Saturday, August 2, 2014

Honey massage

Honey massageHoney massage is a variant of reflexology - a wonderful combination of therapeutic action of honey and massage.

Dramatic improvement of blood circulation in the deeper layers of the skin and underlying muscles, improves nutrition of internal organs and tissues. Honey, giving a biologically active substance that adsorbs toxins and promotes rapid removal from the body. This massage is performed to increase lymph flow and cleansing of the skin.

Honey massage is a wonderful combination of therapeutic action of honey and massage. Is a great way to stay in shape in every case of overload and stress, excellent fatigue and fills you with ease and freshness. The skin after application of honey massage is silky, supple and smooth subcutaneous indurations, improves the General condition of the body.

The unique properties of honey in combination with massage help to cleanse the skin, removing cellulite, get rid of toxins.

Already after the first procedure significantly increases skin firmness and elasticity of your skin, subcutaneous fat capsules are broken.

Honey massage is equally good both for weight reduction and to achieve a cosmetic effect in fighting shape imperfections. It is proved that honey massage promotes rapid recovery of muscle tone, improves circulation and accelerates the metabolism in the whole organism. By itself, massage improves the supply muscles and skin of oxygen and nutrients, and honey relieves them of toxins, restore the health of the subcutaneous fat, permanently removes puffiness. Due to this, the skin becomes smooth and supple, removes sagging, stretch marks and cellulite bumps.

Option 1

Prerequisites for massage

Honey - a natural flower, lime, or any other, without additives and are not necessarily sugared.

In addition to the honey, you can enter aromatic oils: lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit oil of juniper, eucalyptus, lavender, Petit grain.

Calculation - 1 teaspoon honey 5 drops of oil or mixture of oils. If You do massage the thighs and buttocks, enough 2 teaspoons of honey and 5 drops of oil.

Examples of mixtures for honey massage:

- 2 teaspoons of honey, 5 drops of lemon oil, 2 drops eucalyptus, 2 drops lavender oil;

- 2 teaspoons of honey, 3 drops of lemon oil, 2 drops orange 2 drops of lavender oil, 3 drops of juniper;

- 2 teaspoons of honey, 5 drops lemon oil 5 drops orange;

- 2 teaspoons of honey, 3 drops of lemon oil, 2 drops of lavender oil, 5 drops peppermint.

Honey oil is mixed directly before the massage. If you use several oils, first mix the oil, then add honey and mix thoroughly.


Honey is applied on the hands and patting movements is transferred to the massaged area. Leaves a portion of the mixture, the other remains on the hands. If there are several zones - each zone is massaged on the queue.

After the honey is completely transferred to the body, palms firmly “glued“ to the body and abruptly torn. Gradually, patting movements should become sharper and stronger. Press hands tighter. Respectively, and separate them more sharply. Thus, honey "driven" into the skin and remains on the surface only a thin layer. The palm stick if you put cupping. The stronger the pressure of the hands and the heels of their separation, the greater the effect.

Palm is superimposed on the body and then abruptly breaks away from the skin, as if pulling the dirt. After some time the skin will appear a kind of thick, viscous grey (white) mass is slag. In the beginning she leaves then hands and remains on the skin. And then most of the weight goes on the palm.

You need to regularly wipe his hands with a towel to remove adhering to the fingers "dirt".

The procedure is carried out from 5 to 15 minutes. The vessels thus dilate, the skin is red, warm up.

Then the honey is washed off with warm water and a soft washcloth. After the massage the skin necessary to lubricate the moisturizer or natural oil - you can use wheat germ oil, grape seed or almond.

It is important not to overdo it, otherwise you can cause bruising on the skin.

Honey massage is the procedure painful, so very tender, sensitive skin can be massaged not palm and fingers and even the fingertips. The effect will be weaker. But not so painful. After the massage left bruises that disappear over time. Shouldn't be afraid. Very painful procedure, only the first sessions on the skin adapts and massage is a lot easier.

Course honey massage is designed for 15 sessions held through the day. It is very important that the massage is performed every day, namely through the day.

Option 2

Prerequisites for massage

Need honey is a real, candied better, but not liquid. In liquid water content more candied, he already stood - he has a copper concentration is higher, and steamed out of the body, he'll run well, but still gentle exfoliation will produce.

Need a Cup or tea mug with a wide circle. The Cup (tea Cup) should be on hand, easy to hold, because everything will be in the honey will slide, and that would be when you push the air out.


It is recommended good to rasputitsa in the bath (in the bath). Take in the palm of honey and staratelnyj movements to apply it on the problem areas of the body. The body must slide. Take a bowl (it should comfortably in your hand, you should not be too large or small) and in a circular motion to her body widest part of the bowl, making a vacuum massage. When pressed, the air from the cups popped, and body back and lightly sucked. Periodically "take the bowl from the body, and again a circular motion. Piala well should slide on the body, so of honey to regret not necessary. Thus, creating a vacuum in the bowl, you already carry other problem is with the vacuum inside the Cup slides in a circular motion, and the air in it is almost there.

You need to start with the most soft place, i.e., priests. Palka will stick and you will understand how it happens. If not sucks itself, you want the first time to help, then it will come out automatically. The skin on the butt soft bones too hidden, pressing tightly pielke, propinate a little more skin inside, as though pushing the air out and pushing the skin. And then it will easily stick.

No need to beat yourself up (from slight shock bruises), you just need to press that sucked slightly skin inside. Bruises not to do. Process a pleasant feel. Within half an hour or less should be slight redness, nothing more.

The procedure to be done at least 2 times a week. Time 10-15 minutes longer to focus on the sensations, while nice, can do).

Every day to do through the day most often. All you need to comply with the measure. In excess of even the most useful procedure is dangerous.

Need not rush. It is a matter of perseverance and focus. In cosmetics effect immediately and straight or very harmful, or he will quickly disappear as they appeared (and often both). Therefore, you need patience, the more the process is a pleasant one.

Option 3

Honey massage is performed in three steps:

The first step is exfoliation, which promotes exfoliation of the Horny layer of the skin. The pores of the skin open and ready for the absorption of nutrients of honey.

The second stage is a direct effect of honey. Lightly honey is applied to problem areas, and then they massaged up until the fingers begin to stick to the body. When this happens cleanse the skin, removing toxins from the deeper layers of subcutaneous tissue, mechanical destruction of cellulite capsules and skin smoothing. Massage is done carefully and slowly, using relaxation techniques. Is relaxation and healing substances freely penetrate into the tissue, and the effectiveness of the procedure increases.

- The third stage - vacuum-therapy. This is a local effect of the vacuum on the skin and the subcutaneous fat. Massage technique using negative pressure is very ancient. She appeared in ancient China. Then the massage was carried out using a special thick-walled cans. Between the jar and the skin is empty space, is sucking the skin into the cavity banks, which creates thermal, mechanical and lymphatic drainage effects.

Thanks for such a sequence is achieved by the destruction of cells of cellulite and fatty deposits, stimulate lymph flow and increased excretion of toxins and excess fluid from the body. And nutrients of honey fully absorbed by the skin and permanently fill her health and beauty.

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