Sunday, August 3, 2014

14 tips for perfect skin

14 tips for perfect skinTo maintain a healthy complexion in the conditions of modern life is not easy.

Polluted atmosphere of large cities, daily stress, lack of sleep and poor nutrition - all these phenomena leave a negative imprint on our face day after day.

The face is the first thing that you see the people around us. And it is quite clear that every woman dreams of a healthy, radiant and nourished skin.

1. Care for skin

Cleansing, moisturizing and proper care is essential stages on the way to radiant and healthy skin.

In the morning and especially at night to clean skin with special means for washing with a low content of alkaline acid: tonics and lotions for washing. In addition to makeup, these funds gently removes dead cells and dust deposited per day on the face, opening the pores and allowing it to breathe and be updated.

In addition to cleansing a few times a week using a mild exfoliation to remove dead skin particles. If your skin is sensitive, use non-abrasive exfoliation, skin will become fresh, more youthful and radiant appearance.

For the primary care of the facial skin, use products containing natural moisturizing, nourishing and improves microcirculation components. Use care detox funds will help eliminate toxins and speed up the metabolism in the skin.

Means for care select suitable to your skin type and age.

Young skin will suit lighter creams and gels with a refreshing and moisturizing effect. For Mature skin fit nourishing cream with a rich texture, and anti-aging effect.

Apply the cream should be a thin layer along the massage lines with light stroking and tapping movements.

2. Give up bad habits

Habits such as Smoking, drinking alcohol and wrong diet does not promote the acquisition of healthy and beautiful complexion.

Smoking contributes to narrowing the tiny blood vessels in the outer layers of the skin and reduces the blood flow. This depletes the skin and it reduces the amount of oxygen and nutrients. Also Smoking damages the elastin fibers and collagen, which give the skin elasticity and strength.

In addition, the repetitive facial expressions you make when Smoking, can lead to the appearance of early wrinkles.

Regular consumption of alcohol leads to early aging, constant puffiness of the face and, subsequently, to change its color for the worse. Toxins that poison the body by drinking alcohol have a dehydrating effect on the body and, accordingly, on the condition of the skin.

The abuse of fatty, fried food or junk food can cause acne, inflammation and other skin problems.

So, if you want a beautiful and healthy complexion, but have any bad habits - it is better to refrain from them.

3. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits for a healthy complexion

An essential component in the way of acquiring and preserving a healthy color and condition of the skin is a proper daily diet. A healthy diet will help you look and feel better. Regular consumption of foods rich in vitamins, antioxidants and fiber, have a beneficial effect on the internal state of the organism and external.

Try to add some products from the list below in your diet, and natural change for the better in appearance will not keep you waiting.


Orange vegetable is a natural antioxidant, it contains large amounts of vitamin a, which is necessary for regeneration and maintain youthful skin cells.


The almonds are rich in vitamin E, which is a natural moisturizing component. It prevents skin dryness and helps to align its tone. Like vitamin a, vitamin E is also an antioxidant.


This delicious and healthy fruit with a high content of vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on the overall condition of the skin.


contain large amounts of Riboflavin, which our body uses to maintain and repair the tissues of the skin.


Having a high level of zinc, oysters, affect the sebaceous glands of the body, reducing the production of sebum, an excessive amount of which is a potential cause of acne.


Avocado contains essential oils, vitamins and nicotinic acid. Nicotinic acid helps with the redness and irritation on the skin. Essential oils to preserve the integrity of the membrane of skin cells, reducing the risk of inflammation and vitamins nourish and maintain the suppleness and elasticity of the skin.


As carrots, mango is rich in vitamin a and can be a sweet alternative for those who consider carrots less appetizing.


Omega-3 fatty acids contained in all kinds of fish and linseed oil, is easy to maintain moisture in the skin. Omega-3 also reduces the risk of inflammatory processes in the skin.


Strawberries, blackberries and blueberries-natural antioxidant, will help to maintain a fresh and healthy complexion.


Good complexion will give you those products that contain natural protein: eggs, boiled beef, fish and seafood.

4. Walk in the fresh air

Sedentary work indoors, saturated with carbon dioxide, fumes from various paints and varnishes, leads to oxygen deficiency in the body. And without the proper functioning and fresh glow on the face of the impossible.

So try as much as possible and often leave the building and walk in the fresh air whenever possible. Sunlight stimulates the production essential for healthy skin vitamin D, and the walks are guaranteed to give you a healthy complexion, good sleep and good mood.

5. Pamper skin with hand-made masks

At least once a week to pamper the skin home masks.

