The game is a serious thing
Play for a child is not to have fun. This is an important means of knowledge, development of the surrounding world and the realization that the establishment in the world. In the preschool age, the game remains the activity, which leads the development of the child. The main feature of this game is self-selection and the development of the plot, with an easy transition from one story to another. To send the game ideas from life, books, videos and unobtrusive hints adults.
Children free game can be incredibly diverse, but it can lead to three types: the role of the Director and the play is a dramatization.
Role-playing game assumes that the main active role assumed by the child (or children). The child acts as if he is an adult. The game can participate and dolls, but as a "supporting" characters. When playing, the child learns himself as an individual, trying out different quality in different roles, taking account of different viewpoints, but while remaining themselves.
Quite a different view - Director's games, i.e. games on the carpet or on a table with small dolls, animals and machines, and then the child is no longer a member and Director of events. After four years, many children these games on time will go by the wayside, giving way to a role. But about six years back with amazing details. Children enthusiastically playing their own written history. Appear and variations on the theme of fairy tales or stories movies.
Special kind of the story of the game is the game-dramatization. In this case, the plot is borrowed from fairy tales, stories, and television and videosanales. On the foreground there is the desire to reproduce the story exactly, not retreating from it and avoiding variations. The 6-year-old children dramatization often play that is shown to the audience.
Now is the peak period of the plot of the games, for which, of course, need some toys.
Toy story games
Toys for role playing games
In role play, the child learns the meanings of human life and relations between people. So the main toys preschoolers - human images, i.e., the dolls and their corresponding attributes.
It is believed that play dolls becoming only the girls. But it is not so! The boy as well as girls, should be a doll, because every child is, first of all, people. The doll helps the baby in the definition itself, the knowledge and understanding to overcome their fears. He needs a doll-boy, girl - girl, and of course it is good if the child has and dolls of the opposite sex. Playing with dolls, the child is included in the human world: mastering the world of human relations and views, it reflects their experience, builds and aware of himself.
In this age of the game outside of family stories and includes a broader social context. Children play in a hospital, a shop, a café, a hairdresser, lose the stories of famous fairy tales. In such games are not only participating peers partners, but also dolls. For such games require not one, but several dolls, and not only girls but also boys. The selection of "good" doll - a rather complex task. Better if it is a doll with the face of the child of preschool age, and not an adult or teenager. These dolls may be children in the family, passengers, patients, students, to play, to travel, play pranks. The doll may be made of rubber or quality plastic, it is possible to bathe. Soft rag doll (better if they are stuffed with sheep's wool) can also swim, only longer obshaet. It is very pleasant to the touch - the baby will be to squeeze in a warm, live body.
Big monster or a transformer is also a doll. Just a question, is it possible to take care of him, teach him, to feed, to heal? But this is exactly the content of the daily life, embodied in the role-playing game.
For the dolls need your puppet farm is on the number, size and range, with which your child is able to cope. Bed, comfortable easy chair and easy to use linen for each doll. Definitely need doll clothes for the season, to toy the child has not frozen on the street, and you can take a walk or to the doctor. Fasteners help to develop fine motor skills, but the degree of difficulty for a child they should not be too difficult. Good in this age of zipper and buttons small and medium size.
Also necessary utensils: plates, cups, spoons, pots and pans. But it is not necessarily these toys should be realistic. In five years the dishes-pots children make sand molds, walnut shells and small cups and spoons-soup ladles - sticks and pencils. After six years, children need to play in a more realistic, diverse and specialized dishes - as in adults. But this does not mean that you must buy a real electric mixer. Do not deprive your baby able to imagine how to switch on the motor and switch speed, voice heavy dough for pie or liquid - to scrambled eggs.
In addition to the puppets for role-playing games will be useful sets of "Doctor", "Hairdresser", and the like. Attributes costumes (capes, hats etc) help the child to define the role. Do not get carried away unnecessary details - let will be a place for children's ideas and the creation of the missing.
In the game there is a need in the houses and other buildings, a hospital, a car or a plane. Very popular ready purchase houses or tents. At first the children are happy to sit in this house, and then often due to the inability to convert it to the specific needs of the house becomes abandoned, unwanted furniture, which, incidentally, takes a lot of place.
As a construction material for different structures it is better to buy 1-2 screens, solid wood children's table, couple of chairs and a couple of long, well-polished boards (width 9-12 cm) for the construction of bridges and beams. It will also help you bedspreads and cushions. Let the child has the opportunity to present himself and make himself such a house, a car or a ship, what is it in this time. Another time is another, equally suitable. Than not the spatial geometry in action? And in the repetition of such labor-intensive construction of exercising the will of the child.
A few words about transport. Of course, cars are required to play as a means of transportation. But not every machine is suitable for the game. Now very popular large cars. This thing is not for games, it's fun. The child receives an adult "toy", from which it depends. Not from his actions depends on its "life", but on the contrary, from its action depends on his mood. After everything is ready, pressed the button and went, without making any effort to move.
