Probably every woman at some point in our lives, going to the mirror in the morning, understands that reflection in it requires immediate replacement. Whether the blue under the eyes expressed more than usual, or complexion leaves much to be desired, whether treacherous pimple jumped on the nose in a day of important meetings. Of course, if you have time and ability, you can turn to professionals, and in an hour you will leave the family beauty of a young nymph, not tired and sleepy lady.
Unfortunately, not always we can afford such a quick and professional help. And look good Oh how I want! Therefore, some recommendations for makeup, I think, will be very useful.
The basic skin types
In order to properly care for your skin, you must first find out what type it is.
It should be noted that the basic structure of the skin all people the same. The only difference is the intensity of the sebaceous glands, which can have a different degree of activity in different parts of the body and face.
There are four skin types: normal, dry, oily and mixed.
The difficulty in identifying their own type connected mainly with the fact that due to the use of a variety of cleansing, toning, moisturizing funds for makeup skin undergoes some changes, and the test result may be false. Even if your skin type is defined properly, you should consider the fact that with age, skin type may change.
If the skin looks smooth and elastic, it is quite evenly colored and has no visible flaws (large pores, blackheads, dilated blood vessels), it is an indication that your skin is normal type. Further confirmation of this is a reaction of the skin by washing.
Normal skin well tolerated exposure to water and soap, no flakes and no contracts. The only disadvantage of this type of skin is that it is encountered very rarely.
Much more common is the following type -
dry skin. Despite outwardly pleasant appearance, tenderness, delicacy and smoothness, dry skin is very sensitive to all influences, which leads to faster aging. Dry skin earlier than other types, apparent wrinkles. The cause of dry skin is usually enclosed in a too low activity of the sebaceous glands and increased evaporation from the skin surface.If you do not take care of such skin, then over time it will become drier, will begin to peel off and will finally lose its elasticity.
When considering
oily skin the first thing that catches the eye is its roughness, increased Shine and thickness. Their appearance this skin resembles an orange peel. The main problem oily skin type - the presence on its surface a large number of blackheads and acne. Their formation is due to the fact that the skin secretes on its surface too much fat, which, connecting with separated scales and settled dust on it, stuffed into the openings of the sebaceous glands. The so-formed tube, some of which are inflamed, turning into acne. Oily skin is usually up to 40 years. Due to this, people with this skin type longer look young and have no wrinkles.
Mixed skin type
one of the most common types. Mixed skin type combines two types: dry and oily. Oily skin often on the forehead, nose and chin. Dry on the cheeks, neck and around eyes. The difficulty for the care of skin of the mixed type is that different areas require different care.
Before you begin to identify your skin type, it is necessary first to clean the remnants of cosmetics and makeup.
Requirements for skin care
Normal skin
with subtle pores and pretty good tone, by itself good enough resists skin diseases. But even in this case, she needs protection and care:
- you must avoid contact with hard water. To mitigate it, you can add a little baking soda;
- it is important to protect the skin from the strong sun, because it leads to its peeling;
- it is not too often to use lotions that contain alcohol. He also contributes to the dryness of the skin;
- wash should boiled water at room temperature. Several times a week it is useful to do wash contrast of hot and cold water. This water procedure helps to maintain skin elasticity. It is useful to use when washing teas or herbal infusions. In this case, the wonderful effects on the skin have rosemary, lemon balm and mint;
soap for washing, you should choose only high-quality. After use, you should clean the skin with a swab dipped in tincture of mint leaves;
- any water procedure, you must complete application to the skin bold cream. It should be rubbed on the massage lines;
- to remove makeup from the face should be a special cream. Then it is useful to wipe the face with a cosmetic lotion or cream;
once a week should do the mask wraps on the basis of egg yolk and honey or egg yolk and vegetable oil. Honey should not be used only when dilated blood vessels;
- periodically clean the skin using a scrub or steam baths. At the end of these procedures, it is useful to make a compress from a broth of herbs and facial massage;
twice a week should do emollient mask of sour cream, yogurt, milk, cottage cheese and fruit or berries.
Keeping all these requirements, you can prolong the youthfulness of the skin, maintain its quality, prevent aging and wrinkles.
Dry skin fully justifies its name. She looks very tight, often scaly.
