Monday, August 25, 2014

Dysbacteriosis signal changes

Dysbacteriosis signal changesAlas, with this concept have to face the parents of almost all kids. Most of them believe goiter disease, but it is not. Why? Let's look together.

What is intestinal microflora?

Microflora is a collection of microogranisms located in cavities of the body.

The most populated microbes part of the human body - colon. In it, in the area of 200 m2, there are about 1014 bacterial cells. In different parts of the intestinal microflora varies in quantitative and qualitative composition. In the lower intestine germs is significantly greater than in the upper sections, mainly anaerobic bacteria (mainly bifidobacteria and lactobacilli), gram-negative bacteria from the group of Escherichia coli and Bacillus spore.

The largest, the most powerful unit in the composition of the intestinal microflora is bifidobacteria. Bifidobacteria are extremely useful. They do a great and important work in the human body: protects against the penetration of pathogens, alien microbes and toxins, strengthen the immune system; sposobstvuut digestive processes, the processes of assimilation of trace elements and vitamins; synthesize amino acids, proteins and other essential nutrients. In addition, it is the only bacteria that never, under any circumstances, causes any diseases, even from the intestines somewhere else!

What does the intestinal microflora?

What is the function performs the normal intestinal microflora? First of all, protective. So, bifidobacteria produce organic acids that inhibit the growth and reproduction of pathogenic and putrefactive bacteria. Antibacterial activity have lactobacilli due to their ability to form lactic acid, lysozyme and other antibiotic substances. Colibacteria act antagonistically on pathogenic flora through immune mechanisms. In addition, on the surface of intestinal epithelial cells representatives of normal microflora form a so-called "microbial turf", which mechanically protects the intestine against the penetration of pathogenic microbes.

In addition to the protective function of the normal microorganisms of the colon are involved in the metabolism of the microorganism. They synthesize amino acids, protein, many vitamins, involved in cholesterol metabolism. Lactobacillus synthesize enzymes that break down the milk proteins, and the enzyme histaminase, thereby fulfilling desensitized function in the body. Useful microflora of the colon promotes the absorption of calcium, iron, vitamin D, preventing the development of cancer process.

As the intestine is colonized by flora and when it is possible to determine whether all safely?

The digestive tract of the newborn sterile 10-20 hours after birth. In the first 2-4 days of his life inhabit different microbes, primarily lactobacilli from kin ways moms, bifidobacteria, and then conditionally pathogenic microbes that get to the baby from the outside world and the power that it receives. During the first month of life the child to explore the composition of the microflora is pointless, because its production is only getting better. To determine whether all safely stand in the intestinal microflora, professionals, starting from the second month of life.

What influences the composition of the intestinal microflora kids?

First of all breastfeeding. In the composition of breast milk includes many compounds (such as lysozyme, lactose), which stimulate the growth and reproduction of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. That's why kids, which is later applied to the chest or too early translated into mixed or artificial feeding increases the risk of violations of the composition of the microflora. These children receive a deficiency of normal bacteria and excess opportunistic (e.g., staphylococci, enterococci), which can cause an intestinal infection.

Especially dangerous for bifidobacteria and lactobacilli antibiotics (ampicillin, ampioks). That's why assign their kids should be only in case if to do otherwise would be impossible. If the diet of the baby is not enough dairy and protein products, may be the deficit of lactobacilli. The content of the normal flora depends on how well the gallbladder, liver, pancreas, digestive juices which serve as a medium for its propagation. The composition of the microflora violate infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (e.g., dysentery, salmonellosis).

The dysbacteriosis at children

One of the most common problems faced by most parents is the dysbiosis in children. The dysbacteriosis is a violation of the properties and composition of the intestinal microflora.

There are certain rules of composition of the intestinal microflora. Separately calculated the same standards for children, but they are all very conditional. Normal bowel flora individually each, depending on age, nutrition, and even climate and time of year. Therefore, the mismatch of the results of the examination of the feces for your toddler to generally accepted standards does not imply the diagnosis of goiter. Usually it must be confirmed by the presence of clinical complaints.

The main causes of dysbiosis in children are: later attachment to the breast, earlier introduction of complementary foods, the use of antibiotics, infectious diseases, etc.

Symptoms of dysbiosis in children

In children of early age observed regurgitation, vomiting, halitosis, reduced the rate of increase of body weight, anxiety, sleep disorders. The chair can be rich, liquid or pasty, frothy white lumps, greenish sour or putrid odor.

The pain is paroxysmal in nature, appears after 2-3 hours after eating, accompanied by bloating, rumbling, the urge to have a bowel movement.

Disorders of intestinal absorption in the clinical picture is dominated by diarrhea with putrefactive fermentation, steatorrhea, flatulence, weight loss, symptoms of polyvitamins. May develop intolerance to many food ingredients and toxic and degenerative condition. Involved in a pathological process of the hepatobiliary system and pancreas, there is a deficiency of enzymes and bile acids. All this causes a vicious cycle of metabolic processes in the body. Accumulate macromolecules are not fully digested food, which are allergens and cause allergodermatozy.

The older children can be persistent constipation, unstable stool, intestinal colic, Hyper - and Geometrie dyskinesia guts. Children complain of a feeling of fullness in the stomach, belching. Decreased appetite. With long and steadfastly recurrent intestinal dysbiosis develop intoxication and astheno-neurotic syndrome.

Disorders of the intestinal microflora, sometimes expressed, not necessarily accompanied by clinical symptoms.

The most serious is the so-called common dysbacteriosis, when germs spread from the intestines throughout the body, causing inflammation in many organs. For example, a fungal disease (candidates) can simultaneously cause thrush, sore throat, gastro-intestinal tract and inflammation of the lungs. Dysbacteriosis sometimes flows and quietly, without the aforementioned striking symptoms. But still there is frequent morbidity, decreased appetite, underweight from peers. This period is called latent (hidden).

What professionals need to treat a dysbacteriosis and in what it consists?

It would be better to speak not about treatment, and about dysbacteriosis correction, so as to treat in this case, you have a disease that caused changes in the composition of the microflora. Correction of these violations is part of the complex treatment of the underlying disease, it assigns a pediatrician, gastroenterologist, allergist or infectious disease specialist, depending on what disease caused the dysbacteriosis.

To maintain the composition of the microflora at the proper level of help and special products: milk mixture, enriched with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

So, it turns out that the dysbacteriosis is not a disease, but a condition of the intestinal microflora, which may be caused by different reasons. Its correction is either not required at all (the composition of the microflora can recover by itself), or is performed in the complex treatment of the underlying disease. In any case, only a doctor can decide baby treatment or not.


Women's Magazine

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