1. Avoid helper functions
The main idea in the career of the Director General to work in the field that is directly related to the business, and to avoid the helper functions. For example, a lawyer in a law firm will be able to make a career of gender, a lawyer in the showroom - unlikely - he only draws up contracts...
Here's the secret: the main task is to attract and retain customers, the task of the auxiliary is to provide a key. Main activities associated with customers and provide the company with financial growth. If the employee provides financial growth is a necessary condition for his career as the General Director.
Clearly understand what the company is key.
2. Think a minimum of one hour per day
Plan this time: not driving, not in the bathroom and not at work "in between times". Daily need at least an hour to plan their work and career, otherwise, it is likely to remain a contractor for life. Do not rely on the case or the human resources Department: only you do care about your fate and career growth.
Analyze your goals, explore possibilities, dream, build plans. Write down ideas in the "book of ideas".
The Director General is unable to work without plans and vision for the growth of the firm, these abilities need to learn and implement them.
3. Choose work that is better paid
You must achieve a high payment of their work. Paying an employee more visible to management, which increases its chances of success. From the highly-paid employee are waiting for more, he has more responsibility, more opportunities to show the result and, consequently, the shorter the path to success.
Finally, it's all about simplicity. Everyone loves simple solutions. When there is a question who move up the career ladder, then the simplest answer is the one who gets more.
By the way, this same rule is also suitable for daily business suit: ceteris paribus, the chances of becoming a CEO above who looks better and presentable.
4. Make Friday afternoon meetings
Definitely go out with the right people, invite them to a business lunch. Find out which one you need, let them know that you appreciate their help. Get at least one ally in the month.
Even more useful such meetings so that they broaden their horizons, introduce alternative points of view, clarify the answers to many questions and give sea fresh ideas. Each of which can seriously improve your life. Tested on my experience.
5. Each year one new great achievement
The head of the Corporation must have a broad Outlook, a lot of reading and have many interests. This is a necessary quality in order to know their priorities to be focused on the home and have the discipline.
Add one facet to my life every year, so you will prepare yourself to lead the company and just enjoy life. Learn a foreign language, become an expert in Chinese cuisine, take a photo, write a book, open the website... Make a list of great achievements for the next 10 years. And don't forget their review on a regular basis.
The book was the idea "if you say that old for a game of tennis, it means you are not able to grow, develop and manage the company. By the way, my uncle in 50 years sat on the motorcycle and for several years occupied prize-winning places at road races. By the way, he is the Director-General :)
6. Treat the family as the most valuable to the client
The family must be a loyal ally in achieving the goal. Very easy to allow a career to monopolize your time and energy, but to move his wife and children on the second place is a big mistake. Family support is necessary. Turn chores into your schedule, make a note of them as primary. Leave earlier from work on holidays, plan a vacation and joint activities.
Act with loved ones with the largest and most important client.
Many of my friends work long hours, but I don't join their club. One of the aspects of my personal effectiveness - to effectively do their job and even more, and go home on time.
In the end, life is not only a career.
7. Always take vacation
If the Manager brags that never takes a vacation, he or a bad Manager, or a fool. Be able to arrange matters so that the work went without you, otherwise you will not be able to meet with a client in another city.
Rest and a change of scenery you need to maintain high efficiency, but in addition, there are career reasons to leave: in the right place you can meet the right people; you can broaden horizons: to watch other life, fashion and approaches to doing business; at this time you can write a book, to photography, to think and to plan.
Plan your vacation in advance, and tell about it to the management. Don't let random events to disrupt your plans. Never atmanjai vacation. And don't leave employees your phone number.
When six months ago I went on vacation, one of the high leaders asked me to leave a phone number, "just in case". I replied that I did not take that prepared children, and they will be able to cope without me. Next was the following dialogue:
"I can't afford to go on vacation without a mobile, I can call clients...
You know, and I can afford it!
Man deep in thought.
8. Never prepodnosit boss surprises
Bosses do not like surprises: they are fed up with other employees, competitors, customers and bosses. They just want to know what happens. And I want to know the answer to their bosses: how do the projects and how successful business. In the end, the boss wants to see how he can handle the situation, so to keep him in ignorance - just impolite.
If you're going to give the boss surprises - he will no longer trust you. And trust boss necessary, especially early in his career. Therefore, any unexpected message can be misinterpreted and can be detrimental.
Put yourself in the place of the boss. You need surprises?!
9. Not one word out of anger
Don't humiliate and do not insult colleagues, don't say hurtful and unkind words - so nothing can spend the time and place of the supporters to get enemies that will hinder your career. The world is small, especially 50 years of your crankcases later, and influential friends everyone has.
Do not send a letter written in anger, just remember this rule. Return sent a letter to impossible. The art of using their strength to build good relations and not throw their time in inciting conflict.
Want to add from myself: never "swear" via e-mail and ICQ is very bad for the nerves: emotions do not have time to spilling over the keyboard and nerves burn out. When I worked with the Dutch, when I pit the three project leaders ended a nervous breakdown because of the frequent showdown on ICQ and high tension.
Be kinder is now.
10. Look at any job in the eyes of the seller
In this world there is one banal truth: that something happened, someone someone has something to sell, otherwise managers will be nothing to manage, and accountants - there is nothing to count.
No spare time to spend in the shoes of the seller, call clients, go on business trips with sales agents, carry out trainings. Find out what happens behind the walls of the company. This will give you the confidence of sales (a very influential group) and the understanding of customers ' needs, which means more power. Sales is the key to everything. You're always trying to sell something: goods, services, yourself and your ideas.
If you know how to "sell" their ideas - you will succeed!
Lady Boss
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