Monday, August 25, 2014

Self-care during pregnancy

Self-care during pregnancy

In this period increased production of female hormones - estrogen. Under their influence decreases the amount of sebum and the skin becomes much drier.

If earlier you were worried about acne, pregnancy, most likely, will your skin benefit. However, if she was overly dry, while waiting child, you should treat it carefully. You may even have to part with some cosmetic products, which before was perfect, and now can not cope with the changing needs of the skin.

What should appear on your dressing table during pregnancy?

To prevent peeling and ensure a healthy complexion will help you intense moisturizing creams based on natural plant extracts. Must be not less than twice a day.

Several times a week it is desirable to use a moisturising and nourishing masks.

However, buying new cosmetics, remember that during pregnancy, the skin becomes more irritable and more prone to allergies. Therefore, give preference means those companies that you are familiar with. The expectation of the child - not the best time for cosmetic experiments. So any experiences with "homemade cosmetics", which is often the cause of allergies is also advised to leave in the future.


One of the frequent troubles that accompany pregnancy are spots or chloasma that appear on the forehead and cheeks. As well as other skin problems, they are associated with hormonal reasons, namely the activation of a specific hormone (MHS) that affect pigmentation, i.e. the formation of melanin. Usually 3-4 months after childbirth spots disappear, but it is unlikely you will comfort during pregnancy.

So, let's start with the fact that this problem can be avoided if as little as possible to appear in the sun. The most dangerous period is 4 months. Pregnancy is contraindicated not only direct sunlight but even stay on the beach in the shade, requires serious protection of the skin. When choosing a sunscreen is better to choose funds with physical UV filters (titanium oxide, zinc oxide). Because chemical filters (derivatives of cinnamates and para-aminobenzoic acid) are more likely to cause allergic reactions.

For the treatment of pigmentation you can use a special bleaching agents. Light effect will give you the tools based on fruit acids and plant extracts (for example, parsley), more noticeable results can be obtained using concealer spots Correcteur Anti-Taches from Lierac. This is one of the few funds that are permitted for use during pregnancy. The majority of whitening products contain harmful substances such as mercury and bismuth, and therefore it is strictly contraindicated to pregnant women.

Going to the salon

Visit to a beauty salon for women in this period is not contraindicated, but it should not be subject to any unpleasant or painful sensations. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon some procedures, such as peeling, cleansing, hair removal.

While on the other, many fitness and medical centers special programs for pregnant women. They include a special system of preventive exercises, correction of power, elements of skin care and hair care products.


But perhaps the most serious consequence of pregnancy are stretch marks. It is a skin defect that appears in the periods of increased hormonal activity, which violates the synthesis of fibroblast cells that produce collagen and elastin. That, in turn, leads to a weakening of these basic fibers of the skin, and on its surface there are small scars. Especially noticeable they become the background tanned skin, that is why many people mistakenly associate their appearance with a tan. Another popular myth is the belief that the risk of stretch marks increases after 30 years. It is not so, because young body more sensitive to any hormonal changes, and hence to the appearance of stretch marks. So in this sense, late childbirth less risky.

Like any other problem, the formation of stretch marks can be prevented. For prevention, you can use massage, contrast showers, massaging with massage or brush. For a more thorough solution to the problem, starting from 3 months of pregnancy it is necessary to use special means in the form of gels, oils and creams. Their action is based on activity of fibroblast and stimulate the synthesis of elastin and collagen. Among the most popular drugs for the prevention of stretch marks can be called, for example, Action Integrale Vergetures from Vichy, Biovergetures from Biotherm, Elancyl SpecificVergetures from Galenic, Huile


" from Clarins, Pre Vergetures from Phytomer, Phytolastil gel from Lierac.

If the stretch marks are still there, completely get rid of them, unfortunately, very difficult. It is easier to deal with recent striae, for example, tools such as Prolagene from Decleor Post Vergetures from Phytomer and capsules Phytolastil from Lierac.

It is worth to note that the creators of the serious products for stretch marks are often a respectable company, specializing in medical cosmetics. Part of their funds usually are rather expensive components, so the price of one tube or set of vials ranges from 20 to 50 $. So, it is useless to look for miracle creams firms producing mass cosmetics. The maximum that can give similar tools are easy preventive effect.

Cellulite and other troubles

Special attention in this period should be paid to body care. Because during pregnancy a woman much putting on weight, her skin is unable to not respond. To minimize that, you will need cosmetics of two types: first, active moisturizing preparations, and secondly, means for giving the skin elasticity and restore a perfect silhouette.

Regular body lotion is advised during pregnancy to replace oil, which retains moisture better, and thus improves the skin condition. Many women find the best moisturizer that not only provides elasticity to the skin, but also prevents the appearance of stretch marks, popular oil Johnson's baby oil from Johnson and Johnson.

The second problem that occurs during pregnancy, and especially after childbirth, is the laxity of the skin and the appearance of cellulite. To avoid this, experts advise for 3 months to start using special means, for example, Tonilastil Dermarome from Decleor, Gel Special Raffermissant from Darphin, Elancyl Fermete Corps from Galenic. This is a great preventive tool, however, it is hoped that they will work a miracle, and all visible signs of cellulite will instantly disappear. In this case, it is better to use gel and capsules Phytophyline from Lierac. Even though they are not able to cope with running forms of cellulite.

Problems with hair

Hair during pregnancy, are also under the action of estrogen. Usually, hair growth during pregnancy increased slightly, they become larger, however, after birth, they begin to fall. At the end of lactation, these processes are normalized. During pregnancy it is not recommended to dye your hair or do a Perm. First, it increases the risk of allergies, and secondly, it may simply not be possible.


Special attention should be paid to the nails. Almost all women they are in this period become brittle and flake. This is due to a decrease in the amount of calcium in pregnant. For brittle nails are recommended bath sea salt (you can buy in the pharmacy). A tablespoon of salt dissolved in a glass of warm water. The nail is dipped in a bath for 20 minutes. This procedure is carried out every other day for 2-3 weeks.

But in General, I must say that with all of these challenges facing not every woman. And, in any case, pregnancy and the anticipation of their own baby is her only decorates!


Beauty Time

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