Toys for directing games
For directing games have 5-6 smaller dolls (height 8-15 cm) - men, women and children. Well, if they are family. They should be fairly stable, proportional and not too detailed that the child has more opportunities to develop imagination
You can buy durable doll house with your family, set of furniture and utensils. It will also help domestic and wild animals - bear, wolf, Fox, rabbit, horse, dog, etc. it is Desirable that they are commensurate with each other and with the human characters. It is very important that the shapes of animals reflect their real appearance, and not humanized (on its hind legs, shirts and trousers). Preschooler needs to generate an accurate picture of the world. Satire, exaggerated and humorous images that amuse adults will be more relevant and understandable later, at school age.
Being realistic, toys should not be too detailed, detailed. For the development of imagination is necessary and sufficient if the selected characteristic features of one or another character: the baby - baby proportions and hairstyle, my grandmother - hair color and costume, rabbit - ears, feet of a bear - a big hairy clumsy body and small head. The Convention provides a space for imagination.
Ideal transport is also easy and incompleteness. Need 2-3 simple machines (crane, dump truck etc), large and durable. Well, if they could be customized and to acquire the features of a particular model. An important detail is the cabin where you could place a toy driver, so he could come and go - in short, to be a current character in the game. Train (a train with open cars) must also be adapted to accommodate passengers and cargo.
Do not buy small collectible copies, they are fragile and are not functional in the game.
The abundance of highly specialized mechanisms is undesirable not only for reasons of saving space. Don't deprive of the opportunity to exercise and develop practical ingenuity of pure vehicle design every time such a machine, which would fully meet the intent of the. This design according to his own design of a conditional basis on wheels using different tools is very important cognitive and volitional process. First you need to recall or imagine the final product. Then think of what will be made of those and other details (e.g., bucket - box with a lid, the boom - stick-Rohatyn with a cord, Billboard - mosaic and t.d.). Next, to solve a technical problem - how items will be secured and, most importantly, how to make sure that everything is solid and reliably worked. Unlike any constructor, where all the details are set and the method of fastening known, this requires and simultaneously develop flexibility of mind, motor skills, creative thinking. The same problems are solved and a large-scale construction of the plane, at home or trains.
Design and construction is designated actions of the characters. Children are very willing to build entire cities. For production houses and palaces, bridges and tunnels, gas stations and cafes are well suited prefabricated wooden constructors. When choosing a designer, please note that the kit along with cubes included long block, long and thin plate-floors, columns and spires. Better if the items will be unpainted, natural wood color. Ready-made structures built to the same design, visually perceived more solid than the buildings created from multi-colored parts, especially since the color is not the determining factor in the construction, far more important is the functionality and integrity.
For the game-dramatization used, as a rule, the same toys, and in directing and role-playing game. However, it is necessary to have some special accessory, such as a stove tales "Geese-swans", the nose and the cap Pinocchio or any special kind of clothing. With this baby you can help, using the available materials or made in haste what you need from scraps of fabric, paper, clay or giving temporary use something from the household.
Toys are not for games
The most valuable quality toys and play materials for this age can be considered as open to transformation and varied use. Technically, electronic and interactive toys that do speak, sing and move to interrupt the game was developing. Meanwhile, currently the shelves of children's shops are flooded with these cars and trains, whole robotic plants and conveyors, electronic infants and robots. They don't want the child, his creative imagination and activity. Its doubtful "perfection" they are taking this game and inhibit children's imagination. As a result of developing an internal plan of action, the ability to create non-existent, suffers from the imagination, not develops the ability to organize their work.
The conversion of one of the subjects in the other, one image into another is the most important stage in the development of not only imagination, but also thinking in the preschool age. Don't miss this amazing time! If adults do not interfere with the children willingly and very inventive use anything that is not actually toys, sticks, driftwood, stones, pieces of fabric, etc. Cube can be soap when bathing doll cake on her birthday, telephone, bench, etc. a Piece of cloth Bathrobe doctor, grassy lawn, forest, shoulder bag, wall, home, a diaper or blanket. Tables, chairs and screens, covers, patches, snags and churbachki give immense design possibilities in both large and small.
In this regard, see a new perspective on what plays your child that he can use in the game of improvised. It is desirable that in his household were rags, pillows, snags, cones, chestnuts, acorns, pebbles. All this can be stored in baskets and boxes.
Undoubted advantage of these materials is that they leave room for a child's imagination and open to all sorts of transformations. And that's the main thing. The toy should not be the subject of ownership or pride in front of others. First and foremost, the object of the game, and its worth it acquires in the process of action, resulting in the attachment of the imagination and feelings of the child
So, for the story of the game of five year olds need the following toys:
- 1-2 dolls (boy /girl) 30-40 cm with seasonal clothing
bed and chair with linen
- tableware
- durable doll house with dolls 8-15 cm, furniture and crockery
- 2-3 large machines, train with open cars
small figurines of domestic and wild animals
designer block type "Architect"
- role sets "Doctor", "Hairdresser", etc.
- 1-2 screens, pieces of fabric for large construction
- pieces of the solid tissues of different sizes and densities
- soft pillows and sofa
- sturdy wooden tables and benches
- the subject-substitutes natural origin for the game in the store (cones, chestnuts, acorns, pebbles, shells, bones)
- baskets, boxes with lids and without
- cords and pegs
Abdulaeva E. A.
Mother and Baby
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