thickens and becomes more like the skin of a newborn. If this pregnancy will go into labor, they will be referred to as premature and the doctors will be able to help the child to survive.
32 weeks of pregnancy
The baby weighs about 2 kg, it is formed subcutaneous fat, arms and legs become plump. Is the tab of the immune system: the baby starts to get immunoglobulins from the mother and intensively to form antibodies that will protect him from the disease in the first months of life. The volume of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby is one liter. Every three hours they are fully updated, so the baby always swim in clean water that can be safely swallowed.
34 weeks pregnant
Baby weighs of 1,800-2,100 g, its height reaches 40-41 see It getting crowded in the womb: he can't roll over and often is head down. His lungs finally ripen, and in the case of a premature birth, the baby will breathe on his own. However, subcutaneous fat layer while underdeveloped, and newborn ill keep warm.
36-38 weeks of pregnancy
From the ninth month of pregnancy, the baby daily gains in weight (14 grams). In his liver accumulates iron, which will help the blood in the first year of life on Earth. Bloom, covering the baby's skin (especially shoulders and back), to the genera disappears. Amniotic fluid becomes smaller, the child grows rapidly, the uterus becomes too close, he turns, and roll over can not do, so its perturbations are felt more intensely. Soon, very soon he would be born.
Usually, at 38 weeks, his head goes down to the entrance to the pelvis. The kid is ready for independent life and believes" the days before birth. Births that occurred in the period 38-40 weeks of pregnancy are considered timely. Barely born, he publishes the first cry, as if greeting the world. The baby breathes, his heart beats, he moves his hands and legs. Usually the child weighs 3-3, 5 kg and its height reaches 50 see
For 12-48 hours before delivery, the expectant mother goes mucous plug is a ball of mucus streaked with dark blood. Don't worry, it just means that you have time to give birth! But this process is all strictly individual, someone tube can depart in a week before the birth, and someone in the birth process itself.
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