The reason for this lack of a protective layer of sebum, leaving the skin reacts to temperature changes. To dry skin is not cracked in the air, so that it did not appear pimples, it is important to ensure proper daily care:
in the composition used cosmetic products must not contain alcohol. It adversely affects the skin, adding to all of its shortcomings. Good results are obtained by the use of creams containing vitamin E. Apply them properly under the concealer will help to keep makeup;
- it is very important that all cleaning cream were bold;
- dry skin needs a rich daily hydration, especially in the areas around the eyes and on the neck;
make - up should be done only after applying to the skin a moisturizing Foundation and liquid cream powder;
- avoid overheating in the sun, as well as to refuse the use of special tools for quick tan;
- dry skin should not be washed with hot or cold water. Suitable only boiled water at room temperature. Do not become redundant use of decoction of herbs, such as chamomile, yarrow, mint, lemon balm and sage. Not less useful to wipe the skin with a piece of ice from the extract of the fruit of the mountain ash;
- to increase the elasticity of the skin, you should apply the cream hydratant. He at the same time and moisturizes the skin and nourishes it. In the absence of such creams you can use normal bold or bold cream;
- when choosing a concealer, preference should be given to the cream of fatty additives;
- after removing cosmetics skin needs to be wiped cleansing beauty milk. Then immediately apply the cream for dry skin with high content of fats;
once a week you should perform mask from fatty dairy products.
In particular, it is useful to use cottage cheese and organic milk.No less beneficial for dry skin mask of yeast with hydrogen peroxide, milk or egg-lemon.
Wash this mask, the face should be rinsed with mineral water.
Above all, to preserve youth dry skin it is important to follow the diet of nutrition, as it has some impact on the structure of the skin. For proper nourishment the skin needs vitamins A, C, E and D. it is Therefore important to eat as many vegetables and fruits, eat varied and to exclude from the menu heavy products.
the skin characterized luster, pale and large, clearly visible pores. The main trouble of this skin are acne and acne, the same advantages can be attributed to the lack of drying. Get rid of acne and at the same time to reduce the Shine will help proper care:
- for oily skin the most useful procedure is washing with soap and water. This purification method gives a much better result than the use cleansing lotions. Very useful wash contrast. Cleansing oily skin should be completed using a binder, removing with it the excess fat;
once a week it is useful to perform protein, protein-lemon, protein-camphor, vegetable, yeast mask, and the mask of hydrogen peroxide;
every night it is useful to perform a two-minute massage with fingertips, using lotion;
- the skin does not need additional moisture. It is necessary only to those living in dry climates. Also in hydration may need lips, neck, cheeks and forehead, if the skin on these areas is significantly drier than everywhere;
- morning washing should be performed boiled water using a special soap for oily skin. Too hot water can increase the activity of sebaceous glands. RUB the skin by using a Terry cloth. Hard brush is contraindicated because its use leads to the appearance of premature wrinkles;
- the skin is useful to RUB ice cubes made from the infusion of herbs: St. John's wort, calendula, mint, leaf ash. Herbs taken in equal parts. Such infusion perfectly refreshes and tones the skin;
- when choosing a concealer, it is important to consider the type of your skin;
throughout the day, with skin need to repeatedly remove the Shine cloth, as well as to powder her loose powder;
- do not use cream night action, as they lead to wrinkling of the skin. These creams are better to replace almond cosmetic milk or cream;
in order to get rid of acne, you should once a week to arrange a steam bath. The final procedure is mask-wrapping. It helps to remove skin otshelushivshihsya particles. Also clean the skin, you can use exfoliation with scrub.
The increased brightness of the skin is a sure sign that a failure has occurred in the work endocrinol system or intestines. It is important as soon as possible to identify the cause and try to fix it, thereby restoring the normal condition of your skin.
The most difficult to care for
mixed skin type. In this case, the only correct option would be the use of differentiated care skin:
- if not a very significant difference between dry and oily skin you should use cleansing milk;
- when washing, use a douche with warm and then cold water;
- after washing, it is useful to wipe areas of oily and dry skin special lotions, consisting of distilled water, aromatic fragrances and a bit of alcohol;
- tonic, it is important to choose for dry areas of the face more liquid than for oily part of the face;
available areas with dry skin must be constantly wet with a special cream;
any skin needs nutrition. Combination skin moisturize and nourish the bold cream or hydrating;
- before you use Foundation, it is useful to apply to the skin nourishing cream;
after removal of makeup on dry skin should apply a rich cream, and fatty areas of the emulsion for the skin type;
once a week it helps to make masks, body wraps, and skin cleansing scrub;
- very useful for combination skin poultice of herbs.
No matter what type was your skin the care it must be consistent and correct. Only in this case there is a chance to save and prolong the youthfulness of the skin.
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