Sunday, August 31, 2014

Under pressure

Under pressureThe abdominal muscles good reason considered to be the most capricious and ungrateful. They are worse than others lend themselves to "training", but quickly forget about those Herculean efforts that have been spent on their "education". So, if you want to find (and keep as long as possible! beautiful flat stomach, some exercise is necessary. Offer to "surprise" his unconventional approach. And will help us in this eight-time world champion, six-time European champion, Olympic champion of Atlanta-96 and honored master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics Catherine Serebransky.

Correct "pressure"

Yes! Training on an empty stomach. Download the press in the morning before eating or after 2-2, 5 hours after a meal. Not getting power outside support, the body is forced to burn subcutaneous fat stock bressingham parts of the body.

No! Sports in the critical days. To resume them only two days after completion.

Yes! Correct load distribution. To be confident that you are working the right muscles in the "top" of each exercise pause for 2-3 seconds. Then slowly without jerking back to its original position.

No! Multiple repetitions. It is ineffective. Charter, the abdominal muscles simply "turns off", reassign the workload of the muscles of the back and hips. In the best case, take the time wasted in the worst - get health problems, for example, a hernia or prolapse of internal organs. To develop strength and to raise the tone of the abdominal muscles, try to "bother" them to a maximum of 15 repetitions.

NB! It is a mistake to assume that daily exercises to create a seductive relief on his stomach enough. Charging must go hand-in-hand with proper nutrition. If you are overweight, no dice on the press to see not succeed, they will hide the layer of fat on the belly. Before you begin serious training, get your excess weight with the help of a special diet. In the future, working pressure, try to follow this line.

Diet to press

Aim: "melt" the fat layer on the stomach and maintain the press in the form.

Time: for three weeks.

Essence: calorie counting, temporary exclusion from the diet of certain products.

In the first week eliminate from the diet of meats, cured meat, sausages, all kinds of desserts, alcohol and reduce the total number of consumed calories to 2000 a day.

Eventually normalize intestinal function and lose from 2 to 5 kg, getting rid of toxins accumulated in the body fluid.

The second week eat boiled vegetables, fruits, nuts, dairy products and reduce calorie intake to 1200 calories a day.

In the end - to cover the energy expenditure, the body begins to burn its own fat, and the abdominal muscles will finally appear.

The third week will be dedicated water-salt exchange - drink fresh juices and mineral water without gas (not more than five cups per day), additionally eat complexes of minerals and vitamins in the diet nutrients excreted in the first place. Caloric increase to 1500 kcal.

Eventually the body becomes accustomed to spend the incoming energy, and not to postpone it in the form of fat stock.

Four exercises for the abs

Exercise # 1 - Be

I. p. Lie on your back, feet connect together, knees spread them apart at chest level keep poltoralitrovuju a bottle of water. Effort abdominal muscles (not a jerk! ) lift shoulders off the floor and slowly on three accounts, lift the chassis. Lock position. Then, on three accounts, climb even higher. And, counting to six, return to its original position. Repeat 12 times.

The result: stronger obliques and the upper press.

Exercise # 2 - Swimmer

I. p. Lie down on his stomach, the emphasis on the hands and feet, back straight. Raise your right arm and left leg so that they are back form a straight line. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. Do the same for the left hand and right leg. Repeat 12 times.

The result: strengthened all the muscles of the abdomen.

Exercise # 3 - Buddha

I. p. on the heels Squat, keep your back straight. Breathe out, tighten your abdomen and remain in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 12 times.

The result: stronger anterior abdominal wall.

Exercise # 4 - Mill

I. p. Legs shoulder-width apart. Left hand insert for the back of the head, and the right pull-down and pull slightly. On count one" lean to the right, two take its original position. On "three" bend before a right hand in the elbow and try to reach for her left knee.

Result: lateral and oblique abdominal muscles.

Secrets of a slender figure from Ekaterina Serebrianskaya

1. Think positively. Maybe for someone this advice will seem impractical: But the construction of a beautiful figure (or say, a flat stomach) must begin not with charging. Importantly, confidence in their own irresistibility, and ability to convey it to others.

2. Do not be lazy. To look good, one-time actions and temporary efforts are insufficient. You need to change the lifestyle. For example, the swing of the press in the morning or Jogging around the house should be the same habit as brushing your teeth.

3. Pace yourself diets. The result of such exercises, as a rule, become fragile psyche, a quick return to the previous weight, cellulite and depression. Determine for yourself the forbidden products (from which you can quickly gain weight and try to eat them in small doses. This create all conditions to ensure that the body could these unnecessary for him to burn calories: be sure to drink freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, go for a walk before going to sleep or do the cleaning in the apartment.

4. Choose exercise in the mood. If today the soul requires movement and completely rejects the statics, listen. Forcing himself to chant something you don't like, any positive effect you will not succeed. Tested!


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