What you need to do in order to conceive a child? First, cancel contraceptives, secondly, to adapt to pregnancy and relax, and thirdly, to be patient and wait.
If you have used any contraceptives, but not hormonal method, you can begin to conceive immediately. If you were guarded with pills, in this case, according to the doctors, do not plan the conception of a child within the next menstrual cycle.
It is believed that the hormones that you took, can affect the reproductive system of the unborn child. However, Western experts do not insist on this precaution before conception: a well-known cases where women have accidentally forgotten to take the next pill, the result fell in an "interesting" position, and their pregnancy was no different from the others, and the development of the baby was as expected.
How to conceive a
From the first day of menstruation until the fourteenth day of the cycle ( if it lasts 28 days ) due to the hormone FSH ( follicle-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland ) within each ovary develops about ten follicles, the walls of which produce the female hormones astrogeny. When one follicle reaches maturity, the pituitary gland receives the signal and sends a "down" another "messenger" - the hormone LH ( luteinising hormone of the pituitary gland ), which triggers ovulation. After 12-36 hours only reached maturity, the follicle ruptures and releases an egg, which falls into the fallopian tube and waits there for the appearance of sperm. And if they are there or appear, it is the conception of a child.
By the way, unlike tailed centenarians ( sperm cells do not lose their power for 48 hours or more ) "patience" egg only have 24 hours, during which time going to be the most important thing. Due to this, the exact schedule you can say that a woman is ready to conceive only three days per month. What days will fall privilege depends on the duration of the menstrual cycle. If ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. And it lasts 28-30 days, expect ovulation fourteen days after the start of menstruation, if "monthly" visit you every 25 days - the release of an egg will have on the eleventh day.
Before conception of the child
To conceive, it is important to be healthy ( this applies to both men and women ). For expectant mothers is of particular importance, the condition of the fallopian tubes ( they should be flexible, with no restrictions and all sorts of obstacles ) and the uterus is healthy and ready to receive the fertilized egg. Plus, the woman should be enough cervical mucus is of good quality, which will help the sperm as soon as possible to reach their goals.
If you are thinking about the child, not necessarily to undergo a complete medical examination. With the exception of those women who had experienced ever with gynaecological problems, such as infections. In this case, before embarking on the pregnancy, they need to be examined and to receive confirmation that all problems are behind us. Other expectant mothers prior to conception is quite simple consultation, during which the obstetrician-gynecologist can give you some recommendations.
- Lose weight ( of course, we are not talking about two or three pounds, accidentally introduced during the holidays ). Overweight, as well as strong thinness, often disrupts hormone production and, as a consequence, the mechanisms of ovulation.
- Requested to refrain from Smoking. As you know, tobacco and pregnancy is not the most ideal combination. The more that excessive addiction to nicotine increases the risk of premature birth.
Not to forget the right to rest and have a good rest before conception: it is known that fatigue and stress can interfere with the conception of a child.
As for the rest, you need to live a normal life, not adhering to any special mode. For example, there is no need to have sex as often as possible. On the contrary, frequent relationships do not increase, and reduce the chances of becoming happy parents: the concentration of spermatozoa in the ejaculate is reduced from time to time. Perfect - regular sexual intimacy for three days before and three days after ovulation.
Before conception defined ovulation day
Remember that even if you follow all the recommendations, to maintain physical health and mental attitude at the highest level, in the first month of pregnancy is 25%. It reads normal, it is important not to forget about it and not to worry. But if you are unable to conceive a child for a year and a half, please contact your doctor. First, the specialist will advise you on the schedule of basal temperature is a very simple but effective way to learn how and when ovulation occurs. Every day before you get out of bed, take your temperature in the rectum and make a graph of these figures.
Before ovulation, the temperature will be kept below 37 degrees C, but on the day of the release of an egg she rises sharply due to the hormone progesterone, which is produced in the second phase of the cycle. If the temperature difference will be 0, 5 degrees C, it means that ovulation has occurred.
The schedule of basal temperature speaks volumes. If you combine the results and the history of the health of the future mother, the doctor will be easier to help a woman to give her treatment or to offer examinations. One of them is called hysterosalpingography - this study allows to evaluate the condition of the fallopian tubes and uterus. And in order to determine the motility and quality of sperm, experts will advise future Pope to make sperm.
Male sperm remain super active up to 40-45 years, although their quality and quantity are losing some changes. But later, the representatives of the stronger sex to conceive a child: who has not heard about the men who became fathers in 60 years.
According to doctors, to decide on the birth of the first child before 30 years, since starting with 35 women may have difficulty not only with conception (at this age, more frequent cycles without ovulation), but with the pregnancy.
The pursuit of oocytes
How to give birth to the healthy child?
Signs of ovulation
Tests during pregnancy
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