Wednesday, August 27, 2014

I cry over nothing

I cry over nothingWe can shed a tear, just looking out the window to burst into tears from the overheard words... Tears appear so suddenly, that they cannot keep. What is the reason for this hypersensitivity?

It seems to us that tears can occur because of what you want and for no reason at all. But in fact such "unexpected" tears are not causeless. For example, guide you, criticized you in tears. But if you think about what else is happening at this point in your life, surely find that not awkward relationship with loved ones or you are experiencing a quarrel with a friend. Something very upset you, and the replica of the head becomes the "last straw".

We are often too long we suffer, hardest not to show weakness. From this accumulated tension, and relieve sudden tears. They seem to release us. Accepting our weakness and our sadness, we will be able again to gather strength and to continue to live.

The memory of the losses. If it is a pleasant memory, we feel the warmth, the joy, if painful, can cry, not understanding what was happening to us. When we cry, not holding back the tears, we have the chance to realize what really are our feelings. However, this is not always possible without the help of a psychotherapist. Some regard the unconscious hides from us too deeply.

The need for compassion. Tears is also a plea for help. When the need for support, sympathy becomes especially acute, we may suddenly cry in order to attract attention to himself. And at the same time we feel uncomfortable due to the fact that we "cried like a little baby".

This unconscious mechanism actually occurs in childhood. The loud cry is the only baby the opportunity to attract the attention of the mother. As adults, we may spontaneously return to this way, if we find it hard to Express their needs words.

What to do if you want to cry?

Allow yourself to cry. Select a quiet place where no one will disturb you to be alone with him. To recognize his weakness and imperfection, to afford to show their feelings, including sadness and grief, this is what it means to live and be yourself.

To increase self-esteem. The first step is to stop to criticize himself, including "excess" sensitivity. This is especially important if any remark causes tears to your eyes.

To ask for help. Consider: can I do or try to cope with any adversity? We all sometimes need support, help or just sympathy. Let your family and friends to show their good feelings to you.



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