The secret of massage that one of the partners can be completely passive, while the second makes decisions and acts in the role of "delivering enjoyment. You can complicate massage technique, to learn more about the body of his partner. For example, choose from time to time any part of the body, massaging them and watch carefully for a reaction.
Full body massage will help you to enjoy your own body and the body of the partner, you will relax overstressed muscles and even soothe excited nerves. As touching of Breasts and genitals are often the first step on the path to sexual stimulation, do not do this until your partner is not fully relax. This relaxation does not make a person tired or passive, and Vice versa, refreshes both a deep knowledge of each other and leaves them full of energy, tells sexyweek.
In fact, it is quite simple. Massage is a rhythmic pressure on the body using hands and fingers, so don't forget to remove it before starting the massage rings. Muscle is penetrated lymphatic and blood vessels, and if they are relaxing, pleasant pressure massage supports blood circulation and excretion from the body of poisonous substances. It is important that during prolonged massage movements pressure was carried out under the direction of the heart. It is important when massage is not to lose contact with the body surface, respectively massage in an upward direction, and then a slight movement to stroke down. The main thing is the rhythm. The movement should be like the sea that rolls ashore. How pressure on the body is a matter of taste.
During a massage, it is important that hands effortlessly glided over the skin. So it's kind of powder in the palm of your hand or, better yet, hire a massage oil, which, incidentally, makes the skin incredibly soft. Hand cream or body lotion is not as good because quickly absorbed, and this can lead to painful sensations when massaging. Best buy in store special massage oil.
Tip: "Can mix for yourself massage oil. Almond oil, for example, can be the basis. It can be bought at the pharmacy or in specialized shops selling incense and oils. And then you can add other components. Sandalwood, for example, acts on the muscles relaxing, and Melissa cool refreshing".
Apply the oil first on the palm and sparingly spread on the body part you wish to massage. You can do the massage on the bed or on the floor. Paul gives more resistance to the pressure of the massage and there can be freer to move.
For mutual massage, you should have an unlimited amount of time. Disconnect the call and the phone. Not always necessary to perform all the full program can be limited to only that part of the body that is most strained or where massage pleasure. Massage can last 10 minutes, maybe 2 hours, it depends on my mood and desire. Surrender intimate informative journey through the body: iron and kiss your back, shoulders, arms, legs and face, touch the buttocks, Breasts and even the most intimate of places. Use any additional materials that you like: feathers, silk, suede, fur, wool. Senaite each other that no one was hurt.
For a start, and the first attempts to offer three of the most well-known massage exercises.
Massage of the abdomen: iron palm belly circular movements clockwise. Then, very gently stretch your fingers on the lower part of the body, also clockwise. Finish by stroking with both hands.
Neck massage: start the fact that stroke the nape of the neck upwards. Then gently massage the fingers, the base of the skull. Massage one side of neck, then another, then tilt your head so that his chin touched his chest, then slowly put his head on the floor.
Back massage: first you need to relax the muscles of the back, it needs to be ironed from the lower end of the spine to the shoulders. Then "circulate" on both parts of the back that is to make small circular movements with your fingers or just with your thumb. Then stretch your fingers on the surface between the shoulder blades and around the blades. After the massage, the blades iron surface from the armpits to the waist on the sides.
Check that before you start the massage, you took a comfortable position. If you stand on your knees, you can put, for example, a pillow. And always stay close to the partner, in order not to stretch and not to overtax the muscles.
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