Monday, August 25, 2014

Cellulite, or how to get rid of orange peel

"Who" this cellulite and how to fight it? About the causes of this disease are arguing from mid 70-ies of the last century. Scientists call it the "lipo" is a violation of fat metabolism due to metabolic disorders of blood and lymph. Well, now that you can get rid of this lack of purchasing apparatus for cavitation rates are very happy. So what is cellulite and what is its nature?

It happens to us because of:

- Malfunction of the ovaries, thyroid gland, and various endocrine disorders.

the structure of our skin

proteins do not work correctly, i.e. their currency breached

- Malnutrition

- Nicotine

- Eating hormone supplements

Under the action of these reasons appear small disturbance of blood circulation in the subcutaneous fat, because of this, the cells of adipose tissue are not supplied with oxygen and they die. It is necessary to emphasize the fact that adipose tissue is a typical cell, there are also formed a dense lumps of fat that give the effect of "Orange peel". It must be emphasized that it is wrong to assume that the lipo can also be only full of people. Of course, we all know that pronounced signs of it from time to time there are even extremely thin and athletic ladies. Not everybody knows that donuts, on the contrary, can boast, elastic and smooth skin. Undoubtedly, it is worth mentioning that there is one severe factor common to all the ladies - game weight: thin - patasala. For anybody not a secret that driving the weight up and down, starting just cellulite can safely be made in the burgeoning cellulitis.

By the way, phlebology say about the relationship of cellulite and varicose veins. All have long known that if you saw on the feet of the "orange peel", be sure to check for veins!

Method of struggle

Beauty salons and centers medicine can offer very different ways of getting rid of cellulite. They mostly work with current or directly affect fat or muscle, forcing them to work.

There are many anti-cellulite creams, which in turn help to disperse the blood in the capillaries and microcirculation. As a consequence after that, the skin becomes elastic and smooth.

They are all expensive: one session, for example, pressure therapy or massage therapy costs about 2000 rubles. Of course, this is very expensive, and to make them need more than 10. As if this were not enough, but resist the cellulite can on your own. I'll tell you what for you will help self-massage with anti-cellulite cream, gymnastics outdoors, good and healthy food and sports lifestyle.

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