We presented the traditional, time-tested recipes will help restore a healthy complexion and good mood:

- Honey mineral water is a good cleanser for all skin types: mix one tablespoon of honey, 20 ml of carbonated mineral water and 20 ml of skim milk. Wipe this tonic facial skin before going to sleep.

- Scrub wheat bran effectively remove dead skin particles and refresh the complexion. Mix a tablespoon of wheat bran with a teaspoon of honey and two tablespoons of warm water. Grate immediately face with this mixture, and then rinse with warm water. Use 1-2 times a week.

- Well moisturize a facial skin mask olive oil with an egg. To prepare this mask: teaspoon of olive oil and egg yolk, mix well, and immediately apply on the face. In this mask you can also add one teaspoon of honey to nourish and soften dry skin.

- Also an excellent moisturizing effect has a mask of honey and milk: mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of milk, spread the mixture on the face and neck. Leave it for a while, and then rinse with warm water.

- Soften and smooth the skin a mixture of peach, oatmeal and Apple. Mix a tablespoon of oatmeal with mashed peach and worn a quarter of an Apple and apply the face.

- Soothe and give elasticity to the skin carrot and Apple mask. Mix the grated ingredients in the proportions 1:1 - and a wonderful tool ready.

Apply homemade natural face masks should not less than 20 minutes and is strictly on a previously cleansed face.

6. Maintain water balance

Try to drink at least two liters of still mineral water per day. The lack of water in the body affects the General condition of the body and the appearance of the skin to prematurely age and negatively affect its condition and color.

In order for the skin to remain healthy, supple and youthful, it should be well hydrated. Drinking water is a natural way to moisturize the skin from the inside.

Regular use before Breakfast glass of warm water with two spoons of honey will help to remove toxins from the body and improve complexion.

The easiest way to effectively and quickly to moisturize, refresh and nourish the skin with essential minerals and vitamins is to use thermal water. And ice, prepared on the basis of thermal water, will allow you to relieve swelling of the face, remove the bags and "bruises" and make her Shine. In addition, massage with ice cubes has the lifting property.

7. Maintain an active lifestyle

The best remedy that is guaranteed to make you beautiful is physical exercise. In terms of summer it is better to perform outdoors. The more we move, the greater the blood flow to the skin, it is enriched with oxygen and faster metabolism. In addition, regular exercise improves mood.

If you do not have time or opportunity to go to the gym, then normal walking or Biking through the Park for 20-30 minutes a day will be a great alternative.

8. Love yourself

The woman is indifferent to their appearance, to itself is uninteresting and boring person.

A truly beautiful woman - confident, proud of its advantages and even disadvantages into advantages. She likes to care for themselves, to monitor their diet and lifestyle. May your mutual love will start right now - smile!

9. Fall in love

Love and fall in love! Scientists have proved - love makes a woman beautiful.

Love makes your heart beat faster, the body to produce hormones of happiness and joy. Increased allocation serotonin and estrogen not only improve mood, but also the ability of cells to regenerate and the formation of collagen, which is responsible for the good condition of our skin.

10. Stop nervous

Daily stress and anxiety can cause deterioration and, as a consequence, appearance. You may receive acne, redness and dark circles under the eyes. So try to be less nervous. And the use of relaxation techniques, yoga and exercise tai-Chi will help you with this.

11. Cultivate a good mood

Youth and good looks depend not only on age but also on his perception of the world.

Bad mood, gloomy thoughts, feelings of anger and irritation reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands of the skin, causing spasms of blood vessels, thereby worsening her condition. Also operate and feelings of fatigue, nervous tension, mental overload and lack of sleep.

Smile, be optimistic, look at the world in a positive way - and a sense of vitality, good health and beautiful appearance will stay with you till the old age.

12. Have sex

Good mood, velvety skin, shining happy face are the result of having sex with someone you love. In addition, regular night of tenderness improve circulation, stimulate metabolism and hormone production, which is used to treat many skin problems. In other words, to love and make love and be beautiful and happy!

13. Kiss

By the way, not only sex have a healing effect. During a passionate kiss man makes up to 60 inhalations and exhalations per minute when in the normal state (normal-20) and the body gets an extra dose of oxygen, without which a beautiful and smooth complexion impossible.

14. Sleep

Restful sleep for women is one of the most simple natural means to care for themselves and maintain a healthy appearance. The famous Sophia Loren called the sleep of at least 7-8 hours one of our biggest secrets to save youth and beauty.

So try to sleep. Of course, in the modern pace of life is not as easy as it may seem. Try to fall asleep no later than 23 hours and sleep at least 6 hours. Time from 23 to 5 in the morning is the most optimal for recovery and relaxation of the body.

The woman's face is her business card. Follow our advice and radiant appearance will not keep you waiting!



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